Enable using your own SMTP server so that you can leverage the existing filtering, retention, or compliance aspects of your own SMTP server while also using the ServiceNow POP3 server.

Before you begin

About this task

You can combine your own internal email architecture with the ServiceNow email architecture to handle email. The following diagram demonstrates how you would use your own SMTP server alongside the ServiceNow POP3 server.
Note: Supports only one active SMTP account at a time (for outbound emails).
Figure 1. Sending email using your own SMTP server
Sending email using your own SMTP server


  1. Navigate to All > System Mailboxes > Administration > Email Accounts.
    The system displays the list of available email accounts.
  2. Locate the record for ServiceNow SMTP and change Active to false.
    ServiceNow SMTP active = false
  3. Click New.
  4. Create an email account record for your SMTP server where the Type is SMTP.
  5. On the form, fill in the fields.
  6. From Related Links, click Test Connection.
    If the email account is valid, the system returns a success message.
    Test SMTP connection

What to do next

Configure the SMTP server in your internal email architecture to forward email from the custom email address to the instance email address. Implement a spam filter on the custom email address.