You can configure an OAuth OIDC provider to accept identity tokens generated by a third-party OIDC provider using inbound API calls using Single Sign-On option (Multi-Provider SSO).

Before you begin

Role required: admin

About this task

The Now Platform supports OIDC through our external Single Sign-On (SSO) implementation in addition to inbound API calls. For an example of an OIDC provider configuration, see setting up Azure AD. For an SSO-specific example of an OIDC provider configuration, see Create an OpenID Connect (OIDC) configuration for Single Sign-On (SSO).


  1. Navigate to All > System OAuth > Application Registry.
    • Select New, select Configure an OIDC provider to verify ID tokens, and then fill in the form.
    • Select an existing template for an OIDC provider (ADFS, Auth0, Azure AD, Google, Okta), and then fill in the form.
      Note: OIDC provider templates are available after loading demo data with the OAuth 2.0 plugin.
  2. Select Submit.
    The record is saved in the Application Registries [oauth_entity] table.
    When your instance issues tokens and authorization codes it creates a record in the Application Registries [oauth_entity] table with type External OIDC Provider. See for more information.
  3. (Optional) Go to the related list on the record OAuth Entity Profiles to validate a system-generated default profile for the new OAuth provider without any scope.
    You can change or add an OAuth provider profile including the name, grant type, and OAuth Scope.
  4. (Optional) Go to the related list on the record OAuth Entity Scopes to define all available OAuth scopes for this OAuth provider.
    The scopes defined can be selected when you create or update a profile. Each OAuth scope defined contains a name and a scope that you must get from the provider specification, such as a read-scope or a write-scope. Each scope must be defined separately.
  5. (Optional) Go to the related list on the record User Provisioning to enable automatic user provisioning.
    Automatically provision users Option to enable force authentication for users.
    Provision data source The data source to use to transform an OIDC token to a ServiceNow user. Use the Lookup list to select the pre-defined data source template, then open the record to configure the Transformed table mapping. When configuring the Transform mapping, the source fields are from the JWT token, the target fields are from the sys_user table.
    User roles applied to provisioned users The user roles applied to the newly provisioned ServiceNow users.

Example: The following is an example of a cURL request to invoke a REST API call

Invoke a REST API call.

Perform the following steps:

  • Register the app in the OpenID Connect Provider.
  • Configure the OAuth OIDC Entity.
  • Configure the OIDC Provider:
  • Get a JWT token.
  • Invoke a REST API call.
    • The ID token in the Authorization header to access Table API or Scripted Web Service.
      curl -X GET --header "Accept:application/json" https://<instance_name> -k 
      --header "Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJjNTZtZTlXU0xPVnY3UFMwcTg4Qzl1b0lzNjFQYTdmUG4yZFVFOW9RNUg4IiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.eyJzdWIiOiIwMHVnZDg1OD
    • If the user is authenticated a valid application/json response will be returned. Otherwise, a user not authenticated error message is returned.
      User Not Authenticated
      {"error":{"message":"User Not Authenticated","detail":"Required to provide Auth information"},"status":"failure"}