Several types of components are installed with the Expense Line plugin.

Tables installed with Expense Line

Tables are added with activation of Expense Line.

Table Description
Expense Line


Stores information about expense lines, including a link to the associated rate card. Contains the status and next scheduled processing date for the expense line.

Roles installed with Expense Line

Roles are added with activation of Expense Line.

Role Contains roles Description
Financial admin [financial_mgmt_admin] [financial_mgmt_user] Can create, write, and delete allocation units, fixed assets, depreciation, rate cards, distribution costs, expense lines, and expense allocations.
Financial user [financial_mgmt_user] none Can read allocation units and expense allocations. Can create, read, and write rate cards and expense lines. Can create, read, write, and delete fixed assets, depreciation, distribution costs.

Script includes installed with Expense Line

Script includes are added with activation of Expense Line.

Script include Description
ExpenseLine Helps create expense line records.
ExpenseManagementUtils Provides utilities for financial management modules.
ExpenseManagementUtilsAJAX Provides AJAX utilities for expense lines.

Client scripts installed with Expense Line

Client scripts are added with activation of Expense Line.

Business rules installed with Expense Line

Business rules are added with activation of Expense Line.

Business rule Table Description
Create Expense Line [alm_asset] Automatically creates an expense line for a new asset based on asset cost unless the asset is a merged software license.
Set source allocation fields [fm_expense_line] Sets the related source fields when the source ID changes. For example, when an asset becomes the source ID, the asset source field and configuration item source field are automatically populated.
Update Costs [alm_consumable] Updates the cost of a consumable when quantity is reduced.

Domain separation and Expense Line

Domain separation is unsupported in Expense Line processing. Domain separation enables you to separate data, processes, and administrative tasks into logical groupings called domains. You can control several aspects of this separation, including which users can see and access data.

Support level: No support

  • The domain field may exist on data tables but there is no business logic to manage the data.
  • This level is not considered domain-separated.

For more information on support levels, see Application support for domain separation.