RabbitMQ default checks and policies

Agent Client Collector provides the following default checks and policies for RabbitMQ health monitoring. You must perform RabbitMQ discovery before executing the checks. RabbitMQ checks are available only in a Windows environment.

Table 2. RabbitMQ Metrics policy
Type Check Description Command
Metric metrics-rabbitmq-overview Provides RabbitMQ overview statistics. metrics-rabbitmq-overview.rb --port {{.labels.params_port}} --host {{.labels.params_host}}
Metric metrics-rabbitmq-queue Provides RabbitMQ metrics per queue. metrics-rabbitmq-queue.rb --port {{.labels.params_port}} --host {{.labels.params_host}} {{if .labels.params_vhost}} --vhost {{.labels.params_vhost}} {{end}}