Create known error articles as reference material. The known error articles document the root cause and the workaround of the problem to help with deflecting incidents.

Before you begin

Role required: admin, problem_admin, problem_coordinator, or problem_manager

Activate the Problem Management Best Practice — Madrid ( and the Problem Management Best Practice — Madrid — Knowledge Integration ( plugin.

About this task

After you create a known error article from a problem, the article is saved in the knowledge base and maintained in the Knowledge Management application. The publishing and retirement processes for a knowledge article are controlled by workflows defined for the knowledge base that the article belongs to. For more information, see Knowledge workflows.


  1. Navigate to All > Problem > Open.
  2. Open the Problem record.
  3. Under Related Links, click Create Known Error Article.
    Note: The link appears when the Primary Known Error article field is empty under the Analysis Information tab on the Problem form.
  4. Click Submit.
    Note: To read the content of the article, click View Article under Related Links.
  5. On the form, fill in the fields.
    Note: Click Search for Duplicates to search for existing known error articles. The search is based on short description, category, and topic.

    For a description of the field values, see Known error article form.

What to do next

Click Publish to send the article for review and approval. Depending on the Knowledge base where the article is stored and the Knowledge Base access controls, this Known Error article may be available to search for users outside of the IT team to help with Incident deflection.