Verify the functionality of REST calls.

Send REST Request - Inbound - REST API Explorer

This test step begins with the REST API Explorer. Use the REST API Explorer to create and specify the HTTP method, path, query parameters, request headers, and body of a REST request, and then send the REST request to the current instance.

When you have tested the request, the Create Automated Test Step button appears. Click Create Automated Test Step to create the test step. This button does not appear until after the request has been sent. You cannot create a test step when the request payload is larger than the maximum request payload size property.

This test step creates the same test record as the Send REST Request - Inbound test step. After the test step is created, you cannot go back and use the REST API Explorer to update the test. All changes must be made on the Send REST Request - Inbound test step form.

No HTTP response validation is performed as part of this step. The step fails if the response payload size is too big, the request parameters are invalid, or the request could not be sent. Use the assert steps to validate the response.

You cannot use this step to send a request to another instance or third party/remote address.

These inputs are for the REST API Explorer. The fields you see depend upon the API selected. For more information on using REST APIs on your instance, see REST APIs.

Send REST Request - Inbound

Create a test step to send a REST request to the current instance. Specify the HTTP method, path, query parameters, request headers, and body of a REST request.

No HTTP response validation is performed as part of this step. The step fails if the response payload size is too big, the request parameters are invalid, or the request could not be sent. Use the assert steps to validate the response.

You cannot use this step to send a request to another instance or third party/remote address.

For more information on using REST APIs, see the REST APIs.

Assert Status Code

Assert that the HTTP response status code has the specified relationship to the specified value. You specify a numeric value of the status code and the relationship.

Assert steps must immediately follow a Send REST Request - Inbound step. You can have multiple REST assert steps following a Send REST Request - Inbound step, but the assert steps cannot be separated from the Send REST Request - Inbound step by steps from other test categories.

Assert Status Code Name

Assert that the HTTP response status code name has the specified relationship to the specified value. You specify a value of the status code name, and the relationship.

Assert steps must immediately follow a Send REST Request - Inbound step. You can have multiple REST assert steps following a Send REST Request - Inbound step, but the assert steps cannot be separated from the Send REST Request - Inbound step by steps from other test categories.

Assert Response Time

Assert that the HTTP response time has the specified relationship to the specified value. You specify a value of the response time and the relationship.

Assert steps must immediately follow a Send REST Request - Inbound step. You can have multiple REST assert steps following a Send REST Request - Inbound step, but the assert steps cannot be separated from the Send REST Request - Inbound step by steps from other test categories.

Assert Response Header

Assert the HTTP response header exists, or the header has the specified relationship to the specified value.

Assert steps must immediately follow a Send REST Request - Inbound step. You can have multiple REST assert steps following a Send REST Request - Inbound step, but the assert steps cannot be separated from the Send REST Request - Inbound step by steps from other test categories.

Assert Response JSON Payload is Valid

Assert that the response payload is in valid JSON format.

Assert steps must immediately follow a Send REST Request - Inbound step. You can have multiple REST assert steps following a Send REST Request - Inbound step, but the assert steps cannot be separated from the Send REST Request - Inbound step by steps from other test categories.

Assert Response XML Payload is Well-Formed

Assert that the response payload is well-formed XML.

Assert steps must immediately follow a Send REST Request - Inbound step. You can have multiple REST assert steps following a Send REST Request - Inbound step, but the assert steps cannot be separated from the Send REST Request - Inbound step by steps from other test categories.

Assert XML Payload Element

Assert the XML response payload element exists, or has the specified relationship to the specified value.

Assert steps must immediately follow a Send REST Request - Inbound step. You can have multiple REST assert steps following a Send REST Request - Inbound step, but the assert steps cannot be separated from the Send REST Request - Inbound step by steps from other test categories.

Assert JSON Response Payload Element

Assert the JSON response payload element exists, or has the specified relationship to the specified value.

Assert steps must immediately follow a Send REST Request - Inbound step. You can have multiple REST assert steps following a Send REST Request - Inbound step, but the assert steps cannot be separated from the Send REST Request - Inbound step by steps from other test categories.

Assert Response Payload

Assert the HTTP response payload has the specified relationship to the specified value. You specify the value and the relationship.

Assert steps must immediately follow a Send REST Request - Inbound step. You can have multiple REST assert steps following a Send REST Request - Inbound step, but the assert steps cannot be separated from the Send REST Request - Inbound step by steps from other test categories.

Note: The entire payload is used to look for a match. A large payload can affect performance.


To check the short description in the response payload
{"result":{"number":"INC0010040","short_description":"Test ATF Incident"}}
the Response body should contain
"short_description":"Test ATF Incident"
These formats are incorrect and the step fails.
  • {"short_description":"Test ATF Incident"}
  • "{"short_description":"Test ATF Incident"}"
  • short_description: Test ATF Incident
  • short_description:"Test ATF Incident"