Reference topics provide descriptions about Agent Chat.

Domain separation and Agent Chat

Domain separation is supported in the Agent Chat application. Domain separation enables you to separate data, processes, and administrative tasks into logical groupings called domains. You can control several aspects of this separation, including which users can see and access data.

Support level: Standard

  • Includes all aspects of Basic level support.
  • Application properties are domain-aware as needed.
  • Business logic: The service provider (SP) creates or modifies processes per customer. The use cases reflect proper use of the application by multiple SP customers in a single instance.
  • The instance owner must configure the minimum viable product (MVP) business logic and data parameters per tenant as expected for the specific application.

Sample use case: An admin must be able to make comments required when a record closes for one tenant, but not for another.

For more information on support levels, see Application support for domain separation.


All domain support features require the Domain Support - Domain Extensions Installer [com.glide.domain.msp_extensions.installer] plugin. For details, see Request domain separation.

Configuring Agent Chat with domain separation

Domain separation allows organizations to segment their data and processes based on specific criteria such as business unit, geography, or other factors.

A service provider (SP) has one chat setting (Agent Chat) record in the global domain when the instance is provisioned.

The admin of a subdomain can specify Agent Chat settings for that subdomain, such as work queues and assignment groups. For details, see Setting up Agent Chat.

When a user logs into a subdomain, a seeded Agent Chat settings record is created.

When using domain separation in Agent Chat, keep the following points in mind:
  • Domain Separation applies to both the agent side and the customer side of the chat. This means that agents will only be able to access chat records and data that are in their domain, and customers will only be able to see chat records that are associated with their domain.
  • Agent Chat records are automatically tagged with the domain of the agent who handled the chat. This ensures that the chat record is associated with the correct domain, and that agents can only view chat records that are associated with their domain.
  • When an agent is assigned to a chat, the chat is automatically assigned to the domain of the agent. This ensures that the chat record is associated with the correct domain from the start.
  • If an agent needs to transfer a chat to another agent or escalate the chat to a higher level of support, the chat is transferred to an agent who is in the same domain as the original agent. This ensures that the chat record stays within the correct domain.

Building a report to track the number of help requests

Create a report that tracks the number of help requests.

Before you begin

Role required: admin


  1. Activate the Interaction Events business rule.
    1. Navigate to Interaction > All.
    2. Right-click the Number heading.
    3. Click Configure > Business Rules.
    4. On the Business Rules screen under the Name column, click Interaction Events.
    5. On the Business Rules - Interaction Events screen, select the Active check box if it is not already selected.
    6. Click Update.
  2. Create a new metric definition for Interaction "help requested" on the Metric Definition - New record screen by entering Interaction in the Table field and selecting Help Requested from the Field list.
    For detailed steps on creating metric definitions, see Define a metric.
  3. Create a new chat as a requester.
  4. Accept the same chat as an agent.
  5. While still logged in as that agent, enter the quick action /help.
  6. Navigate to Metrics > Instances and record the ID of the single instance record created for help_requested=true.
  7. Navigate to the Admin window and open the interaction from the previous step.
  8. Join the conversation (either privately or publicly).
  9. Navigate to Metrics > Instances and observe that one instance record was created for help_requested=true.
    For more information about using the Metric Instance Table, see Metric instance.