Data Certification manages scheduled and on-demand validations of data in CMDB and non-CMDB tables.

Information is added to the CMDB by Discovery, by importing from third-party tools, or manually. For regulatory or procedural reasons, information in the CMDB requires checks for accuracy and certification. The person or team responsible for certification can define what information requires verification and a verification schedule. The schedule then generates a checklist for verifying the data. Individuals assigned to certification tasks answer a series of questions to verify the data.

Data certification can be performed against specific fields on specific tables. Based on the certification schedule, certification tasks are automatically created and assigned. For example, you can set up a certification to validate key information fields, such as Operating System and CPU count, on all Windows servers located in Chicago. You can then assign the tasks to the appropriate team member automatically.

Domain separated systems can use the Data Certification application.

Data Certification experience in CMDB Workspace

You can use the CMDB Workspace landing page and its views to fully administer and use Data Certification, view various analytics, and handle Data Certification tasks such as:The Data Certification experience in CMDB Workspace doesn’t provide functionality such as reset, merging of multiple Data Certification tasks, and escalation.

For more information about using Data Certification in CMDB Workspace, see Data Certification experience in CMDB Workspace.

Data Certification on Core UI (UI 16)

Data Certification experience in CMDB Workspace provides the latest Data Certification functionality. However, the legacy build of Data Certification on Core UI (UI 16) is available by navigating to All > Data Certification. For information about using the CMDB Data Manager legacy build on Core UI, see Data Certification on Core UI.


Data Certification in CMDB Workspace and the legacy build of Data Certification on Core UI operate separately, and aren't synchronized. Therefore, any Data Certification elements, such as definitions and schedules, that you create in one of those implementations, doesn't appear and isn't included in the other implementation.

To convert data created in the legacy build of Data Certification on Core UI, into draft Certification policies in CMDB Workspace, see Convert legacy certification schedules into Data Manager Certification policies.