Create a stacked column visualization for a time series widget

To compare and sum the scores of several indicators, create a widget as a time series with a stacked column visualization.

Before you begin

Role required: pa_power_user or admin

About this task

Note: This feature is part of the Core UI front end. It is not supported on Platform Analytics dashboards or UI Builder pages, except to a limited extent when migrated in compatibility mode. To build Platform Analytics components, see Data visualizations in Platform Analytics or Filters in Platform Analytics.

To show the sum of scores of several indicators over time, and to show the relative contribution of each indicator to the sum, use a stacked column visualization.

In the following example, indicators for each regional sales center are stacked in columns to show both the total sales and the relative contribution of each region.

Figure 1. Stacked column visualization - time series
Four indicators for regional sales centers stacked in each column to show both the relative contribution and the sum of all regions


  1. Navigate to All > Performance Analytics > Widgets and click New.
  2. In the Name field, give the widget a name that reflects the information being displayed.
  3. In the Type field, select Time series.
    If you change the value of Type after you fill in other fields, those fields are cleared.
  4. In the Visualization field, select Stacked Column.
  5. In the Indicator field, select the main indicator for which you want to show scores.
  6. Fill in any of the following fields:
  7. To have the widget follow the breakdown elements that are selected on a breakdown dashboard, follow these steps:
    1. Select Follow element.

      Selecting this option removes the ability to set a second breakdown and element on the widget.

    2. (Optional) Set which of the available breakdowns to follow in Followed breakdown.
      Breakdown dashboards let you select a breakdown source and elements. However, an indicator can use more than one breakdown that is based on the same breakdown source. Use this setting to determine which of these breakdowns to apply in a breakdown dashboard.

      For example, the indicator Number of open incidents uses two breakdowns: Assigned to, and Opened by. Both breakdowns are based on the Users.Active breakdown source. Consider the case where you create a widget for this indicator and you have the widget follow elements on breakdown dashboards. You want the widget to display separate values for the elements of the Assigned to breakdown. Therefore, you select Assigned to in the field Followed breakdown.

    3. In Show multiple elements as, select whether to show each element separately or to show an aggregate of elements based on the indicator aggregation.
      Neither all widget visualizations nor all indicators support both aggregate and separate views. For automated and external indicators, only COUNT, SUM, MAX, and MIN data aggregations support aggregate views. COUNT DISTINCT and AVG do not. For more information, see Showing multiple elements separately or aggregated.
    Important: Do not specify a breakdown and element on the widget record when you want the elements for that breakdown to be selected on a breakdown dashboard. The element on the widget record overrides any elements selected on the breakdown dashboard for that breakdown.
  8. (Optional) Review the Settings tabs and change settings as desired.
  9. Right-click the form header and select Save.
  10. Add additional indicators in the Widget Indicators related list, giving each indicator the Stacked Column visualization.

What to do next

To view the widget, add it to a dashboard or a portal.