Security Incident Response teams can now drive the finalized verdict for a user reported phishing record based on results from predictive intelligence and threat enrichment integrations.

This final verdict generation is enabled through a decision table construct and leveraged within a flow.


Ensure that all the plugins listed in Required components and plugins have been installed.

Navigate to Predictive Intelligence for Phishing > Final Verdict > Final Verdict for Phishing Security Incident.

The Decision Inputs tab shows the different conditions that were evaluated to arrive at the final verdict.

User Reported Phishing: ML Config: Decision Inputs
The following conditions are available with the base system:
  • Predicted as suspicious: When predictive intelligence has classified the user reported phishing email as suspicious.
  • At least one observable is malicious: When an observable involved in the security incident (For example, URL, Domain, IP, Hash) has been classified as malicious by threat intelligence sources.
  • Observable enrichment are suspect: When enrichment on observables (For example, recency of phishing domain registration, country of phishing domain registration) are deemed to be suspect.
  • Sender domain is spoofed: When the phisher’s email domain is suspected of spoofing a trusted domain.
  • Sender name is spoofed: When the phisher’s email address is suspect of spoofing an trusted employee of an organization.

The Decisions tab shows the final verdict options that can be arrived at for a given security incident.

User Reported Phishing: ML Config: Decisions
The following decisions are available with the base system:
  • Confirmed Phish: When the conditions have led to the final verdict as being a confirmed phishing email.
  • Likely Phish: When the conditions have led to the final verdict as a potential phishing attempt.
  • Likely Benign: When the conditions have led to the final verdict as a benign submission.

You can see the conditions that were evaluated for each of the final verdict options. Click on the Label link to see the conditions.

User Reported Phishing: ML Config: Decision

You can customize the decision table provided with the base system or create your own decision table. This decision table can be leveraged in security incident response playbooks. The Generate Final Verdict for Phishing Security Incidents subflow is available with the base system. This subflow automatically generates the final verdict for a phishing security incident and applies a security tag based on that decision. You can include this subflow as part of the Automated Phishing playbook.

The inputs for this subflow are:
  • incident_id: The sys ID of the phishing security incident.
  • c_level_names: Comma separated list of names (For example, names of executives in the organization) likely being spoofed in the phishing attack.
  • trusted_domains: Comma separated list of trusted email domains.
  • enrichment_keywords: Comma separated list of keywords that indicate the maliciousness of the observable from enrichment results.
  • sender_email (optional): The email address of the sender of the phishing email.

The output of this flow can be Confirmed Phish, Likely Phish, or Likely Benign.

User Reported Phishing: ML Config: Phishing subflow