Available system properties
- UpdatedAug 1, 2024
- 97 minutes to read
- Xanadu
- Now Platform Administration
Some properties are available on a system properties form, but some lesser-used properties are available only from the System Property [sys_properties] table. Sometimes, the property does not exist in a base instance, but can be added if you change the value.
- cdu.record.watcher.timeout
- Maximum waiting period for the Cloud Discovery schedule configuration wizard to stop
watching the record watchers while validating account, member account Discovery, and
logical database Discovery.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 120,000 milliseconds
- Location: System properties
- com.cmdb.baseline.max_changes
- Maximum number of changes and relationships for a CI that can appear in the baseline
diff for the CI.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 100
- Location:
- com.glide.attachment.max_size
- Sets the maximum file attachment size in megabytes. An empty value in this field
allows attachments up to a maximum of 1 KB.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 1024
- Location:
- com.glide.cs.collab.event_queue.enabled
- Switch to enable the event queue for badge count calculation and publish.Note: If you set com.glide.cs.collab.event_queue.enabled to true, you must manually enable the Sidebar notification events process schedule record ("sys_trigger") by changing its trigger_type value.
- com.glide.cs.collab.event_queue.threshold
- Calculates the unread count for each member of a chat. If the chat has too many members, this responder thread will be slow so offload this to the event queue. Default value: 50.
- com.glide.cs.collab.notify_all_members
- If Sidebar is unable to deliver messages to a Microsoft Teams user, this property determines who a "message not sent" notification is sent to. If this property is true, then a notification is sent to all Sidebar users in the discussion. If false, then the notification is sent only to the sender of the message.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- com.glide.cs.collab.teams_outage_timer
- Length of time the "message not sent" notification (see com.glide.cs.collab.notify_all_members) displays.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 5
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- com.glide.cs.conversation_history_cross_channel.enabled
- Enables (true) or disables (false) the
display of cross-channel conversation history in the chat panel when an agent is having
a conversation with a requester.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- com.glide.cs.field.boolean.show.choice_picker
- Enables (false) or disables (true) a Boolean option to requesters whenever a dynamic choice node only has a single value associated. When set to true,
the dynamic choice node displays to requesters with only the single value selection option and no Boolean option.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- com.glide.cs.gen_ai.enable_mid_topic_ai_search
- Enables or disables AI Search result in Mid Topic Discovery using this flag.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- com.glide.cs.genai.input_collector_mismatch_reprompts
- Sets the number of times the user is asked to answer the original question before triggering topic discovery.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 2
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- com.glide.cs.instance_uri_override
- Enables Virtual Agent to use this URL value to override the instance URL for link generation. The value entered must be a direct, full URL such as http://www.example.com to work correctly.
- Type: string
- Default value: none
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- com.glide.cs.notification.create_llm_actions_after_topic_migration
- Enables (true) or disables (false) whether actions for Virtual Agent notifications and Proactive Triggers are created after LLM topics are published during the NLU to LLM topic migration workflow.
- Type: true | false
- Default: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- com.glide.cs.proactive_trigger.create_llm_actions_after_topic_migration
- Enables (true) or disables (false) whether actions for Proactive Triggers are created after LLM topics are published during the NLU to LLM topic migration workflow.
- Type: true | false
- Default: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- com.glide.cs.unified.prompt_enabled_mid_skill_switch
- Enable (true) or disable (false) the mid-topic switch confirmation message.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- com.glide.csv.loader.ignore_non_parseable_lines
- Enables (true) or disables (false) ignoring one or more lines (rows) in an import set that contains bad data, such as a row that is missing a column of data.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- com.glide.csv.loader.max_errors_allowed
- Sets the maximum number of lines (rows) that an import can ignore before failing. If
the import succeeds, the import lists the number of rows ignored due to errors.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 100
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- com.glide.email.max_read
- Specifies the maximum number of emails a POP3 reader should process concurrently.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 20
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- com.glide.event_handler.CollabNotificationEventHandler
- Specifies the event handler for the sidebar_notification queue.
- com.glide.event_manager.sidebar_notification.claim_limit
- Specifies the number of sidebar_notification events the job on each node polls each time.
- com.glide.interaction.autocreate_relationships
- Specifies whether auto-logging of records in the interaction_related_record table is
turned on or off during active interactions.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- com.glide.loader.verify_target_field_size
- Enables dynamic resizing of import set fields. With the default setting of
false, up to 20 records of the source data are sampled to
determine the import set field length. If the field is empty in all the sampled records,
the default length of 40 is used. Any data loaded that exceeds the import set table
field length is truncated. Set this property to true to allow any
import set field to increase the column size by 100 to match the length of the data. For
example, if the incoming source data has a length of 60, the system sets the length of
the column to 160.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- com.glide.scripting.module.use_module_sandbox
- Separates the JavaScript module runtime environment from scripts. Setting this property to false may improve performance.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- com.glide.soap.include_non_db_fields
- Controls whether non-database fields, such as the sys_tags field, are included in
WSDLs and SOAP responses (true) or not
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- com.glide.ssl.read.timeout
- Sets the time-out value in seconds for SSL connections during read operations.
Typically, this setting is used as part of LDAPS. If you enter timeout values for both
this system property and the LDAP Read timeout field, the lowest
timeout value takes precedence.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 10
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- com.glide.ui.virtual_host
- Specifies Guided Tour Designer callout icons. When set, callout icons appear in the
designer instead of letters.
- Type: String
- Value: pa,html,script,include scripts,glide,custprefix,_sn
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- com.glideapp.canvas
- Enables (true) or disables (false)
responsive canvas for dashboards. When enabled, all new dashboards use responsive
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- com.snc.apps.publish.include_inactive_choices
- Specifies whether choice table selections marked as inactive (
sys_choice inactive attribute = true
) should be included when publishing an application (true) or not (false).- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- com.snc.apps.publish.maxrows
- Defines the maximum number of data records to include when publishing an
- Type: integer
- Default value: 1,000
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- com.snc.assessment.decision_matrix_filter_max_entries
- Defines the maximum number of items to show for a decision matrix field filter.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 1,000
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- com.snc.assessment.signature_authentication
- Requires authentication for a user signature.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- com.snc.dd.publish_to_app_repo_enabled
- Enables (true) or disables (false)
display of the Publish To App Repo permission in Manage
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- com.snc.dd.publish_to_app_store_enabled
- Enables (true) or disables (false)
display of the Publish To App Store permission in Manage
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- com.snc.dd.publish_to_update_set_enabled
- Enables (true) or disables (false)
display of the Publish To Update Set permission in Manage
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- com.snc.dd.upgrade_app_enabled
- Enables (true) or disables (false)
display of the Update App permission in Manage Developers.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- com.snc.hr.core.impersonateCheck
- Allows a user to have identical permissions/access as the person they are
impersonating. If true, access and restrictions apply when
impersonating another user. If false, the user has identical
permissions/access as the person they are impersonating.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- com.snc.iam.log_level
- Logging level for the business rule MapUpstreamImpactedCI. Debug is the most detailed
option with full trace of how the Impacted CI List is calculated. Error is the minimal
logging option with only severe errors being logged.
- Type: string
- Default value: info
- Possible values: debug, info, error
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- com.snc.on_call_rotation.reminders.showtz
- Specifies whether to show the user time zone (true) or not
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- com.snc.pa.activate_kpi_signals
- Create this property and set to 'false' to deactivate the KPI Signals feature.
- Type: Boolean true | false
- Default value: Does not exist but is treated as 'true'
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- com.snc.pa.correlation.enable_insights
- Enables the generation of key contributor insight cards.
- Type: true/false (Boolean)
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- com.snc.pa.dc.batch_score_insert
- When true, Performance Analytics
data collection jobs insert indicator scores to the database in batches. When false, indicator scores are inserted one by one. Even when true, batch score insertion is performed only
as a fallback when nested data collection (com.snc.pa.dc.nested_collection) has been disabled.
- Type: Boolean true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Properties [sys_properties] table
- com.snc.pa.dc.flush_snapshot_count
- Maximum number of Performance Analytics
snapshots to store in the memory during data collection. When this number is reached, the snapshots are offloaded to the database, freeing memory.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 1000
- Location: System Properties [sys_properties] table
- com.snc.pa.dc.nested_collection
- Activates a hierarchical approach to score collection, where Indicator > level 1
breakdown > level 2 breakdown. This approach is more resource efficient than a flat
hierarchical approach, which creates redundant objects.
- Type: Boolean true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- com.snc.pa.dc.max_breakdown_elements_limit
- Maximum number of breakdown elements retrieved by data collection for each breakdown source. This property is handled differently depending on whether nested collection is enabled. If nested collection is enabled, only those elements that have non-null scores
count against this limit. If nested collection is disabled, such as under optimized data collection, all elements on the breakdown source count against the limit. When a breakdown source exceeds this limit, breakdown
scores are not collected from that source.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 10000
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- com.snc.pa.dc.max_error_count
- Maximum errors that may occur before data collection is stopped.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 500
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- com.snc.pa.dc.max_records
- Maximum number of records that are stored during a data collection.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 5000
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- com.snc.pa.dc.max_row_count_indicator_source
- Maximum number of rows that are allowed to be fetched from an Indicator Source. This
property only applies to jobs that do not use Optimized data
- Type: integer
- Default value: 50000
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- com.snc.pa.dc.hsql.max_row_count_indicator_source
- Maximum number of rows that are allowed to be fetched from an Indicator Source. This
property only applies to jobs that use Optimized data
- Type: integer
- Default value: 1 million
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- com.snc.pa.dc.script_timeout
- Maximum time in seconds that a script is allowed to run during a data collection
- Type: integer
- Default value: 30
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- com.snc.pa.dc.use_hashcode_for_distinct
- Sets whether Count Distinct aggregations are stored as separate values in memory or as
a HashCode. When the value of this property is True, a HashCode is used, which consumes
less memory than storing individual values.
- Type: Boolean true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- com.snc.pa.insight.max_days_in_past
- By default, retrieve insights created within the number of days in the past that this property specifies.
- Type: Integer
- Default value: 14
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- com.snc.pa.insights.query_limit
Limit the number of rows when querying the par_computed_insight table in the GET response to the Insights API.
- Type: Integer
- Default value: 1000
- Location: The System Properties [sys_properties] table
- com.snc.pa.target_batch_operation_limit
- Applies only to KPI Details: The maximum number of targets that can be
inserted or updated in one bulk action on the Targets Configuration page.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 100
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- com.snc.pa.dc.script.use.sandbox
Controls whether Performance Analytics data collection scripts use the sandbox. Only users with the security_admin role can modify this property.
Important: Exercise caution when turning off this property. When set to false, unauthorized users may be able to execute malicious actions on your instance.- Type: Boolean true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- com.snc.pa.formula_indicator_valid_breakdown
- Controls whether users can apply a breakdown to a formula indicator when not all contributing indicators in the formula use that breakdown. When true, all contributing indicators must use the formula. When false, a breakdown can be applied when at least
one of the contributing indicators uses it.
- Type: Boolean true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- com.snc.pa.xmr.processes.limit
- The maximum number of KPI Signals Configurations (pa_xmr_processes) that can be evaluated by the KPI Signals Insight Job. After this number of processes have been evaluated, the remaining processes are ignored.
- Type: Integer
- Default: 1000
- Maximum: 10,000
- com.snc.project.default_schedule
- Stores the sys_id of the default schedule attached to projects.
- Type: string
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- com.snc.project.loglevel
- Automatically resubmits timed-out Ajax requests.
- Type: choice list
- Default value: 0 (debugging disabled)
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- com.snc.project.wbs_gantt
- Automatically resubmits timed-out Ajax requests.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location:
- com.snc.task.associate_ci
- List of all task types where user wants to associate CIs using a List system.
- Type: string
- Default: incident,problem,change_request
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- com.snc.task.refresh_impacted_services
- List of all task types where Refresh Impacted Services UI
action is enabled.
- Type: string
- Default value: incident,change_request
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- com.snc.time_card.default_rate
- (Cost Management plugin) Sets a default hourly rate to use if no labor rate cards
apply to the user.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 50
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- com.snc.time_worked.update_task_timer
- Enables (true) or disables (false)
updating the task timer value based on changes to the task time worked records. Uses the
Update task time business rule.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- csm_auto_account_domain_generation
- When new account in Customer Service application is created, domain is created and
placed under TOP domain. If parent field on account form is populated, and new record is
inserted, it creates that account as a subdomain of the parent.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- css.assessment.caption.background.color
- Sets the background color of the caption on assessment and survey questionnaires.
- Type: color
- Default value: #eee
- Location:
- css.assessment.caption.font.color
- Sets the font color of the caption text on assessment and survey questionnaires.
- Type: color
- Default value: #ffffff
- Location:
- css.assessment.question.header.background.color
- Sets the background color of question headers on assessment and survey
- Type: color
- Default value: #767676
- Location:
- css.$nav-highlight-main
- Sets the color for the navigation expanded items highlight background.
- Type: color
- Default Value: #3D4853
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- css.$nav-hr-color
- Sets the color for the navigation separator.
- Type: color
- Default Value: #303A46
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- css.$navpage-header-bg
- Sets the color for the header background.
- Type: color
- Default Value: #303A46
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- css.$navpage-header-color
- Sets the color for the banner text.
- Type: color
- Default Value: #FFFFFF
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- css.$navpage-nav-bg-sub
- Sets the color for the background for navigator and sidebars.
- Type: color
- Default Value: #455464
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- css.$navpage-nav-border
- Sets the color for the border for Core UI.
- Type: color
- Default Value: #DDD
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- css.$navpage-nav-color-sub
- Sets the color for module text in Core UI.
- Type: color
- Default Value: #BEC1C6
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- css.$navpage-nav-selected-bg
- Sets the color for navigator selected tab background.
- Type: color
- Default Value: #4B545F
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- css.$navpage-nav-selected-color
- Sets the color for the currently selected navigation tab icon color for Core UI.
- Type: color
- Default Value: #FFFFFF
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- css.tablet.gradient.start
- Start color of the gradient for the tablet UI header.
- Type: color
- Default value: #666
- Location:
- css.tablet.gradient.end
- End color of the gradient for the tablet UI header.
- Type: color
- Default value: #111
- Location:
- css.tablet.headerfooter.text.color
- Color of the text and icons in the tablet UI header and footer.
- Type: color
- Default value: #ffffff
- Location:
- glide.allow.new.cert_follow_on_task
- Allow Desired State audit to create a new follow-on task for the same failure at each
audit run.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.amb.session.logout.overlay.style
- Specifies a cascading style sheet (css) that defines an overlay. The overlay masks all
onscreen data on timeout, and the login screen appears on top of the overlay.
Limited to core Now Platform functions, not applications.
- Type: string
background-color: #000; opacity: 0.5
- Default value: empty (no overlay)
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- Type: string
- glide.analytics.cache.enabled
- When true, caching capability is turned on for data visualizations and Platform Analytics dashboards. Caching still needs to be turned on for individual dashboard and data visualizations in UI Builder and the in-line dashboard editor, respectively.
- Type: true | false (Boolean)
- Default value: true
- Location: System property [sys_properties] table
- glide.analytics.cache.enable_dashboard_default
- When true, caching is enabled by default on dashboards newly created in the in-line editor.
- Type: true | false (Boolean)
- Default: false
- Location: System property [sys_properties] table
- glide.analytics.cache.expiration.age.in.seconds
- Value in seconds of the expiration_time field in analytics cache records. Applies only when glide.analytics.cache.enabled is true.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 86400 (24 hours)
- Minimum value: 3600 (1 hour)
- Location: System property [sys_properties] table
- glide.analytics.cache.dashboard_default_value
- Default expiration time in hours for caches on dashboards created in the in-line editor.
- Type: choice
- Choices: 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24 (hours)
- Default value: 24
- Location: System property [sys_properties] table
- glide.analytics.cache.prefetch.max_refresh_counter
- Number of times a cache entry can be re-fetched after expiring.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 10
- Location: System property [sys_properties] table
- glide.analytics.cache.prefetch.min_age_in_seconds
- Minimum cache entry age that allows cache prefetching, in seconds. Decreasing this value may impact instance performance.
- Type: integer (seconds)
- Default value: 28800 (8 hours)
- Location: System property [sys_properties] table
- glide.angular.legacy
- When true, enables legacy AngularJS behavior. When false, integrates AngularJS
sanitizeUri and $http security patches. If you set this property to false, existing
JSONP requests with cross-domain endpoints will fail. You can address this issue in your
scripts by doing one of the following:
- Add the domains of any newly failing requests to the angular.jsonp.inclusion_list.urls system property.
- Opt out of this behavior by changing angular.jsonp.inclusion_list.enabled to false.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.apps.hub.current
- URL of the team development parent instance.
- Type: string
- Default value: none
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.attachments.allow_html_in_ics
- It governs the handling of .ics files with embedded HTML content. When set to true, the system permits the attachment of .ics files containing HTML content. This enhancement provides greater
flexibility in managing calendar event attachments, ensuring that files with HTML content can be included when necessary, while maintaining MIME type integrity.
- Type: text/html
- Default value: null
- Location: System Properties [sys_properties] table
- glide.attachment.extensions
- Comma-separated list of file extensions that can be attached. No value means that
there are no restrictions.
- Type: string
- Default value: none
- Location:
- glide.attachment.role
- Comma-separated list of roles that can create attachments.
- Type: string
- Default value: public
- Location:
- glide.authenticate.multisso.login_locate.user_field
- Identifies a common login identifier.
- Type: string
- Default value: user_name
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.authenticate.sso.saml2.require_signed_authnrequest
- Enables the Identity Provider Single sign-on service to receive a signed
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.banner.image.url
- URL used when clicking the banner image.
- Type: string
- Default value: home.do
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.banner.image.url_target
- Target frame used when clicking the banner image. Use gsft_main
for the main frame, _top to replace the current browser
window,_blank for a new window or tab.
- Type: string
- Default value: gsft_main
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.bsm.color.affect_neighbors
- Color of an affected neighbor node. When a node has a service issue, all nodes that
depend on that node are considered affected nodes. In the map, the affected nodes are
parents or grandparents of the node with the service issue.
- Type: color
- Default value: Beige
- Location:
- glide.bsm.map.style.font_family
- Font family name used in the map text. If you designate a font that is not on the user
system, the browser substitutes another font and the text may not render as you
- Type: font name
- Default value: Arial
- Location:
- glide.bsm.map.style.font_size
- Font size of the text that appears with a CI node. The default size is magnified for
nodes with more connections and reduced for downstream nodes.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 14
- Location:
- glide.bsm.map.style.selection_background_color
- Background color of a selected CI node. This color is also used with a node's
Highlight Hierarchy option.
- Type: color
- Default value: RoyalBlue
- Location:
- glide.bsm.map.style.selection_text_color
- Color of the text that appears under a selected CI node.
- Type: color
- Default value: White
- Location:
- glide.bsm.map.style.text_color
- Color of the text that appears under an unselected CI node.
- Type: color
- Default value: Black
- Location:
- glide.bsm.max_levels
- Maximum level depth from the root CI that can be initially displayed in business
service maps. Level depth is the graph distance between the root CI and a node. This
value must be an integer.
- Type: integer (1-10)
- Default value: 5
- Location:
- glide.bsm.new_node_color
- Color for nodes that became viewable from the last expand operation.
- Type: color
- Default value: PaleGreen
- Location:
- glide.bsm.max_nodes
- Maximum number of downstream nodes to retrieve from the database for a CI. If more
nodes exist in the database, they are not displayed in the map.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 1000
- Location:
- glide.bsm.refresh_interval
- Seconds between each automatic reloading of troubles and tasks.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 30
- Range of possible values: 1 to 3600
- Location:
- glide.bsm.task_threshold
- Change the CI glyph color from orange to red when the number of tasks reaches this
- Type: integer
- Default value: 3
- Location:
- glide.bsm.too_many_children
- Maximum number of child nodes to display. Nodes are collapsed for the map to meet this
- Type: integer, valid values 1 or greater
- Default value: 10
- Location:
- glide.businessrule.async_condition_check
- Specifies whether the instance checks the condition statement of async business rules
(the When field is set to async) prior to running the business
rule. If true, the instance evaluates the async business rule
conditions a second time before running the rule. If false or
missing, the instance does not evaluate the conditions a second time.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.businessrule.callstack
- Specifies whether business rule executions are logged in the daily log when they start
and finish (true) or are not logged
(false). Logging is useful for troubleshooting a problem where
you must know which business rules are running and in which order.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.cache.size.service_cache
- Type: integer
- Default value: 20
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.canvas.grid.widget_render_concurrent_max
- Defines the maximum number of widgets that can render simultaneously on a dashboard.
With smaller values, individual widgets load more quickly. With larger values, fewer
Ajax requests to the server are needed. Set the value of this property to half of the
number of widgets that are visible when your most-used dashboard loads. For example, if
six widgets are visible on the dashboard set the value to 3.Note: This system property applies to responsive dashboards only.
Two is the minimum value, and 1 is interpreted as 2. For values of zero or lower, all widgets load simultaneously.
- Type: integer
- Default value: none
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.cmdb.query.batch_time_limit_in_sec
- Time limit (in seconds) for running one batch to get one batch of query results (100
- Type: integer
- Default value: 300
- Location:
- glide.cmdb.query.max_results_limit
- Limits the number of results for a scheduled query and in the results section in the
Query Builder when you click Load All Results.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 10,000
- Location:
- glide.cmdb.query.non_cmdb.black_listed_tables
- Exclusion list of non-CMDB tables that appear in the CMDB Query Builder when creating
a CMDB query.
- Type: string
- Default value: empty
- Location:
- glide.cmdb.query.query_time_limit_in_sec
- Time limit (in seconds) for running an entire query to get all results.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 1,800
- Location:
- glide.cmdb.statemgmt.max_bulk_count
- Maximum number of CIs that CI Lifecycle Management can process in a bulk update
- Type: integer
- Default value: 1000
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.cmdb.statemgmt.max_lease_expired_days
- Maximum number of days that lease expiration can be set with for CI Actions.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 15
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.cms.dashboards.sharing_with_secure_search
- When enabled, the list of users, user groups, and roles that are visible in the
sharing panel is restricted. The restriction is based on the configuration of the
sys_user, sys_user_group, and sys_user_role ACLs. For more information, see Access control list
There is a performance penalty associated with enabling this property. Performance degradation may be based on the number and complexity of business rules and ACLs on your instance.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location:
- glide.cms.share_dashboards.role
- When this property is empty, all users can share their own dashboards.Note: This property does not apply to users with the admin and dashboard_admin roles. Users with these roles can always share any dashboard.
- Type: string
- Default value: empty
- Location:
- glide.chart.decimal.precision
- Controls the rounding precision of non-currency numeric values displayed on reports. A
Decimal Precision value specified in a report's style options
overrides this property. Currency values always have a precision of 2.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 2
- Maximum value: 4
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.chat.invite_fields
- (Chat plugin) Comma-separated list of fields (glide_list or references to sys_user or
sys_group) used to generate the invitations when creating a chat room from a task. Users
can select a check box for each of the specified fields to invite to the chat room users
that are referenced by the fields.
- Type: string
- Default value: none
- Location:
- glide.chat_room.create_roles
- (Chat plugin) Comma-separated list of roles that are allowed to create chat rooms.
- Type: string
- Default value: none
- Location:
- glide.chat.show_emoticons
- (Chat plugin) Enables (true) or disables
(false) rendering text emoticons as images.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location:
- glide.class.downgrade.enabled
- Flag for allowing class downgrade during identification and reconciliation.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Properties [sys_properties] table
- glide.class.switch.enabled
- Flag for allowing class switching during identification and reconciliation.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Properties [sys_properties] table
- glide.class.upgrade.enabled
- Flag for allowing class update during identification and reconciliation.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Properties [sys_properties] table
- glide.cmdb.health.metricProcessor.maxRunningTime
- Max time in minutes for which individual metric processor runs in each scheduled
- Type: integer
- Default value: 120
- Location: Navigate to System Properties in the right hand-side navigator. , and then click
- glide.cmdb.health.src.cmdb_health_audit_only
When set to true, disables health results from sources other than CMDB Health audit (such as cloud discovery). Only results generated by CMDB Health audit appear in the CMDB dashboard.
For example, by default, if a CI is determined to be stale by Discovery, then that CI appears as stale in the CMDB dashboard even though CMDB Health audit did not determine that CI to be stale. To disable these stale CI health results, set the property to true.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.cmdb.health.staleness_exclude_dependent_cis
Exclude dependent CIs for the staleness CMDB Health metric.
When enabled, dependent CIs are not checked for staleness, regardless of any staleness or inclusion rules that are defined for the respective CI types.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.cmdb.logger.source.identification_engine
- Enable and configure what type of details the system logs when using IRE outside the
scope of identification simulation. For example, when using an API, ECC queue or
scheduled jobs.
- Type: string
- Default value: info, warn, error, debug, or debugVerbose
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
Note: Depending on the setting, the system can generate large amounts of data that might affect overall system performance. Set the value with caution, limiting the level of details and use time to the minimum necessary for testing or debugging. - glide.cmdb.logger.use_syslog.CMDBHealth
- A comma-separated list that controls the level of logging of CMDB Health jobs. Logging
creates entries in the system logs to capture messages generated by the health auditing
process each time they run. This logging helps debugging if there is a failure.
- Type: string
- Default value: error
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.cmdb_model.display_name.shorten
- If true, generates shorter display names for product models if
the name of the product model contains the manufacturer name.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.cookies.http_only
- Enables (true) or disables (false) the
generation of HTTP-only cookies. Set this property to false to
with E-Signature.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.cost_mgmt.calc_actual_cost
- (Cost Management plugin) When an expense line is created for any task with a
Type of Planned task, sums all task
expense lines and adds the total to the Work cost field on the
task record.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.cost_mgmt.debug
- (Cost Management plugin) Enables debugging of cost management processing. All logging
events are recorded in the Financial Management Log [fm_log] table.Note: This feature can generate a large number of log records. Enable the feature only during initial testing or when troubleshooting.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.cost_mgmt.process_task_cis
- (Cost Management plugin)
expense lines affected configuration items when creating a task
expense line.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.cost_mgmt.service_allocation.method
- (Cost Management plugin) Defines whether business service to cost center allocation
costs should be calculated based on total units or allocated units.
For example, if the service supports 100 units but only has 50 units allocated, and cost center ABC is allocated 25 units. Using the All units method results in an allocation cost of 25/100, or 25% of the total cost of the service. In this case, we track unallocated costs separately. Using Allocation units method results in an allocation cost of 25/50, or 50% of the total cost of the service. In this case, all costs are allocated (recovered).
- Type: choice list
- Default value: all_units
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.csv.export.line_break
- Enables the user to control how exported CSV data appears in Notepad. Valid values are
LF for a line feed between records and CRLF for a carriage return followed by a line
- Type: string
- Default value: LF
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.csv.use_row_currency
- If false, exports currency and price field values in the user's currency. If true,
exports currency and price field values in the currency of the row.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.custom.ip.authenticate.allow
- Comma-separated list or dash-separated range of IP addresses that are allowed access
to view the stats.do, threads.do, and replication.do pages.
- Type: string
- Default value: none
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.db.aggregates.trend.use_iso_week
- If set to true, reports weekly trend by data according to ISO weeks. If false, data
trended per week reports according to the first day of the week set by glide.ui.date_format.first_day_of_week.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: none
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.db.audit.ignore.delete
- Specifies the tables where the sys_audit_delete file is not updated when records are
- Type: string — comma-separated list of tables
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.db.forced.chunk.threshold
- Sets the threshold above which to forces chunk record deletions and updates. Chunking helps to prevent non-primary key deletions on huge tables from causing replication problems. Use this property to set a force chunk
threshold when using the GlideRecord – DeleteMultiple and GlideRecord – UpdateMultiple methods.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 100000000 (100 million)
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.db.clone.allow_clone_target
- Enables (true) or disables (false) use
of a non-production instance as the target for a system clone.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false for production instances, true for non-production instances
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.db.impex.XMLLoader.max.file.size.mb
- Controls the maximum file size allowed when importing an XML file, in megabytes.
Attempting to import an XML file larger than this limit results in an error.Warning: Use caution when modifying this property. Uploading a large XML file may impact performance and can cause an instance outage.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 100
- Location:
- glide.db.large.threshold
- Sets the number of rows above which a table is considered large and uses a different
method of querying for results. When this property is absent, the instance uses the
default query method.
- Type: integer
- Default value: none
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.db.loguser
- Display (true) or suppress display (false) of database errors such as Unique Key violation detected by database (Duplicate entry 'ABC' for key 'name') to
user. to logged-in user.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: none
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.db.max.aggregate.size
- Sets the maximum number of groups that a grouped report or list renders. Larger values
may affect system performance.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 100
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.db.max_view_records
- Sets the maximum number of records returned when running a GlideRecord query in a
script. Do not use values larger than the default because they may cause queries to
consume excessive memory on the application server and can, in extreme cases, cause a
system outage. This property does not control the maximum number of records that appear
in a list, report, or exported file.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 10000
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.db.table.update_inactive_choices_enabled
- Specifies whether choice table selections marked as inactive (
sys_choice inactive attribute = true
) should be loaded into client databases when applications are installed (true) or not (false).- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.debug.log_point
- Specifies whether the log points feature should be enabled or not.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.debugger.log.ui
- Specifies whether logs should be displayed under forms and lists and in the Session Log tab, or only in the Session Log tab.
- Type: choice list
- Default value: Page
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.discovery.application_mapping
- Enables or disables the Application Dependency Mapping (ADM) feature.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.discovery.log_debug_info
An optional property to populate debug information in Discovery log. If this property is set to true, the Discovery sensor extracts the debug information from ECC input message and writes this information to the Discovery log table, so that it is visible when inspecting discovery status.
- Type: true | false
- Default: false
- glide.discovery.log_message_chars
- When a log message is longer than this value, ServiceNow creates
a preview of the message with an ellipsis at the end of the message to indicate that
there is content that is not shown. The preview size prevents any one list row from
taking up the entire screen.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 200 (characters)
- Location:
- glide.discovery.multi_page_serial_mode
- This property controls the processing of multi-page pattern input records. false sets the pages to process in parallel and true sets the pages to process serially.
- glide.discovery.sam_batch_update_size
- Enables batching the updates to table cmdb_sam_sw_install when only the field
last_scanned in the table has changed. This optimizes the overall discovery execution as
it reduces the multiple single update queries on the database. The default value is 100
which means 100 records at a time in the table are batched and updated. By setting this
property to 1, this switches to sequential updates.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 100
- glide.discovery.use_cmdb_identifiers
- Controls whether Discovery uses the CMDB Identification and Reconciliation Framework
(introduced with the Geneva release) or the legacy identifiers from previous
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location:
- glide.domain.notify_change
- Displays a notification message telling the user that the domain picker automatically
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.domain.notify_record_change
- Displays a notification message telling the user that the domain picker automatically
changed because the record that the user is viewing changed the domain of the user.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.duplicate_ci_remediator.dry_run
- Determines whether the Duplicate CI Remediator actually remediates CI duplication by
updating records in the CMDB, or not.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location:
- glide.duplicate_ci_remediator.max.cis
- Threshold for the number of duplicate CIs, which if exceeded, support for
reconciliation in the Duplicate CI Remediator is limited (1,000 by default).
- Type: integer
- Default value: 1000
- Location:
Note: This threshold never exceeds 5,000, even if you set the property to a value greater than 5,000. - glide.duplicate_ci_remediator.max.field_length
- Attributes in which max_length exceeds this property value (4000 by default) are excluded from the Select Main CI, Merge Attribute Values, and Determine Duplicate
CI Actions tabs in the Duplicate CI Remediator wizard.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 4000
- Location:
Note: This property impacts the performance of de-duplication tasks, therefore be cautious about setting this value. - glide.eccprobe.longrunner.class
- Identifies the name of a script include that manages long running commands.
- Type: string
- Default value: LongRunner
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.eccprobe.longrunner.retry_minutes
- Allows bursts of polling errors up to specified minutes in duration.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 10
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.eccprobe.longrunner.interval.initial_seconds
- Initial polling period for long running commands in seconds.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 20
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.eccprobe.longrunner.interval.backoff_percent
- Percentage that polling period grows per poll.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 15
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.eccprobe.longrunner.interval.max_seconds
- Maximum polling period. As the polling period decays, it gets longer until it reaches
this maximum.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 300
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.eccprobe.longrunner.debug
- Allows LongRunner logs status on successful polls in addition to the usual messages on
unsuccessful ones when set to true.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.eccprobe.longrunner.max_poll_count
- Maximum number of polls that is executed per 5- second polling period. This number is
generally not relevant, but may be used to contain polling under extreme loading
- Type: integer
- Default value: unlimited
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ecmdb.all_relationship_role
- An example value is: itil,asset,configuration.
- Type: string
- Default value: none
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.element.use_object_display_value
- It ensures that the display value for GlideElementGlideObject fields like glide_date_time is calculated correctly.
- Type: true|false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Properties
- glide.element.reference.use_actual_display_value
- It controls the display value of GlideElementGlideObject fields like glide_date_time on Forms and Lists, and you would need to opt-in (set property value to true) to see the correct display value in these views.
- Type: true|false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Properties
- glide.email_address_filter.max_domains
- Sets the maximum number of domains that can be associated with a single email address filter.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 100
- glide.email_address_filter.max_exceptions
- Sets the maximum number of exceptions that can be associated with a single email address filter.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 1000
- glide.email.append.timezone
- Specifies whether to append the time zone to all dates and times in outbound emails
(true) or not (false).
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location:
- glide.email_client.quick_message.insert
- Controls how quick messages are inserted in the email client. If the property is set to true, quick message content is inserted at the place of the cursor. If false, quick message content replaces existing content in an email draft.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- glide.email.forward_subject_prefix
- Specifies the comma-separated list of prefixes in the subject line that identify a
forwarded email.
- Type: string
- Default value: fw:,fwd:
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.email.journal.lines
- Specifies the number of entries from a journal field (such as Additional comments and
Work notes) included in email notifications. A value of -1
includes all journal entries.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 3
- Location:
- glide.email.mail_to
- Specifies the email address to send notifications that use the
${mailto:} variable.
- Type: string
- Default value: SMTP email address that is active by default
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.email.name_split
- Delimiter between the first and last name in an email address to identify users from
incoming emails. For example, a delimiter of "." in the email address
john.smith@company.com tells the system to look for a user record for John Smith.
- Type: string
- Default value: period (.)
- Location:
- glide.email.notification.save_when_no_recipients
- Controls whether (true) or not (false) a
notification-generated sys_mail record is saved even if there are no recipients. Used in
conjunction with other notification recipient logging properties, this property enables
troubleshooting problems with notifications.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.email.override.url
- Sets the URL to use in emailed links in place of the instance URL. The URL should end
with nav_to.do. An example value is:
- Type: string
- Default value: Instance URL
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.email.read.active
- Enables (true) or disables (false) the
inbound mail server.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location:
- glide.email.reply_subject_prefix
- Specifies the comma-separated list of prefixes in the subject line that identify an
email reply.
- Type: string
- Default value: re:aw:,r:
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.email.smtp.active
- Specifies whether to enable (true) or disable
(false) the outgoing mail server.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location:
- glide.email.smtp.max_recipients
- Specifies the maximum number of recipients the instance can list in the To: line for a
single email notification. Notifications that would exceed this limit instead create
duplicate email notifications addressed to a subset of the recipient list. Each email
notification has the same maximum number of recipients.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 100
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.email.smtp.max_send
- Specifies how many emails to send through each new SMTP connection. The instance
establishes a new SMTP connection if there are more emails to send than the specified
- Type: integer
- Default value: 100
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.email_system_address_filter.max_address_filters
- Sets the maximum number of email filters that can be associated with a single system address filter.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 100
- glide.email.test.user
- Specifies the comma-separated list of email addresses to which the instance sends all
email messages. Typically used in non-production instances for testing purposes.
- Type: string
- Default value: none
- Location:
- glide.email.text_plain.strip_xhtml
- Indicates whether both outbound and inbound emails that are shown in comments convert
the XML to plain text (true) or preserve the XML
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.email.watermark.visible
- Indicates whether the watermark in email notifications is visible
(true) or is wrapped in a hidden div tag
(false).Note: Email clients that use the plain text version of the email show the watermark.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.email_client.show_sms_option
- Specifies whether a check box appears in the email client for sending the message to
the user's SMS device (true) or not
(false). If no SMS device exists, the email client sends the
message to the primary email device.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.entry.loggedin.page_ess
- Specifies the page that an ESS user, who by definition has no roles, is redirected to
when the user logs in.
- Type: string
- Default value: none
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.excel.boolean.display_value
- If true, translates columns of type boolean to the user's language when exporting
records in Excel format. If false, exports the values in English, regardless of the user
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.excel.max_cells
- Sets the maximum number of cells in an Excel export.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 500000
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.excel.use_user_date_format
- Specifies whether Excel exports use the date/time format specified in a user's profile
(true) or not (false). If
false, exports the instance date/time format defined by the
glide.sys.date_format property.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.export.csv.charset
- Specifies the character set used to export CSV files. See Supported Character Encodings for a list of
supported character encoding options.
- Type: string
- Default value: windows-1252
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.export.csv.raw.value
- When true, raw database values are exported instead of the
display values when you export to CSV. When false, display values
are exported.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location:
- glide.export.escape_formulas
- When true, string values that start with the characters +, -,
=, or @ are prepended with a single apostrophe when you export to CSV, XLS, or XLSX
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true for new instances starting with Istanbul
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table for new instances starting with Istanbul. For upgraded instances, Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.export.excel.general_formatting
- When true, values in cells in exported Excel files have the
general format. When false, the cells in exported Excel files
have the text format.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.export.excel.wrap_cells
- When true, values in cells in exported Excel files are wrapped
automatically. When false, the width of exported Excel columns is
resized to fit 256 characters and values are not wrapped.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.fdih.retry.max_count
- Specifies the maximum number of retry attempts when no value is specified in
Count for a retry policy.
- Type: Integer
- Default value: 0
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.glidesoap.proxy_host
- Specifies the proxy server hostname or IP address for SOAP clients.
- Type: string
- Default value: value of glide.http.proxy_host
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.glidesoap.proxy_port
- Specifies the port number for the proxy server for SOAP clients.
- Type: string
- Default value: value of glide.http.proxy_port
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.guest.active.session.life_span
- Sets the maximum session time for a guest session regardless of user activity, in minutes.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 0
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.guest.session_timeout
- Sets the inactive session timeout for a guest session, in minutes. Note: This setting decouples a guest session timeout from the glide.ui.session_timeout property. Any changes to the glide.ui.session_timeout property do not affect a guest session timeout.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 30
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.hd.payload_multi_page.device_history.mutex_expires
- Total time the thread waits to update the Discovery history before
giving up.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 1 minutes
- Location: System Properties
- glide.hd.payload_multi_page.device_history.mutex_spin_wait
- The time between when we check if the Discovery history database is
- Type: integer
- Default value: 100 ms
- Location: System Properties
- glide.hd.payload_multi_page.device_history.mutex_max_spins
- The number of times the Discovery history is checked before giving up.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 600
- Location: System Properties
- glide.hd.payload_multi_page.discolog.mutex_expires
- Total time the thread waits to update the Discovery log before giving
- Type: integer
- Default value: 1 minutes
- Location: System Properties
- glide.hd.payload_multi_page.discolog.mutex_spin_wait
- The time between when we check if the Discovery log database is free.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 100 ms
- Location: System Properties
- glide.hd.payload_multi_page.discolog.mutex_max_spins
- The number of times the Discovery log is checked before giving up.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 600
- Location: System Properties
- glide.help.default.page
- Sets the overall help URL for the system if you are using context-sensitive help. This
URL is used when there is not any context-sensitive help available for the form, list,
or record.
- Type: string
- Default value: http://wiki.servicenow.com/
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.history.max_entries
- Sets the number of characters to display as a preview of journal input fields.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 250
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.home.page
- Specifies which page to load when a user selects a homepage from the banner.
- Type: string
- Default value:
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.home.refresh_disabled
- Enables (true) or disables (false)
homepage refresh.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.home.refresh_intervals
- Comma-separated list of refresh intervals available on homepages.
- Type: string
- Default value: 300,900,1800,3600
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
Important:The functionality found in homepages, arranging information from your instance to tell a story about your data, is found in dashboards on new instances. On upgraded instances with Next Experience enabled, users can view existing homepages if they have a direct URL, but they can't create or edit them. Responsive dashboards and Analytics Center dashboards take over homepage functionality.
Use the Homepage deprecation help tool to convert the homepages on your instance to responsive dashboards.
For more information, see: - glide.html.enable_media_sites
- Enables a URL option for media in the HTML Editor. The media attaches, but doesn't
load in the HTML Editor.
- Type: string
- Default value: youtube.com,player.vimeo.com,vimeo.com
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.html.escape_script
- Enables (true) or disables (false)
JavaScript tags in HTML fields.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.html.sanitize_all_fields
- Specifies whether all HTML fields are sanitized to remove unwanted code
(true) or not (false).
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.http.connection_timeout
- Specifies the maximum number of milliseconds an outbound HTTP request (such as Web
Services) waits to establish a connection.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 10000 (10 seconds)
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.http.outbound.max_timeout
- Specifies the number of seconds that RESTMessageV2 and SOAPMessageV2 APIs wait for a response from a synchronous call. The maximum value is 30 seconds.
To define a timeout longer than 30 seconds, set the glide.http.outbound.max_timeout.enabled system property to false and use the waitForResponse() method to set the timeout. For example, see Asynchronous SOAPMessageV2 example. If glide.http.outbound.max_timeout.enabled is set to true and a value is passed in the waitForResponse() method, the system uses the smallest value from either the waitForResponse() method or the glide.http.outbound.max_timeout system property.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 30
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.http.outbound.max_timeout.enabled
- Enables setting a timeout in the glide.http.outbound.max_timeout system property.
To define a timeout longer than 30 seconds, set the glide.http.outbound.max_timeout.enabled system property to false and use the waitForResponse() method to set the timeout. For example, see Asynchronous SOAPMessageV2 example. If glide.http.outbound.max_timeout.enabled is set to true and a value is passed in the waitForResponse() method, the system uses the smallest value from either the waitForResponse() method or the glide.http.outbound.max_timeout system property.
- Type: boolean
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.http.proxy_bypass_list
- Specifies the semicolon-separated list of addresses that bypass the proxy server. Use
an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character to specify all or part of an address.
- Type: string
- Default value: none
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.http.proxy_host
- Specifies the proxy server hostname or IP address.
- Type: string
- Default value: none
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.http.proxy_ntdomain
- Specifies the domain used to authenticate the proxy server with NTLM
- Type: string
- Default value: none
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.http.proxy_nthost
- Specifies the hostname used to authenticate the proxy server with NTLM
- Type: string
- Default value: none
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.http.proxy_ntpassword
- Specifies the password used to authenticate the proxy server with NTLM
- Type: string
- Default value: none
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.http.proxy_ntusername
- Specifies the user name used to authenticate the proxy server with NTLM
- Type: string
- Default value: none
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.http.proxy_port
- Specifies the port number for the proxy server.
- Type: string
- Default value: none
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.http.proxy_password
- Specifies the password used to authenticate the proxy server.
- Type: string
- Default value: none
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.http.proxy_username
- Specifies the username used to authenticate the proxy server.
- Type: string
- Default value: none
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.http.timeout
- (Web service Consumer Plugin) Specifies the maximum number of milliseconds to wait
before an outbound transaction times out.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 175000 (175 seconds)
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.i18n.force_index
- Enables (true) or disables (false)
indexing all translated fields, regardless of the value of the table attribute
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- glide.identification_engine.batch_update_last_discovered
Controls batch update of last_discoveredfield in CIs that are being processed by the identification engine.
Set to false if there are business rules that apply to last_discovered field, and you want to trigger these rules when calling Identification and Reconciliation API.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.identification_engine.dependent_items_local_cache_count
- For optimization, a custom number of locally cached query result entries of dependent
- Type: integer
- Default value: 10000
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
Note: If there is a memory issue due to optimization related to using local cache, set the glide.identification_engine.related_items_local_cache_count and the glide.identification_engine.dependent_items_local_cache_count properties to 0. - glide.identification_engine.granular_insert_locking
Determines whether to use multiple granular insert locks or single global insert lock.
Set to false if there are performance issues associated with the usage of multiple granular insert locks.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.identification_engine.independent_items_local_cache_count
- For optimization, a custom number of locally cached query result entries of
independent CIs.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 100000
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
Note: Setting the value to 0 avoids using local cache for independent CIs and might affect performance. - glide.identification_engine.related_items_local_cache_count
- For optimization, a custom number of locally cached query result entries of
related/lookup items.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 15000
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
Note: If there is a memory issue due to optimization related to using local cache, set the glide.identification_engine.related_items_local_cache_count and the glide.identification_engine.dependent_items_local_cache_count properties to 0. - glide.identification_engine.skip_duplicates
- Controls how identification processes a small set of duplicate CIs.
- When true: If the number of duplicate CIs is less than the threshold specified by glide.identification_engine.skip_duplicates.threshold, then one of the duplicate CIs is picked as a match and gets updated. The rest of the duplicate CIs are tagged as duplicates.
- When false: Matching a CI fails, and an error is logged.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.identification_engine.skip_duplicates.threshold
- Maximum number of CIs that can be in a set of duplicate CIs to allow identification to
process the duplicate CIs according to the setting of
If the number of duplicate CIs exceeds the threshold, then identification processes the duplicate CIs as if glide.identification_engine.skip_duplicates is set to false, regardless of the setting.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 5
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.identification_logs.max_run_ids
- Maximum number of log runs that can be displayed when navigating to
- Type: integer
- Default value: 1000
- Location: .
. - glide.image_provider.security_enabled
- Controls the security settings for images. If true, images are
visible only to authenticated and authorized users. If false,
images are visible to anyone with a URL to the attachment.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- New/zbooted instances: property is present and set to true
- Upgraded instances: false if property is not present, unchanged if property is present
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.imap.secure
- Enables (true) or disables (false) SSL
encryption for connections to the IMAP server.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.imap.secure_port
- Specifies the communications port for IMAP secure connections.
- Type: string
- Default value: 995
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.imap.tls
- Enables (true) or disables (false)
starting the IMAP server in Transport Layer Security (TLS) mode.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.import.debug
- Enables (true) or disables (false) debug
logging for all import processes.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.import.error_message.generic
- Enables (true) or disables display
(false), failed imports to display a generic error instead of a
verbose SQL message. This property should be enabled.
- Type: true | false
- Default value:
- New/zbooted instances: true for starting with Istanbul
- Upgraded instances: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.import_excel.use_only_user_session_date_format
- If true, any Date or Date/Time value in an Excel spreadsheet is converted to a user
session date format in the staging table upon Excel file import.
If false, any Date/Time explicit cell type in Excel is imported into a staging table with the user session date format, and any date value that is not explicitly in a Date/Time cell type in Excel is imported into a staging table using the system date format.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table if you want to change the value to false.
- glide.import.sftp.debug
- Enables (true) or disables (false)
additional debug logging for SFTP imports. Enabling this property causes the instance to
log all outgoing and incoming messages during the SSH session.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.import.scp.debug
- Enables (true) or disables (false)
additional debug logging for SCP imports. Enabling this property causes the instance to
log all outgoing and incoming messages during the SSH session.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.import_set.preserve.leading.spaces
- Specifies whether the import process preserves leading spaces in Excel data cells
(true) or not (false). When
false, the import process removes leading spaces from Excel
data cells.Note: The import process always removes trailing spaces from Excel data cells.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.import_set_row.dynamically_add_fields
- Specifies whether an import set can add new columns to the staging table
(true) or not (false). Instances that
contain large numbers of import sets can sometimes become unresponsive when an import
adds a column because the instance must alter every row in the staging table. Sometimes
the database alter table action causes an outage. Setting this property to
false prevents an import set from adding columns to the staging
table and produces a log message. As a workaround, administrators can manually add a
column to the staging table by creating a new dictionary entry and then reimporting the
import set.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.ir.query_method
- Sets the query method for global text search. Only the Simple
query method is supported.
- Type: choice list
- Default value: simple
- Location:
- glide.active.session.timeout.invalidate.session
- Specifies whether integration sessions can be invalidated by configuring a maximum active session time.
- Type: Boolean true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.integrations.active.session.life_span
- Sets the maximum session time for a integration session regardless of activity, in minutes.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 0
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.integration.session_timeout
- Sets the inactive session timeout for integration sessions, in minutes.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 1
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.invalid_query.returns_no_rows
- Controls how invalid GlideRecord queries are handled with respect to invalid or
undefined field names. When this property is true, invalid
queries containing invalid or undefined field names always return no rows. When this
property is false (default), if a query is incorrect, and
includes invalid or undefined field names, the invalid part of the query condition is
ignored and results are based on the valid part of the query.
To override this logic at the session level, execute
. To restore strict query, executegs.getSession().setStrictQuery(true)
. To use this property, change the linegr.addQuery('table', arguments.length == 1 ? record.getRecordClassName() : tableName);
in the Workflow script include togr.addQuery('table', (tableName) ? tableName : record.getRecordClassName() );
.- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.itil.assign.number.on.insert
- Controls whether (true) or not (false) a
task number is generated and assigned on load (Create New) or
when the task is submitted. This feature helps prevent unused task numbers.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.jdbcprobeloader.retry
- Sets the number of times a JDBC probe attempts to connect to a JDBC data source.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 60
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.jdbcprobeloader.retry_millis
- Sets the number of milliseconds a JDBC probe waits between retry attempts to a JDBC
data source.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 5000
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.jquery.legacy
- When true, enables legacy JQuery behavior. When false, integrates the JQuery 1.12.3
and 2.2.3 security patches. If you set this property to false, UI pages with incorrect
HTML markup may render incorrectly. You can address this issue in your scripts by
closing any html element tags that are self-closing and not in the valid list. For
example, change
<div />
.- Valid self-closing elements that do not need to be updated include:
<area />
<base />
<br />
<col />
<embed />
<hr />
<img />
<input />
<link />
<meta />
<param />
<source />
<track />
<wbr />
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- Valid self-closing elements that do not need to be updated include:
- glide.knowman.search.apply_role_based_security
- If true, honors read access of knowledge bases or articles
specified for roles. If false, enables specified user criteria to
override read access specified for roles.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.knowman.search_character_limit
- Minimum number of characters required for knowledge search. Search terms with fewer
than this number of characters return no results.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 3
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.knowman.search.default_language
- (Knowledge Management Internationalization Plugin v2) Default language for knowledge
articles. If empty, defaults to the language of the logged-in user.
- Type: string
- Default value: empty
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.knowman.serviceportal.seo_portals
- Value contains a comma-separated list of service portal record sys_ids. The SEO indexing of knowledge articles is enabled on the portals mentioned in the list and is blocked by the noindex metatag for other portals. If at
least one portal is listed, SEO suggestions display when users author or edit knowledge articles.
- Type: string
- Default value: empty
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
Note: If the property value is empty, the indexing is enabled for all portals. - glide.knowman.show_language_option
- (Knowledge Management Internationalization Plugin v2) Specifies whether the
Language box appears (true) or is hidden
(false) on articles with multiple translations.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.knowman.show_language_option.roles
- (Knowledge Management Internationalization Plugin v2) Comma-separated list of roles
that can see the Language box on articles with multiple translations.
- Type: string
- Default value: none
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.knowman.show_links
- Specifies whether the Link line appears
(true) or is hidden (false) in a
knowledge article.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ldap.allow_empty_group
- Specifies whether all members can be removed from an Active Directory security group
(true) or not (false).
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.ldap.binary_attributes
- Comma-separated list of LDAP attributes that should be converted from binary format to
encoded64 strings. If you set this property, only the values listed are converted. The
most common attributes are objectSID and
objectGUID. These converted values are unique and can be used as
the coalesce field on the LDAP import mapping. If this property is blank, ServiceNow tries to map these binary attributes without the
conversion and they are not guaranteed to be unique since they are not properly
converted to string values.
- Type: string
- Default value: objectsid,objectguid
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ldap.paging
- Enables (true) or disables (false) LDAP
paging query support. LDAP paging is a more efficient LDAP querying method for
environments with more than 1000 users.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.legacy.excel.export
- Enables (true) or disables (false)
exporting to XLS format when exporting to an Excel file. By default, only XLSX export is
enabled. This property does not affect the Excel web service. When
true, this property also allows users to select XLS or XLSX as
the Easy Import template format.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.list.filter_max_length
- Sets a maximum character limit for the condition builder query.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 0
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.lists.live_list_enabled
- Enables a list refresh prompt.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.live_feed.company_feed_exclude_groups
- Controls whether messages posted to a public group appear
(true) or are omitted (false) on the
Company Feed.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.live_services
- (Chat plugin) Enables (true) or disables
(false) Live Services, such as chat support.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.login.no_blank_password
- Prevents (true) or allows (false) logins
from users with blank passwords. Often, importing lists of users creates many users with
blank passwords. By default, this property is set to true on
production instances.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.login.home
- Sets the default homepage that users see after login. If blank, the last page visited
is used. The format is <page>.do.
- Type: string
- Default value: home.do
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.max_journal_list_size
- Sets the maximum size, in megabytes, of journal input fields.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 10
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.messaging.reassign.enabled
- Sets property that automatically reassigns messaging if the current agent is
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.notification.recipient.include_logging
- Master switch to enable/disable logging all reasons a recipient was included. If
false, no include logging is performed.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.notification.recipient.exclude_logging
- Master switch to enable/disable logging all reasons a recipient was excluded. If
false, no exclude logging is performed.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.notification.recipient.exclude_logging.device_inactive
- Logs recipients who are excluded because their chosen notification device record is
marked as inactive.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
The glide.notification.recipient.exclude_logging property in the module must be enabled to modify this property.
- glide.notification.recipient.exclude_logging.device_schedule
- Logs recipients who are excluded because the chosen notification device record’s
schedule field excludes it.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
The glide.notification.recipient.exclude_logging property in the module must be enabled to modify this property.
- glide.notification.recipient.exclude_logging.event_creator
- Logs recipients who are excluded because they initiated the notification event, such
as updating an incident record, and the Send to Event Creator
check box is cleared on the notification record.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
The glide.notification.recipient.exclude_logging property in the module must be enabled to modify this property.
- glide.notification.recipient.exclude_logging.invalid_email
- Logs recipients who are excluded because the email address for that user is invalid,
for example the @ is missing, or empty.
To modify this property, you must enable the glide.notification.recipient.exclude_logging property in the module.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- glide.notification.recipient.exclude_logging.user_calendar_integration_disabled
- Logs recipients of calendar invitations who are excluded because the
Calendar Integration field is set to
None on the user record.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
The glide.notification.recipient.exclude_logging property in the module must be enabled to modify this property.
- glide.notification.recipient.exclude_logging.user_inactive
- Logs recipients who are excluded because the Active check box
is cleared on the user record.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
The glide.notification.recipient.exclude_logging property in the module must be enabled to modify this property.
- glide.notification.recipient.exclude_logging.user_notification_disabled
- Logs recipients who are excluded because the Notification field
is set to Disabled on the user record.
To modify this property, you must enable the glide.notification.recipient.exclude_logging property in the module.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- glide.notification.recipient.include_logging
- Enables or disables logging all reasons that a recipient was included. This property is a main switch. If true, the subsequent properties dealing with the inclusion of logging are enabled. If false, none of the subsequent properties relating to the inclusion of logging are enabled.
- glide.notification.recipient.include_logging.delegate
- Logs recipients who are included because they are delegates of another user.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
The glide.notification.recipient.include_logging property in the module must be enabled to modify this property.
- glide.notification.recipient.include_logging.event_parm
- Logs recipients who are included because they are in the parm1
or parm2 fields of the event record.
To modify this property, you muse enable the glide.notification.recipient.include_logging property in the module.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- glide.notification.recipient.include_logging.recipient_fields
- Logs recipients who are included via a notification target record, such as an incident
record, specified in the Users/Groups in Field field for the
notification record. The recipient_fields are fields in the target record that contain a
recipient to add. For example, if the record that triggered the notification is an
incident, and the assigned_to field for the incident is listed in
recipient_fields, that user is included as a recipient.
To modify this property, you must enable the glide.notification.recipient.include_logging property in the module.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- glide.notification.recipient.include_logging.recipient_groups.group_email
- Logs recipients who are included in a group email for any group provided in the
notification record’s recipient_groups or the event parm1 or
parm2 field.
To modify this property, you must enable the glide.notification.recipient.include_logging property in the module.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- glide.notification.recipient.include_logging.recipient_groups.manager
- Logs recipients who are included because they manage any group provided in the
notification record’s recipient_groups or the event parm1 or
parm2 field.
To modify this property, you must enable the glide.notification.recipient.include_logging property in the module.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- glide.notification.recipient.include_logging.recipient_groups.membership
- Logs recipients who are included via membership in any group provided in the
notification record recipient_groups or the event parm1 or
parm2 field.
To modify this property, you must enable the glide.notification.recipient.include_logging property in the module.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- glide.notification.recipient.include_logging.recipient_users
- Logs recipients who are included via notification record’s
Users field (recipient_users).
To modify this property, you must enable the glide.notification.recipient.include_logging property in the module.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- glide.notification.recipient.include_logging.subscription
- Logs recipients because they are subscribed via User Notification Preferences.
To modify this property, you must enable the glide.notification.recipient.include_logging property in the module.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- glide.pdf_export_from_form_list.show_report_attrs
- Enables or disables displaying the PDF page header for all PDFs generated from a
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.pdf.max_rows
- Sets the maximum number of rows in an exported PDF file.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 1000
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.pdf.font.size
- Sets the font size for exported PDF files.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 8
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.pg.any_rejection_rejects
- Controls the default process guide rejection handling. If true,
the first rejection rejects the entity. If false, all users must
reject the approval.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.phone_number_e164.allow_national_entry
- When true, users can enter phone numbers in the local format
listed in the territory selector. When false, users must enter
phone numbers in the international format listed in the territory selector.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.phone_number_e164.display_national
- When set to true or form, a Phone Number
(E164) field displays phone numbers in a local format on forms but as an international
format on lists. When set to all, a Phone Number (E164) field
always displays phone numbers in a local format. When set to user, a Phone Number (E164)
field only displays phone numbers in a local format when the phone number matches the
locale setting of the current user.
- Type: string
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.phone_number_e164.display_territory_selector
- Specifies whether to display (true) or hide
(false) the territory selector. Hiding the territory selector
restricts users to entering only local or national phone numbers.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.phone_number_e164.display_territory_text
- When set to all, a Phone Number (E164) always displays the territory label. When set
to national, a Phone Number (E164) displays the territory label only if the phone number
is in local format. When set to read-only, a Phone Number (E164) displays the territory
label in read-only mode regardless of whether the number is in local or global format.
When set to read-only-national, a Phone Number (E164) displays the territory label in
read-only mode only if the number is in local format. When set to list, a Phone Number
(E164) displays the territory label in a list. When set to list-national, a Phone Number
(E164) displays territory label in a list if the number is in national format. When set
to none, a Phone Number (E164) does not display the territory label.
- Type: string
- Default value: read-only
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.phone_number_e164.display_users_idd
- Specifies whether to display the international direct dialing prefix between the
territory selector and the input box on forms (true) or not
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.phone_number_e164.strict
- Specifies whether all phone number fields must match the display format of the field's
select territory. When true, the phone number input box displays
a red line underneath phone numbers that do not match the territory format listed in the
territory selector. Users cannot save an invalid phone number. When
false, the phone number input box displays a green line
underneath phone numbers that do not match the territory format listed in the territory
selector. Users can save an invalid phone number, and the territory selector offers the
option to select an Other / Unknown territory format.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.pop3.ignore_headers
- Specifies the comma-separated list of email headers that cause the instance to ignore
an email message. Use the format name:value to specify email header types and values.
You can use a wildcard (*) for the subtype. For example,
Content-Type:multipart/*; report-type=delivery-status;
ignores emails containing a type of multipart and a parameter of report-type=delivery-status. For syntax specifications, see http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc1341/4_Content-Type.html.- Type: string
- Default value: Auto-Submitted:auto-replied,X-FC-MachineGenerated:true,Content-Type:multipart/report; report-type=delivery-status;
- Location:
- glide.pop3.ignore_senders
- Specifies the comma-separated list of senders that cause the instance to ignore an
email message. Enter only the name before the at (@) sign.
- Type: string
- Default value: mailer-daemon, postmaster
- Location:
- glide.pop3.ignore_subjects
- Specifies the comma-separated list of strings that cause the instance to ignore an
email message if they are present at the start of a subject line. Values are
- glide
- Type: string
- Default value: out of office autoreply, undeliverable:, delivery failure:,returned mail:,autoreply
- Location:
- glide.pop3.parse_end
- [Legacy] Text indicating the end of the email body section where the instance should
parse name:value pairs to change field values when processing inbound email actions.
This property is no longer required to
field values from the email body.
- Type: string
- Default value: none
- Location:
- glide.pop3.parse_start
- [Legacy] Text indicating the beginning of the email body section where the instance
should parse name:value pairs to change field values when processing inbound email
actions. This property is no longer required to
field values from the email body.
- Type: string
- Default value: none
- Location:
- glide.pop3.process_locked_out
- Enables (true) or disables (false) the
ability for locked out users to trigger inbound actions.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.pop3.reply_separators
- Comma-separated list of separators that cause the instance to disregard everything
below the text string in the message body. This list is case-sensitive.
- Type: string
- Default value: \n\n-----Original Message-----,\n\n _____ \n\nFrom:
- Location:
- glide.pop3readerjob.create_caller
- Controls the behavior when an instance receives an email from an email address not
associated with a user record. If true, the instance creates a
new user record for the email address and places that new user in the
Caller field of any created tickets. If
false, the instance associates the new ticket to the
Guest user record.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location:
- glide.processor.json.row_limit
- Specifies the maximum number of rows a JSON query returns.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 250
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.product.description
- The value of this property is displayed as text in the banner next to the company
- Type: string
- Default value: Service Management
- Location:
- glide.product.help_url
- Global setting for the URL that the help icon goes to. Value must be empty for context-sensitive help to work.
- glide.product.help_show
- Controls whether the help icon, help.gifx, appears in (true) or
is omitted from (false) the welcome banner.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.product.image.light
- The Banner image displayed for Core UI Interface.
- Type: uploaded image
- Default value: none
- Location:
- glide.product.icon
- Stores the favicon image displayed in bookmarks, tabs, and the browser address bar.
- Type: image
- Default value: favicon.ico?v=4
- Location:
- glide.product.name
- Specifies text to use in place of Service-now.com in the browser top title bar (and in
browser tabs). This text is duplicated in the banner to the right of the logo unless you
add display: none; to the end of the value field within the
glide.product.name.style property.
- Type: string
- Default value: ServiceNow
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.product.name.style
- Specifies the CSS properties used to
display the glide.product.name text in the banner to the right of the
logo. To not display the text, add
display: none;
to the end of the value field in this property.- Type: string
- Default value: padding-bottom: 0px; padding-top: 0px;
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.quota.manager.debug
- Controls whether to display (true) or hide
(false) additional information related to the Quota Manager,
such as running transactions, canceled transactions, and which quotas are matched to
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.quota.manager.heartbeat
- Sets the number of seconds between the start of each Quota Manager heartbeat. This
value determines how often the Quota Manager checks for transactions exceeding a quota
and how often the Quota Manager writes status in the log file.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 1
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.quota.manager.minimum_transaction_time
- Sets the minimum number of seconds that a transaction must run before the Quota
Manager matches it to a transaction quota. You should set this value to at least 1
second because smaller values decrease performance, and because transactions shorter
than 1 second are probably not worth canceling. For optimal performance, set this value
to the value of your most restrictive quota. For example, if your most restrictive quota
cancels transactions longer than 1 minute, set the minimum transaction time to 60
- Type: integer
- Default value: 1
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.reconciliation.override.null
- Flag for allowing or disallowing the update of an empty field by a lower priority data
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Properties [sys_properties] table
- glide.remote_glide_record.max_count
- Control the maximum number of records that the GlideRecord query method returns when
using the SOAP web service. The instance primarily uses this property to control the
records returned when using a Perl API GlideRecord query. Warning: If you set this property to a large value, such as 10000, socket timeout errors might occur with MID Servers. Keep the value of this property less than 1000.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 250
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.report.add_to_list_supported
- Sets whether to support the add_to_list ACL for reporting on specified columns from
the Available columns list when creating or sharing a list report.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.report.calendar.max_more_events_per_day
- Specifies the maximum number of calendar events that can appear in the +
<number> pop-up for:
- A calendar day when calendar is in month or year view
- The top 'full day' section of a calendar day when a calendar is in day or week view
When this number is exceeded, a + many link appears, which opens a list of events instead of a pop-up. For more information about the maximum number of events that can be displayed in a calendar day, see system property glide.report.calendar.max_events_displayed_per_cell.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 30
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.report.calendar.max_events_displayed_per_cell
- Defines the maximum number of events that can appear in calendar report for:
- A calendar day when calendar is in month or year view
- The top 'full day' section of a calendar day when a calendar is in day or week view
Events that exceed this value are visible via a link in the calendar cell. See glide.report.calendar.max_more_events_per_day for more information.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 3
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.report.new_calendar
- Enables (true) or disables (false) new
calendar reports. Internet Explorer 7 and 8 do not support new calendars. If you open a
calendar report in one of these browsers, the old version of calendar reports is always
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.report_home.group_report.show_usr_grp
- Enables (true) or disables (false) the
Reporting preferences link in the user profile.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.required.attribute.enabled
- Flag for enforcing required attributes (cannot be null) during identification and
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Properties [sys_properties] table.
- glide.rest.apis.disabled
- Controls which REST APIs are available on the instance, along with
glide.rest.apis.enabled. The value for this property is a comma-separated list of API
names, such as Table API or Aggregate API. If neither this property nor
glide.rest.apis.enabled is set, all REST APIs are available. If a particular API is
specified in both properties, that API is disabled. If you disable specific APIs without
explicitly enabling any APIs, all REST APIs except the disabled APIs are available.
- Type: string
- Default value: all REST APIs are enabled by default
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.rest.apis.enabled
- Controls which REST APIs are available on the instance, along with
glide.rest.apis.enabled. The value for this property is a comma-separated list of API
names, such as Table API or Aggregate API. If neither this property nor
glide.rest.apis.disabled is set, all REST APIs are available. If a particular API is
specified in both properties, that API is disabled. If you enable specific APIs, only
those APIs are available.
- Type: string
- Default value: all REST APIs are enabled by default
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.rest.choice.allow_non_existing_value
- Enables passing non-existing values to a choice field. Does not apply to Change REST
API /api/sn_chg_rest/change.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
If true, the choice field is set to a passed value, even if the passed value does not exist in the choice field.
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.rest.debug
- Logs all stages of REST processing, including processing times.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.rest.replace_request_host_with_property
- Ensures that generated links in an API payload, such as links to more pages and
reference fields, are based off of the instance address not the request host address.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.rollback.version
- Controls whether rollback behavior is used (true) or not
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.rss.max_rows
- Controls the maximum number of records returned by the
RSS Feed Generator.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 1000
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.sc.reset_cascade
- If true, forces variable cascading when navigating between
pages in an order guide.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.schedules.repeat_nth
- Controls how a schedule entry with Repeats set to
Monthly and Monthly Type set to
Day of the Week is defined. Choices are
Week or Day. The
Week option is defined as choosing a day of the month in the
nth week selects the nth day of the month. The Day option is
defined as choosing the nth day of the month selects the nth day of the month.
- Type: choice list
- Default value: day
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.schedules.fifth
- Controls how a schedule entry that selects the fifth occurrence of a day in month
behaves in a month containing only four occurrences of the day. Choices are
Last, Next, and
Strict. The Last option selects the last
(fourth) occurrence of the day. The Next option selects the first
day of the next month. The Strict option skips the day
completely. This property is valid only when the
glide.schedules.repeat_nth property is set to
- Type: choice list
- Default value: last
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.script.ccsi.ispublic
- Provides privacy control over client-callable script includes that are accessed by
public pages. If false, all client-callable script includes are
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.script.log_level
- Controls the behavior of gs.log. Set this property to none to
disable Glide script logging, or to print to save log data to the
file system instead of the database. Use the default value all to
save all Glide script logs to the database.
- Type: string
- Default value: all
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.script_processor.admin
- Specifies the user role necessary to access the Scripts - Background module. To
require administrators to elevate privileges to access the module, set the value to
- Type: string
- Default value: admin
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.script.vtable.log.debug
- Enables use of debug logs for remote table script definitions. Set this property to
true. Prolonged use of this property can affect performance, so
it is best to set its value to false when you finish a debugging
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.search.suggestions.enabled
- Set it to true (default) to enable search suggestions, or set it to false to disable search suggestions everywhere. For more information about search suggestions, see Enable search suggestions.
- glide.secondary.query.sysid
- Controls whether a secondary sort using sys_id as a sort key is automatically applied
when sorting requested database records on a list. This property is useful when sorting
records that have multiple records found for a single value of the primary sort key. Use
this property to ensure that the Next / Previous buttons on forms
display the proper record. If false, there is no secondary sort,
therefore records with the same primary sort value are returned as they are found in the
database and may be inconsistent.Note: Setting this property to true may impact the load and sort processes.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.security.auto.resubmit.ajax
- Automatically resubmits timed-out Ajax requests.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.security.checkacl.before.setvalue
- Controls how the high security setting glide.security.strict.updates processes ACLs.
When true, the instance checks ACL rules for all columns before
applying any updates to a row. When false, the instance applies
ACL rules as each column is processed in alphabetical order. This behavior may result in
one update preventing another update from occurring. For example, suppose that you
create a custom ACL rule to prevent updates after a record is closed. If you attempt to
close an incident and also add information to a custom resolution code field in the same
update, the close action is applied first because it is controlled by the
[incident.state] column and the custom field by the [incident.u_resolution_code] column.
After the instance applies the close action, the custom ACL rule prevents further write
updates to the row.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.security.csrf.handle.ajax.timeout
- Handles errors for timed out Ajax requests.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.security.csrf.strict.validation.mode
- Enforces strict validation on CSRF tokens so that users cannot resubmit a request if
the CSRF token does not match.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.security.diag_txns_acl
- Controls who can view the stats.do, threads.do, and replication.do pages. If
true, only administrators or users from a known IP address are
allowed to view the pages. If false, all users have access to the
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.security.disable_ui_pages_sysparm_client_script
- The system does not evaluate client scripts that are passed in URL parameters in UI
pages. If you use URL parameters to load client scripts, you can add and disable this
system property. Use this property only while you change the implementation to no longer
depend on clients being passed in by URL parameters. Do not keep the system property
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.security.mime_type.aliasset
- Creates customized mime type alias sets. For example,
.- Type: string
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.security.granular.create
- Requires users to have write access on all individual fields on a table before they
can create a record in that table.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.security.file.mime_type.validation
- Enables (true) or disables (false) MIME
type validation for file attachments.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.security.strict_elevate_privilege
- Forces all elevated roles to be treated equally for users with the administrator role.
When enabled, administrators must explicitly, manually elevate themselves to any roles
that are marked as elevated.
When disabled, administrators need only to manually elevate to the security_admin role. Other roles are automatically granted to administrators.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true for new instances, false for upgraded instances
- Location: For new instances, this property is available on the System Property [sys_properties] table. For upgrades, Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.service_portal.search_as_you_type_behavior
- Select search suggestions (Suggestions) or type-ahead functionality (Typeahead). For more information about search suggestions, see Enable search suggestions.
- glide.set_x_frame_options
- Enables (true) or disables (false) the
response header to SAMEORIGIN for all UI pages. The X-Frame-Options HTTP response header
can be used to indicate whether a browser should be allowed to render a page in a
<frame> or <iframe>. Set this property to true to
avoid clickjacking attacks, by ensuring that CMS content cannot be embedded into other
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.short_poll_delay
- (Chat plugin) Sets the short polling delay, in milliseconds, for XMPP requests.
Polling is the method by which the browser gets information from the server to send
instant messages in chat.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 1000 (1 second)
- Location:
- glide.shortened_journal_length
- Sets the number of characters to display as a preview of journal input fields.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 512000
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.smtp.dateformat
- Specifies the date format to use for outgoing email notifications
- Type: string
- Default value: date format [sys_user.date_format] listed in the user record of the email sender.
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.smtp.default_retry
- Enables (true) or disables (false)
resending email when an unknown SMTP error code is encountered. The instance recognizes
only the SMTP error codes defined in the glide.smtp.defer_retry_ids
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location:
- glide.smtp.defer_retry_ids
- Specifies the comma-separated list of SMTP error codes that force the instance to
resend email.
- Type: string
- Default value: 421,450,451,452
- Location:
- glide.smtp.fail_message_ids
- Specifies the comma-separated list of SMTP error codes that prevent the instance from
resending email.
- Type: string
- Default value: 500,501,502,503,504,550,551,552,553,554
- Location:
- glide.smtp.timeformat
- Specifies the time format to use for outgoing email notifications.
- Type: string
- Default value: time format listed in email sender's user record [sys_user.time_format].
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.soap.allow_null_numeric_output
- When true, SOAP XML responses return an empty element for
numeric fields with no value. When false, numeric fields with no
value return a value of
in the SOAP response.Note: The property glide.wsdl.show_nillable must be true to allow null values in SOAP responses.- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.soap.default_security_policy
- Specifies the name of SOAP security policy the instance uses when enforcing Web
Services Security (WSS) for inbound requests.
- Type: string
- Default value: default security policy
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.soap.import_set_insert_serialized
- Controls the processing of web service inserts. If true, the
instance processes multiple simultaneous inserts one at a time (serially across nodes)
to ensure an accurate transform. Serialized processing slows the speed at which the
instance processes inserts. If false, multiple simultaneous
inserts into an import set table result in simultaneous transforms that may produce
duplicate target records due to the coalesce value being created at the same
time.Note: Set this value to false only to optimize performance when the related transform map does not have a coalesce value that may be present simultaneously.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.soap.request_processing_timeout
- Sets the maximum number of seconds that a SOAP request has to finish processing before
the connection times out. This property computes a default value from the value of the
property glide.http.timeout divided by 1000. There might be network
infrastructure (such as proxy servers) in place that implements a shorter timeout. In
this case, a socket timeout may occur unless this property is set to a shorter value. In
general, you should set this property to a value several seconds less than the shortest
socket inactivity timeout in effect anywhere in the network path between the client
application and the ServiceNow instance.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 175 (value of glide.http.timeout divided by 1000)
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.source_control.checksum_required
- This property allows you to enable optional checksum validations and sanitizations.
When set to true, continues to throw an error if the checksum
validation of application files fails. This action prevents application developers on
your instance from importing application files from source control that have been
modified outside of an instance.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.source_control.checksum_quick_install
- When set to true, bypasses the sanitization step(s) if the
checksum matches. This action prevents an application developer from waiting for
validation/sanitization steps to be processed if application files linked to a source
control repository outside of your instance weren't modified.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.source_control.default_branch_name
- Sets the default GIT repository branch to work in for application files linked to
source control.
- Type: string
- Default value: sn_instances/<instance_name>
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.spell.dictionary.en
- Sets the spell checker dictionary used in the system for English users. Dictionaries
are available for Brazilian Portuguese (pb.dic), Czech (cs.dic), Dutch (nl.dic), English
US (en.dic), English UK (en_uk.dic), Estonian (et.dic), Finnish (fi.dic), French
(fr.dic), German (de.dic), Hebrew (he.dic), Hungarian (hu.dic), Italian (it.dic), Polish
(pl.dic), Portuguese (pt.dic), Russian (ru.dic), Spanish (es.dic), and Thai (th.dic).
- Type: choice list
- Default value: en.dic (English US)
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.spell.dictionary.max_matches
- Specifies the maximum number of spelling errors that the spell-check should detect. By
default, spell-check finds only 10 spelling errors. The instance ignores any additional
errors after reaching the maximum value.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 10
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.sys.activity_using_audit_direct
- [Not Supported] Controls whether the record's
is generated using the Audit table (true) or not
[Required] Set the value to false to generate history with History Sets.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.sys.audit_inserts
- Specifies whether the Audit table audits inserts (true) or not
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.sys.date_format
- System date format for all users unless overridden in the user record.
- Type: date format
- Default value: yyyy-MM-dd
- Location:
- glide.sys.default.tz
- System timezone for all users unless overridden in the user's record.
- Type: timezone
- Default Value: none
- Location:
- glide.sys.domain.domain_change_notify
- Domain legacy
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.sys.domain.no_change_roles
- Domain legacy
- Type: string
- Default value: This field should be left empty.
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.sys.domain.use_record_domain
- Domain legacy
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.sys.domain.use_record_domain_for_client_scripts
- Domain legacy
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.sys.time_format
- System time format for all users unless overridden in the user's record.
- Type: time format
- Default Value: HH:mm:ss
- Location:
- glide.sys_reference_row_check
- Specifies whether the script conditions of Access Control Rules apply to a table's
reference fields (true) or not (false).
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
Note: If the glide.sys_reference_row_check system property is not present, or has been set to false, script conditions for Access Control Rules are not applied. This means an ACL containing scripted conditions will pass it's check as long as the other ACL criteria are met (such as role requirements). - glide.template.max_context
- Specifies the maximum number of templates displayed in a form's context menu. If more
than this number are available, users can click Apply Template on
the context menu to open the reference list of templates.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 15
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.transform.reuse_coalesce_field_value
- If true, avoid re-evaluation of coalesce scripts to get the
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.ts.index.attachment.debug
- If true, enables log messages for exceptions that occur when
indexing attachments. You can leave this property enabled during normal operations to
capture stack trace information about any exceptions.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.ts.index.attachment.list_terms.debug
- If true, the system logs all indexed terms when an attachment
is indexed.
For optimal performance, set this property to false during normal operations. Only enable this property when you are actively debugging an issue.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.ts.reindex.sys_metadata.after.upgrade
- If true, the system automatically reindexes the sys_metadata
table after an upgrade, without noticeable performance impact. To disable automatic
reindexing, set the value to false.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.ui.activity.displayname
- Specifies whether the activity formatter shows name values
(true) or user_name values (false).
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.ui.activity.email_roles
- Specifies the list of roles (comma-separated) that can view email in the Activity
- Type: string
- Default value: itil
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.ui.activity.email.use_display
- Specifies whether to display the email address or the user IDs (display value of the
User table) in email headers (true) or not
(false). If true, the instance searches
for a user record with a matching email address. If the instance cannot find a matching
user record, it displays the email address.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.ui.activity_stream.form_button
- Removes the activity stream button from forms.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.ui.activity_stream.list_button
- Removes the activity stream button from lists.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.ui.activity_stream.page_size
- Size of pages for Core UI form activity stream. A value of
0 means no paging.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 0
- Location: Still appears in the System Properties [sys_properties] table, but is no longer available.
- glide.ui.activity_stream.scale_animated_gifs
- Creates a thumbnail of animated .gif files. The maximum
dimensions are 525 px width and 350 px height. The animation is not preserved in the
thumbnail, but previewing the image displays the animation at its original size.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.activity_stream.scale_images
- Creates a thumbnail of large images to display in the activity stream. The maximum
dimensions are 525 pixels wide and 350 pixels high. If the user clicks the image or
attachment, the preview is at full size.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.activity_stream.style.comments
- Changes the color of the left bar in activity stream comments in Core UI.
- Type: color entry, either a name, such as blue or a code, such as #0000FF.
- Default value: transparent
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.activity_stream.style.work_notes
- Changes the color of the left bar in activity stream work notes in Core UI.
- Type: color entry, either a name, such as blue or a code, such as #0000FF.
- Default value: gold
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.activity.style.comments
- Changes the background color of the activity stream comments in UI15.
- Type: string
- Default value: background-color: background-color: WhiteSmoke
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.activity.style.work_notes
- Changes the background color of the activity stream work notes in UI15.
- Type: string
- Default value: background-color: LightGoldenRodYellow
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.allow.field.dependency.for.templates
- Checks dependency for choice fields at the time of applying template, preventing
invalid values to be set to the dependent field. For example, a subcategory field which
depends on category field.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.allow_deep_html_validation
- Allows administrators to prevent users from saving invalid HTML in a journal field.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.ui.attachment.force_download_all_mime_types
- Forces download of all MIME attachment files.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true for new instances, false for upgraded instances
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.audit_deleted_tables
- Comma-separated list of system tables for which the audit history tracks deletions.
- Type: string
- Default value: sys_user, sys_user_group, sys_user_role, sys_user_has_role, sys_user_grmember, sys_group_has_role, sys_security_acl_role
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.auto.recovery
- Allows users to recover unsaved changes while working in the Studio.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location:
- glide.ui.auto.recovery.exclude.field.types
- Comma-separated list of field types to exclude from automatic recovery.
- Type: string
- Default value: none
- Location:
- glide.ui.auto.recovery.unsupported.field.types
- Comma-separated list of field types no supported for automatic recovery.
- Type: string
- Default value: password,password2,glide_encrypted,video,user_image,image
- glide.ui.auto.recovery.unsupported.tables
- Comma-separated list of tables to exclude from automatic recovery.
- Type: string
- Default value: v_ws_editor
- Location:
- glide.ui.auto_req.extend.session
- If true, enables the user to extend their user session by
selecting a homepage refresh time. If false, it enforces session
timeout. The session timeout value is ignored when the user specifies an automatic
refresh value.
For example, if the user selects 5 minutes for automatic homepage refresh, the session is renewed every five minutes. By adding this property and setting the value to false, administrators can force the user session to time out even if the user page refreshes every x number of minutes. The user session times out after the value specified in the session timeout, plus the selected refresh value. This property takes effect when the Remember me check box is not selected for the user. Tablet and mobile devices do not support this feature.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.ui.buttons_bottom
- Controls whether UI actions appear at both the bottom and top of the form
(true) or only at the top (false). This
property only works in a deprecated version of the UI.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.cert_task_activity.fields
- Defines which journal field is the task activity field.
- Type: string
- Default value: work_notes
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.ui.chart.bar.horiz.max_col_slant_labels
- Sets the maximum number of columns in a horizontal bar chart before slanting (angling)
the labels.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 5
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.ui.chart.height
- Specifies the height of a chart in pixels.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 300
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.ui.chart.pie.labels
- Enables (true) or disables (false)
labels on pie chart slices.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.ui.chart.pie.labels.max_items
- Sets the maximum number of pie chart slice values that can be returned to display
their labels.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 8
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.ui.clickthrough.popup
- For reference fields, enables (true) or disables (false) display of the pop-up diamond icon for reference fields, and opening a new window when clicking the icon.
- For document ID fields, enables (true) or disables (false) displaying the information icon and opening a pop-up window with the document's form. To learn more Document ID field.
Note: Related lists do not appear on forms opened in the pop-up window.- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.clickthrough.replace
- Enables (true) or disables (false) both
the pop-up and click-through icons for reference fields.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.date_format.first_day_of_week
- Specifies which day of the week that weeks start on for calendar reports (1=Sunday,
- Type: integer
- Default value: 1
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.date_picker.first_day_of_week
- Specifies the first (leftmost) day of the week for the date and date/time picker
(1=Sunday, 2=Monday...).
- Type: integer
- Default value: 1
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.default.applications
- Comma-separated list of application names that open by default in the navigation pane
when nothing is opened via user preferences. If the property is specified and is blank,
no applications are opened in the navigation pane when no applications are opened via
user preferences. If the property is not specified, the first application that is
authorized for the user opens if no applications are opened via user preferences.
- Type: string
- Default value: first authorized application for the user
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.ui.dirty_form_support
- Enables (true) or disables (false)
display of a confirmation message when a form has unsaved changes and the user leaves
the form through any means except a submit (such as using the green back arrow, any form
button, or other). This property is not supported in Safari.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.ui.email.composer.enabled_plugins
- These plugin options are for Seismic Email Client. Removing plugins could cause undesirable side effects.
- Type: string
- Default values: link lists advlist table powerpaste searchreplace preview fullscreen placeholder readonlynoborder code image align_listitems emoticons anchor charmap media
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.ui.email.composer.toolbar
- These toolbar options are for Seismic Email Client.
- Type: string
- Default values: newdocument bold italic underline | strikethrough alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | blocks fontfamily fontsize table cut copy paste | pastetext searchreplace bullist numlist outdent indent blockquote | undo redo link unlink code forecolor backcolor removeformat | hr visualblocks preview subscript superscript charmap image media fullscreen
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.ui.encode_module_uri
- Enables (true, the default) or disables (false) encoding of module URIs in the navigation pane. For information about how ServiceNow encodes module URIs, see Encoding module URIs.
- glide.ui.escape_form_message
- Specifies whether strings in GlideForm functions are sanitized to remove unwanted code (true) or not (false).
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.ui.escape_gwindow_message
- Specifies whether strings in GlideWindow functions are sanitized to remove unwanted code (true) or not (false).
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.ui.filter.first_day_of_week
- Identifies the first day of the calendar week for the company. By default, the start
of the week is Monday, meaning that the calendar week begins with Monday and ends with
Sunday. To change this behavior, add the property
glide.ui.filter.first_day_of_week to the instance as an integer
property. Set the value to the integer corresponding with the day of the week that the
calendar begins on, where 1 is Sunday, 2 is Monday, and so on. The function impacts all
charts and calculations where the day of the week is used as a parameter.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 2
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.ui.first.field.reference
- Enables (true) or disables (false)
having the first column in a list always link to the underlying record, even if it is a
reference field. For example, if the first column on an Incident list is
Assigned to, that value links to the Incident if this property
is set to true.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.ui.form_annotations
- Enables (true) or disables (false) form
annotations, which allow you to add Custom, Section Separator, and Line Separator to a
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.form_multiple_splits
- Enables
(true) or disables (false) multiple
splits and end splits in the form layout configuration
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.gauge.view
- Defines which view you want to be the default for homepage gauges.
- Type: string
- Default value: portal
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.glide_list.start.locked
- Controls whether a glide_list (like the watch list) starts out locked
(true) or unlocked (false) on a form.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.goto_use_contains
- Controls whether the Go to navigation performs a "contains"
query (true) or a "greater than" query
(false) by default.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.ui.homepage.parallel
- Enables (true) or disables (false) use
of parallel rendering.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.homepage.parallelism
- Sets the maximum number of threads that should cooperate on rendering any given
- Type: integer
- Default value: 2
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.homepage.preview
- Enables (true) or disables (false)
displaying the preview icon for lists on the homepage.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.html.editor
- Specifies which HTML field editor to use, TinyMCE or htmlArea (legacy).
- Type: string
- Default value: tinymce
- Location:
- glide.ui.html.editor.default_target_link
- Enables you to set a default target value for links in the TinyMCE.
- Type: string
- Default value: ''
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.html.editor.extended_valid_elements
- Defines which elements remain in the TinyMCE text when the editor saves. This
functionality can be useful to add or override specific elements that should be kept.
- Type: string
- Default value: blank
- Location: System property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.html.editor.toolbar.line1
- Configures the editing toolbar (first line) for HTML fields when TinyMCE is enabled.
The spellchecker tool is not supported in Core UI
or UI15.
- Type: string
- Location:
- glide.ui.html.editor.toolbar.line2
- Configures the editing toolbar (second line) for HTML fields when TinyMCE is enabled.
The spellchecker tool is not supported in Core UI
or UI15.
- Type: string
- Location:
- glide.ui.html.editor.v4.paste.html_import
- Controls how content being pasted from sources other than Microsoft Word is filtered.
This includes content copied from TinyMCE itself.
- Type: choice list
- Default value: clean
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.html.image.allow_url
- Enables (true) or disables (false)
uploading an image via URL from HTML Fields.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.html.editor.remove_trailing_brs
- Specifies whether an empty line containing a
tag is converted to a<div> </div>
tag for TinyMCE HTML fields. If true, the tag is converted. If false, the tag is left as<br>
.- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location:
- glide.ui.html.toolbar
- Configures the editing toolbar for HTML fields.
- Type: string
- Default value: list of buttons
- Location:
- glide.ui.incident_activity.fields
- Defines what fields are visible in the activity formatter. If the activities are
customized, the system updates this property automatically.
- Type: string
- Default value: list of fields
- Location:
- glide.ui.incident_activity.max_addresses
- Specifies the maximum number of addresses to list in an email audit record. If the
number of addresses exceeds this limit, the instance truncates the list after the
maximum value and displays an ellipsis character (...).
- Type: string
- Default value: 5
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.ui.incident_alert_activity.fields
- Incident communication plan activity formatter fields — the list of fields tracked
from the Incident Communication Plan form in the activity formatter.
- Type: string
- Default value: opened_by, work_notes, comments, severity, estd_distruption_time, actual_disruption_time
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.journal.use_html
- Specifies whether TinyMCE is available for journal fields
(true) or not (false).
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- glide.ui.js_error_notify
- Displays client script errors to users with the
client_script_admin role. Also displays a generic error message
to other users who encounter a client script error.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location:
- glide.ui.label.enable
- Enables (true) or disables (false) using
labels, such as Most Active, Most Recent, or user-created.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.m.clear_pasteboard_when_backgrounded
- Clears the copy/paste clipboard when the application enters the background.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table. In Categories, add the mobile_post_auth category.
- glide.ui.max_calendar_duration
- Maximum number of days that a single calendar report entry can display.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 90
- Range of possible values: 90 to 400
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.max_calendar_records
- Maximum number of records saved in a calendar report.
- Type: integer
- Default value if the property is not configured: 10,000
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.m_agents
- Comma-separated list of browser agents considered as mobile browsers for the
Smartphone Interface. These browsers are directed to the mobile pages instead of the
full browser pages.
- Type: string
- Default value: iphone,android_phone,IEMobile,Windows Phone,iPod,Windows CE,BlackBerry,BB10
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.max_ref_dropdown
- Maximum number of records for a reference field that is displayed as a choice list. If
the number of available records is greater than this value, the field appears as a
reference field, not as a choice list.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 25
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.mentions.default_limit
Number of users with same name displayed in Activity Stream Compose editor. When set to true, the default limit takes in a number which determines how many users with the same name are displayed.
- Type: string
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.mobile_agents
- Comma-separated list of browser agents considered as mobile browsers for the Legacy
Smartphone Interface. These browsers are directed to the mobile pages instead of the
full browser pages.
- Type: string
- Default value: iPod,Windows CE,BlackBerry,Android,Opera Mini,IEMobile,Windows Phone,iphone
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.nav.stripe.select.maxchars
- Numerical character limit for list menu choices within the nav stripe. The nav stripe
appears at the top of the page when using UI11.
- Type: integer
- Default value: none
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.ui.polaris.experience
- Enables the Next Experience user interface, landing page, and Unified Navigation. For more information, see Next Experience UI.
This property does not affect anything in workspaces, such as Platform Analytics Components. Workspaces, UI Builder, and related features are always enabled.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true on new instances, false on upgrades from Tokyo or earlier.
- Location: The System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.polaris.global_search
- Toggles the Next Experience search function.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true when glide.ui.polaris.experience is true.
- Location: The System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.polaris.history.url.param_blocklist
- URL parameters that are excluded when the system identifies and clears duplicate URLs
from the history. This property applies only to the Next Experience Unified
Navigation, which is enabled when glide.ui.polaris.experience is
- Type: string
- Default value: ["tinyId"]
- Location: The System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.polaris.list_style.enable_highlighted_value_style
- Enables highlighted value style on list cells. This property applies only when
glide.ui.polaris.experience is true.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true when glide.ui.polaris.experience is true.
- Location: The System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.polaris.login.show_illustrations
- Enables display of illustrative graphics on the stylized login page. This property
applies only when glide.ui.polaris.experience is true.
- Type: string
- Default value: true when glide.ui.polaris.experience is true.
- Location: The System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.polaris.menus
- Toggles the Unified Navigation menus in the header. This property applies only when
glide.ui.polaris.experience is true, meaning that Next Experience Unified Navigation is enabled.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true when glide.ui.polaris.experience is true.
- Location: The System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.reference.readonly.clickthrough
- Enables (true) or disables (false)
reference pop-ups on read-only reference fields. Reference pop-ups and click-throughs
are hidden by default if a client script, UI policy, or ACL makes the field read-only.
Being able to see or click through to the target record is unrelated to the reference
field being writable.
If false, the administrator can override the system setting for a specific field by adding the readonly_clickthrough=true attribute to the dictionary entry.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location:
- glide.ui.remember_view
- Enables (true) or disables (false) use
of user preferences for the last view.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.remember.me.default
- Controls whether the Remember me check box is selected
(true) or cleared (false) by default.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.report.extend_calendar_choices
- Controls which field styles are applied during calendar highlighting. If
false, field styles in only the Task table are used. If
true, the calendar first uses field styles from the table that
the report is based on. If no applicable styles exist in that table, the calendar uses
field styles from the Task table.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.report.old_report_builder
- Enables (true) or disables (false) use
of the old report builder UI.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.ui.section508
- Enables (true) or disables (false)
rendering of alternate text in place of images.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location:
- glide.ui.show_live_feed_activity
- Enables (true) or disables (false) live
feed for a record in the activity formatter.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location:
- glide.ui.show_template_bar
- Controls whether the template bar can be displayed on the specified table. For
glide.ui.show_template_bar.incident = false
.- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.ui.session_timeleft
- Sets how much time, in minutes, users have to extend a session before it times out due
to inactivity.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 2
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.active.session.life_span
- Sets the maximum session time for sessions regardless of activity, in minutes.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 0
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.session_timeout
- Sets the inactive session timeout, in minutes.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 30
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.stream_icon
- Toggles the displaying of the activity stream button on the specified table. For
glide.ui.stream_icon.hr_case = true
.- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- glide.ui.syntax_editor.context_menu
- Enables disables the context menu in script editor.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.syntax_editor.linter.eslint_config
- Defines linting configurations using the ESLint utility.
- Type: string
- Default value: All recommended ESLint rules are enabled, except no-undef, no-unused-vars, no-empty, and semi.
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.table.labels
- Controls whether the system uses verbose labels for table names
(true) or literal table names
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.tablet_enabled
- Enables (true) or disables (false) the
tablet UI.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location:
- glide.ui.tablet_agents
- Uses the tablet UI if one of the specified strings (comma-separated) appears in the
browser user_agent header.
- Type: string
- Default value: ipad,android_tablet
- Location:
- glide.ui.tablet.title
- Displays the specified text as a brief page title for tablet UI.
- Type: string
- Default value: ServiceNow
- Location:
- glide.ui.tablet.title.ios_webapp
- Displays the specified text as the default home screen icon label used in iOS version
6 and later.
- Type: string
- Default value: ServiceNow
- Location:
- glide.ui.task.insert
- Enables (true) or disables (false) the
use of Insert and Insert and Stay options
on tables derived from Task (such as Incident, Change, and Problem).
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.textarea.character_counter
- When true, displays a count of available characters for journal
and multi-line text fields.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.textarea_initial_rows
- Sets the number of rows initially displayed for multiline form elements. When the
element is selected for editing, it is expanded. Set this value to
0 or blank to ignore this property. This functionality is used
to conserve space on a form when multiline elements take up too much space.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 0
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.update_on_iterate
- Controls whether updates are saved (true) or discarded
(false) when a user clicks the blue arrows on a form.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.ui_policy_debug
- Enables (true) or disables (false)
logging of UI policy processing in the JavaScript debug window
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.ui.user_cookie.life_span_in_days
- Sets the expiration time period for the 'remember me' cookie.Note: When a user accesses an instance with 'remember me' enabled, the access resets the cookie expiration period until the maximum (glide.ui.user_cookie.max_life_span_in_days) life span limit is reached.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 15 (days)Note: Maximum value 30.
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.user_cookie.max_life_span_in_days
- Sets a maximum cap for the glide.ui.user_cookie.life_span_in_days
cookie to expire before forcing a user to re-authenticate into the instance.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 30 (days)Note: Maximum value 365 days.
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui.welcome.profile_link
- Enables (true) or disables (false)
allowing users to click their name in the welcome message and see their user profile.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: In new instances true. In existing instances false.
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.ui11.show_switch_link
- This property only affects a deprecated version of the UI. It is no longer supported.
Displays (true) or hides (false) a banner
link for switching between the UI11 and legacy interfaces.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.update.suppress_update_version
- Comma-separated list of tables for which updates are not tracked in the Versions
[sys_update_version] table. You cannot compare and revert versions for tables in this
- Type: string
- Default value: sys_user,sys_import_set_row
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.user.default_password
- Default password for new users created from incoming email. Users must reset the
password at first login.
- Type: string
- Default value: password
- Location:
- glide.userauthgate.extauth.check
- Enables (true) or disables (false) the
UserAuthenticationGate checks for both external and internal
authentication mechanisms.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- glide.user.trusted_domain
- Comma-separated list of trusted domains for which the instance automatically creates a
guest user based on incoming emails. Use an asterisk (*) to trust all domains. If an
email is not from a trusted domain, the instance processes the inbound email as a "guest
user" but does not create a guest user in the instance.
- Type: string
- Default value: *
- Location:
- glide.workflow.model.cache.max
- Maximum number of models held in the workflow cache. You must restart the instance
after changing this property to apply the change.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 300
- Location:
- glide.wsdl.definition.use_unique_namespace
- Enables (true) or disables (false) use
of a unique WSDL namespace value when publishing a ServiceNow
table through web services. If true, the WSDL target namespace is
www.service-now.com/<table name>.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.wsdl.maximum_hierarchy
- Maximum number of hierarchical levels returned in a WSDL when hierarchical SOAP web
service is enabled. This property has a maximum value of 3.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 3
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.wsdl.show_nillable
- Enables (true) or disables (false)
allowing a WSDL element to be valid if it has no element content despite a {content
type} which would otherwise require content.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.ws.use_row_lock
- If true, avoid using the current web service lock that applies
before running the transform. Use the row lock that applies after the OnStart method.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.xmlhttp.excessive
- Sets the number of items visible in the Available half of a many-to-many or
one-to-many collection box.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 100
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- glide.xmlprocessor.use_unload_format
- Enables (true) or disables (false) unloading the XML using the display_value format.
To unload using this format, add the parameter useUnloadFormat=true
to the request URL.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- google.maps.auto_close
- If true, automatically closes the current info window before
opening a new one. Clear the check box to enable multiple pop-up windows to remain open
at once.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location:
- google.maps.client
- Client ID for Google Maps API for Business. This client ID authorizes production use
of Google Maps API for Business. By default, this ID is provided by ServiceNow. ServiceNow may require you to
purchase a separate Client ID based on your usage.
- Type: string
- Default value: gme-servicenow
- Location:
- google.maps.key
- Map key from Google, tied to the URL of the server. This key is the private key
authorizing development use of Google Maps.
- Type: string
- Default value: empty
- Location:
- google.maps.latitude
- Starting latitude of the map. This value determines the starting latitude displayed in
Google Maps.
- Type: string
- Default value: 36.008522
- Location:
- google.maps.longitude
- Starting longitude of the map. This value determines the starting longitude displayed
in Google Maps.
- Type: string
- Default value: -95.221764
- Location:
- google.maps.max_items
- Maximum number of items to display on the map. This setting determines how many icons
can be displayed on a map.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 500
- Location:
- google.maps.table
- Table used by the map. This setting names the table containing the name, longitude,
and latitude fields.
- Type: string
- Default value: cmn_location
- Location:
- google.maps.zoom
- Starting zoom level of the map (1 is the lowest).
- Type: integer
- Default value: 4
- Location:
- help.base.default
- (Context-Sensitive Help plugin) Sets the base URL for help contexts in which ServiceNow wiki is false and an absolute URL
is not specified.
- Type: string
- Default value: http://servicenow.com/docs/?context=
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- help.base.servicenow
- (Context-Sensitive Help plugin) Sets the base URL for help contexts in which ServiceNow wiki is true
- Type: string
- Default value: http://servicenow.com/docs/?context=
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- mid.server.rba_debug_powershell
- Enables probe-level debugging for PowerShell probes. With this property enabled,
PowerShell probes write detailed activity information to the MID Server
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location:
- mid.version.override
- Sets an override condition for the current version for all MID Servers in your
environment. For more information on version control, see MID Server version control
- Type: string
- Default value: none (If this property is left empty, the MID Servers get their version information from the mid.buildstamp property.)
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- par_vis_config.data_source.can_select_indicator
- Specifies roles (comma-separated) which can select indicators as data sources from the
Data Visualization configuration panel. If empty, all users can select the indicator
sources that they have access to.
- Type: string
- Default value: empty
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- par_vis_config.live_refresh_rate_min_value
- Specifies the minimum interval in seconds for the Live refresh
rate setting in the Data Visualization configuration. If set, a user can
still set an empty or 0 value.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 30 (seconds)
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- par_viz.table_data_max_data_points
- Maximum number of data points for data visualization charts based on table sources.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 10000
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- par_viz.table_data_max_groups
- Maximum number of groups to be displayed for data visualization charts based on table
- Type: integer
- Default value: 50
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- password_reset.activity_monitor.incident_threshold
- Specifies the maximum number of lockouts before an alert is issued.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 10 (lockouts)
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- password_reset.activity_monitor.incident_window
- Specifies the amount of time that is used for recording and counting the number of
user lockouts.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 60 (minutes)
- Location:
- password_reset.captcha.ignore
Enables and disables CAPTCHA functionality.
The password reset application uses Google re-CAPTCHA as the default CAPTCHA service. To use the base system CAPTCHA, change the password_reset.captcha.google.enabled system property to false.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location:
- password_reset.qa.num_enroll
- Specifies the number of questions a user must select and answer to be enrolled in the
password reset program.Note: This security question property can be overridden by adding a value for the num_enroll parameter in a security question verification.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 5 (questions)
- Location:
- password_reset.qa.num_reset
- Specifies the number of questions a user must answer to verify their identity during
the password reset process.Note: This security question property can be overridden by adding a value for the num_reset parameter in a security question verification.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 3 (questions)
- Possible values: integers that are less than the number specified for the num_enroll property.
- Location:
- password_reset.request.max_attempt
- Specifies the number of password reset attempts a user has before they are locked out
for a period determined by the value in max_attempt_window.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 3 (attempts)
- Location: Properties
- password_reset.request.max_attempt_window
- Specifies how long a user is locked out or prevented from changing their password
after trying the maximum number of times.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 1440 (minutes)
- Location:
- password_reset.request.retry_window
- Specifies the length of time before the count for password reset attempts
- Type: integer
- Default value: 1440 (minutes)
- Location:
- password_reset.request.success_window
- Specifies how long a user is locked out after they have successfully reset their
- Type: integer
- Default value: 10 (minutes)
- Location:
- password_reset.sms.default_complexity
- Specifies the number of characters in the SMS code that are required for a user to
reset their password.Note: This SMS code property can be overridden by adding a value for the complexity parameter in an SMS code verification.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 4 (digits)
- Location:
- password_reset.sms.expiry
- Specifies the amount of time, in minutes, until the SMS code sent to the user
expires.Note: This SMS code property can be overridden by adding a value for the expiry parameter in an SMS code verification.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 5 (minutes)
- Location:
- password_reset.sms.max_per_day
- Specifies the maximum number of SMS codes that are sent to a user within one 24-hour
period. When a user clicks the Send Verification Code button, the
24-hour period begins.Note: This SMS code property can be overridden by adding a value for the max_per_day parameter in an SMS code verification.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 10 (per day)
- Location:
- password_reset.sms.pause_window
- Specifies the amount of time to pass before another SMS code can be sent to a
user.Note: This SMS code property can be overridden by adding a value for the pause_window parameter in an SMS code verification.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 2 (minutes)
- Location:
- password_reset.wf.refresh_rate
- Specifies how often to check the status of the workflow. Represented in the password
reset process progress bar.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 90000 (milliseconds)
- Location:
- password_reset.wf.timeout
- Specifies the maximum wait time, in milliseconds, for the workflow to execute. The
workflow is triggered during the password reset request when the user clicks
- Type: integer
- Default value: 500 (milliseconds)
- Location:
- promin.show_records.limit
- Specifies the maximum number of records that can be returned for an arc or node for
the Show Records link to display. If more records are returned
than the set limit, the link does not display.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 100,000 (records)
- Location: Add the property to the System Property [sys_properties] table.
- remember_me.max_duration_in_days
- Sets a maximum cap for the remember_me_cookie.duration_in_days
cookie to expire before forcing a user to reauthenticate into the instance.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 30 (days)Note: Maximum value 365 days.
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- remember_me_cookie.duration_in_days
- Sets the default expiration for the "remember me" cookie. When a user logs in with
"remember me" enabled, each login within the expiration limit resets the expiration
- Type: integer
- Default value: 15 (days)Note: Maximum value 30 days.
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- sam.install_deletion_deadline
- Defines the number of days after which a software install is deleted if not discovered
with the configuration item. Use a value that is greater than the number of days between
consecutive Discovery runs.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 7
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- security.list.internal.domains
- Other domains (excluding the ones in the comma-separated list in this property) are
classified as external email domains. The counts of incoming emails from these external
domains display in the External Incoming Emails metric in the Instance Security
- Type: choice string
- Default value: None
- Other possible values: Comma-separated list of all internal email domains in the organization.
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- sn_acc_vis_content.set_assigned_to
- Determines if Assigned To attribute is overridden by ACC-V or not.
- Type: Boolean
- Default value: false
- sn_acc_vis_content.assigned_to_user_order
- Defines the source of Assigned To user and its priority for ACC-V. The order of the
username sources defined is used to define the priority based on which the Assigned To
user is set for a computer CI. For example, computer_system_username, logged_in_users.
These two different sources decide which user name derived from which source takes
preference in deciding the attribute Assigned To for a computer CI.
computer_system_username: The source is derived from the native command for Windows machine wmic computersystem get user username.
Logged_in_users: Source is OsQuery which gets logged in users from the OsQuery table.
- Type: choice string
- Default value: computer_system_username, logged_in_users
- sn_acc_vis_content.persist_os_user_type
- Persists the type of users that you are interested in for ACC-V.
- Type: Comma separated parameter
- Default value: local,system
- sn_agent.disco_minimum_threshold_for_rediscovery_minutes
- The minimum number of minutes since the last Enhanced Discovery on a
given IP before a rediscovery can be triggered. This helps to prevent too frequent
Enhanced Discovery in cases where a network intermittently has a break or
a laptop is rebooted repeatedly.
- Type: Integer
- Default value: 60
- sn_agent.disco_disable_ci_clobber_of_agentless_disco
- If true, checks whether CI already exists discovered with matching criteria
(discovery_source=ServiceNow) and instead of re-discovering, links the agent record to
existing CI.
- Type: Boolean
- Default value: true
- sn_agent.disco_ci_clobber_of_agentless_disco_threshold_days
- The maximum number of days since an existing CI has been discovered using Agent-less
Discovery where the existing CI links instead of re-discovering it using the Agent.
This takes effect when disco_disable_ci_clobber_of_agentless_disco is true and it has
been an extended period of time (over 14 days, by default) since a non-ACC
discovery_source (like ServiceNow) has discovered the CI. Once
this threshold is exceeded, Enhanced Discovery is allowed to execute and
clobber an existing CI regardless of whether a CI has been previously discovered by a
non-ACC discovery_source. This enables the most recent discovered data to be present in
the CMDB.
- Type: Integer
- Default value: 14
- sn_agent.host_data_collection.disable_when_container
- If true, when host data collection occurs and it is found that the Agent Client Collector is running in a container, the incoming data will not be processed and the host data collection status will be set to disabled.
- Type: Boolean
- Default value: true
- sn_acc_vis_content.persist_sam_usage_metrics
- Enable to leverage the SAM Basic metering functionality. If this flag is set to True,
after fetching details about all the software installed, including the last accessed
time via osquery, the information goes into the Software Usage [samp_sw_usage] table.
The SAM plugin also needs to be enabled to persist the information.
- Type: Boolean
- Default value: true
- sn_app_insights.minutes_between_triggers
- How many minutes to wait before sending out a notification for an identical metric
- Type: Integer
- Default value: 30
- sn_app_insights.p1_predict_factor.semaphores
- The normalizing factor for data for the semaphores metric in the p1 prediction model.
- Type: Integer
- Default value: 21
- sn_app_insights.p1_predict_factor.sys_load
- The normalizing factor for data for the sys_load metric in the p1 prediction model.
- Type: Integer
- Default value: 923
- sn_app_insights.p1_predict_max_cooldown
- The number of consecutive "no p1 predicted” minutes required to exit the p1 alert
- Type: String
- Default value: 5
- sn_app_insights.p1_predict_threshold
- The minimum confidence required for the p1 predict model to predict a p1 alert state.
- Type: Integer
- Default value: 90
- sn_bm_client.dashboard_display_unit
- Time unit to use for KPI values on the Benchmarks dashboard. Options are
Hours or Days.
- Type: choice list
- Default value: Days
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- sn_chg_soc.change_soc_initial_limit
- Defines the number of change_request records to display on load of the Change
- Type: Integer
- Default value: 40
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- sn_chg_soc.change_soc_scroll_load_limit
- Defines the number of change_request records to display as the Change Schedule is
- Type: Integer
- Default value: 20
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- sn_chg_soc.change_soc_total_limit
- Defines the total number of change_request records that can be displayed on a Change
- Type: Integer
- Default value: 1000
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- sn_chg_soc.landing_page.pinned_notification
- Shows a message for pin or unpin a change schedule.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- sn_chg_soc.schedule_window_days
- Specifies the number of days to be factored before and after the respective start/end
of a change_request record when displaying blackout and maintenance window spans on the
Change Schedule page.
- Type: Integer
- Default value: 30
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- sn_disco_cd.scheduled_job_time_out_in_mins
- This property sets the value for the maximum run time of the scheduled job for Cloud
Resources in minutes.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 120
- sn_disco_certmgmt.cert_task_default_approval_group
- This property is used to set default Approval Group name for Certificate Inventory and Management for manual approval processes for requesting new,
renewing, or revoking certificates for automated workflows only. You can add more than
one approval group, separated by commas. The task chooses the current domain group first
and then the global domain group. If no group is found, the task will fail.
- Type: string
- Default value: none
- sn_disco_certmgmt.default_cert_order_validity_period
- This property is used to set the validity period of the certificate order being placed
in Certificate Inventory and Management.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 1000 days
- sn_disco_certmgmt.default_cert_task_priority
- This property is used to configure New and Renew task priorities in Certificate Inventory and Management. Accepts values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. If any invalid value
(<1 || >5 || other strings) is provided, the value reverts to P3.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 3 (if property doesn't exist)
- sn_disco_certmgmt.default_revoke_cert_task_priority
- This property is used to configure Revoke task priorities in Certificate Inventory and Management. Accepts values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. If any invalid value
(<1 || >5 || other strings) is provided, the value reverts to P1.
- Type: integer
- Default value: 1 (if property doesn't exist)
- sn_global_searchui.hide_results_count
Hides (true) or displays (false) the number of matching records for search groups and tables on the Global search page.
To modify this property, select Enhanced Global Search UI from the application picker before opening the System Properties table.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- sn_nowassist_va.com.glide.cs.gen_ai.enable_mid_topic_ai_search_conversational_catalogs
In Mid Topic Discovery AI Search results, change the value to true to show catalog results. By default, these Mid Topic AI Search results only show knowledge base results.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: false
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- sn_nowassist_va.nass_animated_avatar_enabled
An animated sparkle
icon appears while the LLM response streams to the end user. The animated sparkle
icon changes to the static branded Virtual Agent icon after the response has fully loaded. If this system property is set to false, the animated ellipsis icon appears after the loading messages.
- Type: true | false
- Default value: true
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- sn_nowassist_va.synthesized_autostart_items
When synthesized response only returns a singular action, configure whether to automatically launch the action. By default, only Virtual Agent topics automatically launch. You can configure this for whenever synthesized response returns a single conversational catalog item, a single Virtual Agent topic along with Knowledge Base information, or a single conversational catalog item along with Knowledge Base information.
- Type: string
- Default value: topic
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
- subscription.custom_table.enforce_entitlement
You can enable guardrails around custom tables when using certain applications, such as Mobile Studio, in a production or non-production environment.
When set to true, the property limits the list of custom tables available in applications such as Mobile Studio to those you are entitled to use, based on the active subscriptions present on your instance. If you want to remove these guardrails, setting the property to false enables you to access to all custom tables, regardless of your active subscription entitlements.
- Type: Boolean
- Default value:
- Location: System Property [sys_properties] table
Note: Setting this property to false enables you to use applications with custom tables that may not be entitled. See the service description for your active subscriptions to determine which custom tables (if any) you are entitled to use with selected applications.- sys_par_insights_enabled
- Enables the Proactive Analytics feature.
- Type: true/false (Boolean)
- Default value: true
- Location: To change the value, create this property in the System Properties table.
- More information: Add a system property
- tablet.footer.text
- Text that appears on the footer of the tablet UI.
- Type: string
- Default value: Copyright ServiceNow 2012
- Location:
- tablet.header.text
- Text that appears on the right-hand side of the tablet UI header.
- Type: string
- Default value: ServiceNow
- Location:
Add a system property
Add or create a property to control system behavior.
Before you begin
Role required: admin
For more information on creating system properties for your own applications, take the training on the ServiceNow® Developer Site.
About this task
Some properties in the system aren’t visible in an instance by default and must be added to the System Property [sys_properties] table. If a feature requires the addition of the property, you can add a system property.
Create a system properties module
You can add a module in the application navigator to access the list of system properties. This module makes it easy to add properties to the System Properties table.
Before you begin
What to do next