Create a copy of an existing portfolio plan in Strategic Planning

Create a portfolio plan with the data of an existing portfolio plan. If the portfolio plan you want to create is similar to an existing portfolio plan, copying the existing portfolio plan saves your time. You can also copy portfolio plans that were shared with you either with view or edit access.

Before you begin

Role required: sn_align_core.apw_user or business_stakeholder

About this task

The Duplicate portfolio plan option copies the selected portfolio plan with its all data (Goals, Prioritization, and Roadmap) into the portfolio plan. It also preserves all dependencies and relationships among the copied items and their child items.


  1. Navigate to Workspaces > Strategic Planning Workspace > Portfolio Planning.
  2. From the list of portfolio plans, select one.
  3. From the portfolio plan header, select the More actions icon (More actions icon in the portfolio plan header.) and then select Duplicate portfolio plan.
  4. On the Duplicate portfolio plan window, fill the details.
    1. Enter a name for the portfolio plan in the Portfolio plan name field.
      By default, the name is ABC (Copy) where ABC is the name of the portfolio plan you copied from.
    2. (Optional) Select Share with same users and groups option to grant access to the users of the portfolio plan you copied from.
      The action grants the same read and edit access as is the users had for the portfolio plan you copied from.
    3. Select Confirm.


The new portfolio plan is created and a link is generated on the screen to access the new portfolio plan.

What to do next