The Table API provides endpoints that allow you to perform create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations on existing tables.

The calling user must have sufficient roles to access the data in the table specified in the request.

Table - DELETE /now/table/{tableName}/{sys_id}

Deletes the specified record from the specified table.

URL format

Versioned URL: /api/now/{api_version}/table/{tableName}/{sys_id}

Default URL: /api/now/table/{tableName}/{sys_id}

Supported request parameters

Table 1. Path parameters
Name Description
api_version Optional. Version of the endpoint to access. For example, v1 or v2. Only specify this value to use an endpoint version other than the latest.

Data type: String

sys_id Sys_id of the record to delete.

Data type: String

tableName Name of the table from which to delete the specified record, such as "incident" or "asset".

Data type: String

Table 2. Query parameters
Name Description
sysparm_query_no_domain Flag that indicates whether to restrict the record search to only the domains for which the logged in user is configured.

Valid values:

  • false: Exclude the record if it is in a domain that the currently logged in user is not configured to access.
  • true: Include the record even if it is in a domain that the currently logged in user is not configured to access.

Data type: Boolean

Default: false

Note: The sysparm_query_no_domain parameter is available only to system administrators or users who have the query_no_domain_table_api role.
Table 3. Request body parameters (XML or JSON)
Name Description


The following request and response headers apply to this HTTP action only, or apply to this action in a distinct way. For a list of general headers used in the REST API, see Supported REST API headers.

Table 4. Request headers
Header Description
Accept Data format of the response body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Table 5. Response headers
Header Description

Status codes

The following status codes apply to this HTTP action. For a list of possible status codes used in the REST API, see REST API HTTP response codes.

Table 6. Status codes
Status code Description
204 Indicates that the request completed successfully.

Response body parameters (JSON or XML)

Name Description

Example: cURL request

Delete a record from the Incident table.

curl "" \
--request DELETE \
--header "Accept:application/json" \
--user 'username':'password'

There is no response body.


Table - GET /now/table/{tableName}

Retrieves multiple records for the specified table.

For basic instructions, see Retrieve existing incidents.

URL format

Versioned URL: /api/now/{api_version}/table/{tableName}

Default URL: /api/now/table/{tableName}

Supported request parameters

Table 7. Path parameters
Name Description
api_version Optional. Version of the endpoint to access. For example, v1 or v2. Only specify this value to use an endpoint version other than the latest.
Depending on the version, this endpoint returns different results on a valid query.
  • Version 1 returns error code 404 with no results.
  • Version 2 returns success code 200 and an empty array as the response body.

Data type: String

tableName Name of the table from which to retrieve the records.

Data type: String

Table 9. Request body parameters (XML or JSON)
Name Description


The following request and response headers apply to this HTTP action only, or apply to this action in a distinct way. For a list of general headers used in the REST API, see Supported REST API headers.

Table 10. Request headers
Header Description
Accept Data format of the response body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Table 11. Response headers
Header Description
Link Relative URLs, based on the previous request, that you can use to page through the available record set.

For example:

https://<instance name>>;rel="next",

https://<instance name>>;rel="prev",

https://<instance name>>;rel="first",

https://<instance name>>;rel="last"

For additional information on the rel parameter, refer to
X-Total-Count Total count of records returned by the query.

Status codes

The following status codes apply to this HTTP action. For a list of possible status codes used in the REST API, see REST API HTTP response codes.

Table 12. Status codes
Status code Description
200 Request completed successfully. If a valid query returned no results, the response body contains only an empty result array.

Response body parameters (JSON or XML)

Parameter Description
name-value pairs Field names and values of all parameters within the specified record or those specified in the query parameters.

Example: cURL request

Retrieve the first record from the Problem table.

curl "" \
--request GET \
--header "Accept:application/json" \
--user 'username':'password'

The response contains the name-value pairs for the requested record.

  "result": [
      "parent": "",
      "made_sla": "true",
      "watch_list": "",
      "upon_reject": "cancel",
      "sys_updated_on": "2016-01-19 04:52:04",
      "approval_history": "",
      "number": "PRB0000050",
      "sys_updated_by": "glide.maint",
      "opened_by": {
        "link": "",
        "value": "glide.maint"
      "user_input": "",
      "sys_created_on": "2016-01-19 04:51:19",
      "sys_domain": {
        "link": "",
        "value": "global"
      "state": "4",
      "sys_created_by": "glide.maint",
      "knowledge": "false",
      "order": "",
      "closed_at": "2016-01-19 04:52:04",
      "cmdb_ci": {
        "link": "",
        "value": "55b35562c0a8010e01cff22378e0aea9"
      "delivery_plan": "",
      "impact": "3",
      "active": "false",
      "work_notes_list": "",
      "business_service": "",
      "priority": "4",
      "sys_domain_path": "/",
      "time_worked": "",
      "expected_start": "",
      "rejection_goto": "",
      "opened_at": "2016-01-19 04:49:47",
      "business_duration": "1970-01-01 00:00:00",
      "group_list": "",
      "work_end": "",
      "approval_set": "",
      "wf_activity": "",
      "work_notes": "",
      "short_description": "Switch occasionally drops connections",
      "correlation_display": "",
      "delivery_task": "",
      "work_start": "",
      "assignment_group": "",
      "additional_assignee_list": "",
      "description": "Switch occasionally drops connections",
      "calendar_duration": "1970-01-01 00:02:17",
      "close_notes": "updated firmware",
      "sys_class_name": "problem",
      "closed_by": "",
      "follow_up": "",
      "sys_id": "04ce72c9c0a8016600b5b7f75ac67b5b",
      "contact_type": "phone",
      "urgency": "3",
      "company": "",
      "reassignment_count": "",
      "activity_due": "",
      "assigned_to": "",
      "comments": "",
      "approval": "not requested",
      "sla_due": "",
      "comments_and_work_notes": "",
      "due_date": "",
      "sys_mod_count": "1",
      "sys_tags": "",
      "escalation": "0",
      "upon_approval": "proceed",
      "correlation_id": "",
      "location": ""

Table - GET /now/table/{tableName}/{sys_id}

Retrieves the record identified by the specified sys_id from the specified table.

URL format

Versioned URL: /api/now/{api_version}/table/{tableName}/{sys_id}

Default URL: /api/now/table/{tableName}/{sys_id}

Supported request parameters

Table 13. Path parameters
Name Description
api_version Optional. Version of the endpoint to access. For example, v1 or v2. Only specify this value to use an endpoint version other than the latest.

Data type: String

sys_id Sys_id of the record to retrieve.

Data type: String

tableName Name of the table from which to retrieve the record.

Data type: String

Table 15. Request body parameters (XML or JSON)
Name Description


The following request and response headers apply to this HTTP action only, or apply to this action in a distinct way. For a list of general headers used in the REST API, see Supported REST API headers.

Table 16. Request headers
Header Description
Accept Data format of the response body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Table 17. Response headers
Header Description

Status codes

The following status codes apply to this HTTP action. For a list of possible status codes used in the REST API, see REST API HTTP response codes.

Table 18. Status codes
Status code Description
200 Successful. The request was successfully processed.
404 Not found. The requested item wasn't found.

Response body parameters (JSON or XML)

Parameter Description
name-value pairs Field names and values of all parameters within the specified record or those specified in the query parameters.

Example: cURL request

Retrieve a record from the Incident table.

curl "" \
--request GET \
--header "Accept:application/json" \
--user 'username':'password'

The response contains the name-value pairs for the requested record.

  "result": {
    "upon_approval": "",
    "location": {
      "link": "",
      "value": "105cf7f3c611227501e75e08b14a38ba"
    "expected_start": "",
    "reopen_count": "",
    "close_notes": "",
    "additional_assignee_list": "",
    "impact": "1",
    "urgency": "3",
    "correlation_id": "",
    "sys_tags": "",
    "sys_domain": {
      "link": "",
      "value": "global"
    "description": "",
    "group_list": "",
    "priority": "3",
    "delivery_plan": "",
    "sys_mod_count": "4",
    "work_notes_list": "",
    "business_service": "",
    "follow_up": "",
    "closed_at": "",
    "sla_due": "2015-11-11 22:04:15",
    "delivery_task": "",
    "sys_updated_on": "2015-11-01 22:37:27",
    "parent": "",
    "work_end": "",
    "number": "INC0000046",
    "closed_by": "",
    "work_start": "",
    "calendar_stc": "",
    "category": "software",
    "business_duration": "",
    "incident_state": "1",
    "activity_due": "",
    "correlation_display": "",
    "company": "",
    "active": "true",
    "due_date": "",
    "assignment_group": {
      "link": "",
      "value": "8a4dde73c6112278017a6a4baf547aa7"
    "caller_id": {
      "link": "",
      "value": "46c6f9efa9fe198101ddf5eed9adf6e7"
    "knowledge": "false",
    "made_sla": "false",
    "comments_and_work_notes": "",
    "parent_incident": "",
    "state": "1",
    "user_input": "",
    "sys_created_on": "2015-11-01 22:05:30",
    "approval_set": "",
    "reassignment_count": "1",
    "rfc": "",
    "child_incidents": "",
    "opened_at": "2015-11-02 22:04:15",
    "short_description": "Can't access SFA software",
    "order": "",
    "sys_updated_by": "glide.maint",
    "resolved_by": "",
    "notify": "1",
    "upon_reject": "",
    "approval_history": "",
    "problem_id": {
      "link": "",
      "value": "a9e4890bc6112276003d7a5a5c774a74"
    "work_notes": "",
    "calendar_duration": "",
    "close_code": "",
    "sys_id": "a9e30c7dc61122760116894de7bcc7bd",
    "approval": "not requested",
    "caused_by": "",
    "severity": "3",
    "sys_created_by": "admin",
    "resolved_at": "",
    "assigned_to": "",
    "business_stc": "",
    "wf_activity": "",
    "sys_domain_path": "/",
    "cmdb_ci": {
      "link": "",
      "value": "a9c0c8d2c6112276018f7705562f9cb0"
    "opened_by": {
      "link": "",
      "value": "46c6f9efa9fe198101ddf5eed9adf6e7"
    "subcategory": "",
    "rejection_goto": "",
    "sys_class_name": "incident",
    "watch_list": "",
    "time_worked": "",
    "contact_type": "phone",
    "escalation": "0",
    "comments": ""

Table - PATCH /now/table/{tableName}/{sys_id}

Updates the specified record with the name-value pairs included in the request body.

URL format

Versioned URL: /api/now/{api_version}/table/{tableName}/{sys_id}

Default URL: /api/now/table/{tableName}/{sys_id}

Supported request parameters

Table 19. Path parameters
Name Description
api_version Optional. Version of the endpoint to access. For example, v1 or v2. Only specify this value to use an endpoint version other than the latest.

Data type: String

sys_id Sys_id of the record to update.

Data type: String

tableName Name of the table in which to the specified record is located.

Data type: String

Table 21. Request body parameters (XML or JSON)
Name Description
name-value pairs Field name and the new value for each parameter to update in the specified record.
Note: All fields within a record may not be available for update. For example, fields that have a prefix of "sys_" are typically system parameters that are automatically generated and cannot be updated.


The following request and response headers apply to this HTTP action only, or apply to this action in a distinct way. For a list of general headers used in the REST API, see Supported REST API headers.

Table 22. Request headers
Header Description
Accept Data format of the response body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Content-Type Data format of the request body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

X-no-response-body By default, responses include body content detailing the modified record. Set this request header to true to suppress the response body.
Table 23. Response headers
Header Description

Status codes

The following status codes apply to this HTTP action. For a list of possible status codes used in the REST API, see REST API HTTP response codes.

Table 24. Status codes
Status code Description
200 Successful. The request was successfully processed.
400 Bad Request. A bad request type or malformed request was detected.
404 Not found. The requested item wasn't found.

Response body parameters (JSON or XML)

Name Description
name-value pairs Field names and values of all parameters within the specified record or those specified in the query parameters.

Example: cURL request

Update a record in the Incident table.

curl "" \
--request PATCH \
--header "Accept:application/json" \
--header "Content-Type:application/json" \
--data "{'assigned_to':'681b365ec0a80164000fb0b05854a0cd','urgency':'1','comments':'Elevating urgency, this is a blocking issue'}" \
--user 'username':'password'

The response contains the name-value pairs for the updated record.

  "result": {
    "upon_approval": "proceed",
    "location": {
      "link": "",
      "value": "108752c8c611227501d4ab0e392ba97f"
    "expected_start": "",
    "reopen_count": "",
    "close_notes": "",
    "additional_assignee_list": "",
    "impact": "1",
    "urgency": "1",
    "correlation_id": "",
    "sys_tags": "",
    "sys_domain": {
      "link": "",
      "value": "global"
    "description": "",
    "group_list": "",
    "priority": "1",
    "delivery_plan": "",
    "sys_mod_count": "7",
    "work_notes_list": "",
    "business_service": "",
    "follow_up": "",
    "closed_at": "",
    "sla_due": "2017-07-05 05:58:24",
    "delivery_task": "",
    "sys_updated_on": "2016-01-22 14:12:37",
    "parent": "",
    "work_end": "",
    "number": "INC0000050",
    "closed_by": "",
    "work_start": "",
    "calendar_stc": "",
    "category": "hardware",
    "business_duration": "",
    "incident_state": "2",
    "activity_due": "2016-01-22 16:12:37",
    "correlation_display": "",
    "company": {
      "link": "",
      "value": "31bea3d53790200044e0bfc8bcbe5dec"
    "active": "true",
    "due_date": "",
    "assignment_group": {
      "link": "",
      "value": "8a5055c9c61122780043563ef53438e3"
    "caller_id": {
      "link": "",
      "value": "5b7c200d0a640069006b3845b5d0fa7c"
    "knowledge": "false",
    "made_sla": "true",
    "comments_and_work_notes": "",
    "parent_incident": "",
    "state": "2",
    "user_input": "",
    "sys_created_on": "2015-11-02 18:05:40",
    "approval_set": "",
    "reassignment_count": "0",
    "rfc": "",
    "child_incidents": "",
    "opened_at": "2015-11-02 21:58:24",
    "short_description": "Can't access Exchange server - is it down?",
    "order": "",
    "sys_updated_by": "admin",
    "resolved_by": "",
    "notify": "1",
    "upon_reject": "cancel",
    "approval_history": "",
    "problem_id": "",
    "work_notes": "",
    "calendar_duration": "",
    "close_code": "",
    "sys_id": "ef43c6d40a0a0b5700c77f9bf387afe3",
    "approval": "not requested",
    "caused_by": "",
    "severity": "3",
    "sys_created_by": "glide.maint",
    "resolved_at": "",
    "assigned_to": {
      "link": "",
      "value": "681b365ec0a80164000fb0b05854a0cd"
    "business_stc": "",
    "wf_activity": "",
    "sys_domain_path": "/",
    "cmdb_ci": {
      "link": "",
      "value": "281190e3c0a8000b003f593aa3f20ca6"
    "opened_by": {
      "link": "",
      "value": "glide.maint"
    "subcategory": "",
    "rejection_goto": "",
    "sys_class_name": "incident",
    "watch_list": "",
    "time_worked": "",
    "contact_type": "phone",
    "escalation": "3",
    "comments": ""

Table - POST /now/table/{tableName}

Inserts one record in the specified table. Multiple record insertion is not supported by this method.

URL format

Versioned URL: /api/now/{api_version}/table/{tableName}

Default URL: /api/now/table/{tableName}

Supported request parameters

Table 25. Path parameters
Name Description
api_version Optional. Version of the endpoint to access. For example, v1 or v2. Only specify this value to use an endpoint version other than the latest.

Data type: String

tableName Name of the table in which to save the record.

Data type: String

Table 27. Request body parameters (XML or JSON)
Name Description
name-value pairs Field name and the associated value for each parameter to define in the specified record.
Note: All fields within a record may not be available for update. For example, fields that have a prefix of "sys_" are typically system parameters that are automatically generated and cannot be updated.
Fields that are not specified and not auto generated by the system are set to the associated data type's null value.


The following request and response headers apply to this HTTP action only, or apply to this action in a distinct way. For a list of general headers used in the REST API, see Supported REST API headers.

Table 28. Request headers
Header Description
Accept Data format of the response body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Content-Type Data format of the request body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

X-no-response-body By default, responses include body content detailing the new record. Set this header to true in the request to suppress the response body.
Table 29. Response headers
Header Description
Location Location of the created resource.

Status codes

The following status codes apply to this HTTP action. For a list of possible status codes used in the REST API, see REST API HTTP response codes.

Table 30. Status codes
Status code Description
201 Indicates that the request completed successfully.
400 Bad Request. A bad request type or malformed request was detected.
404 Not found. The requested item wasn't found.

Response body parameters (JSON or XML)

Name Description
name-value pairs Field names and values of all parameters within the newly created record or those specified in the query parameters.

Example: cURL request

Insert a new record into the Incident table.

curl "" \
--request POST \
--header "Accept:application/json" \
--header "Content-Type:application/json" \
--data "{'short_description':'Unable to connect to office wifi','assignment_group':'287ebd7da9fe198100f92cc8d1d2154e','urgency':'2','impact':'2'}" \
--user 'username':'password'

The response contains the name-value pairs for the new record.

  "result": {
    "upon_approval": "proceed",
    "location": "",
    "expected_start": "",
    "reopen_count": "0",
    "close_notes": "",
    "additional_assignee_list": "",
    "impact": "2",
    "urgency": "2",
    "correlation_id": "",
    "sys_tags": "",
    "sys_domain": {
      "link": "",
      "value": "global"
    "description": "",
    "group_list": "",
    "priority": "3",
    "delivery_plan": "",
    "sys_mod_count": "0",
    "work_notes_list": "",
    "business_service": "",
    "follow_up": "",
    "closed_at": "",
    "sla_due": "",
    "delivery_task": "",
    "sys_updated_on": "2016-01-22 14:28:24",
    "parent": "",
    "work_end": "",
    "number": "INC0010002",
    "closed_by": "",
    "work_start": "",
    "calendar_stc": "",
    "category": "inquiry",
    "business_duration": "",
    "incident_state": "1",
    "activity_due": "",
    "correlation_display": "",
    "company": "",
    "active": "true",
    "due_date": "",
    "assignment_group": {
      "link": "",
      "value": "287ebd7da9fe198100f92cc8d1d2154e"
    "caller_id": "",
    "knowledge": "false",
    "made_sla": "true",
    "comments_and_work_notes": "",
    "parent_incident": "",
    "state": "1",
    "user_input": "",
    "sys_created_on": "2016-01-22 14:28:24",
    "approval_set": "",
    "reassignment_count": "0",
    "rfc": "",
    "child_incidents": "0",
    "opened_at": "2016-01-22 14:28:24",
    "short_description": "Unable to connect to office wifi",
    "order": "",
    "sys_updated_by": "admin",
    "resolved_by": "",
    "notify": "1",
    "upon_reject": "cancel",
    "approval_history": "",
    "problem_id": "",
    "work_notes": "",
    "calendar_duration": "",
    "close_code": "",
    "sys_id": "c537bae64f411200adf9f8e18110c76e",
    "approval": "not requested",
    "caused_by": "",
    "severity": "3",
    "sys_created_by": "admin",
    "resolved_at": "",
    "assigned_to": "",
    "business_stc": "",
    "wf_activity": "",
    "sys_domain_path": "/",
    "cmdb_ci": "",
    "opened_by": {
      "link": "",
      "value": "6816f79cc0a8016401c5a33be04be441"
    "subcategory": "",
    "rejection_goto": "",
    "sys_class_name": "incident",
    "watch_list": "",
    "time_worked": "",
    "contact_type": "phone",
    "escalation": "0",
    "comments": ""

Table - PUT /now/table/{tableName}/{sys_id}

Updates the specified record with the request body.

URL format

Versioned URL: /api/now/{api_version}/table/{tableName}/{sys_id}

Default URL: /api/now/table/{tableName}/{sys_id}

Supported request parameters

Table 31. Path parameters
Name Description
api_version Optional. Version of the endpoint to access. For example, v1 or v2. Only specify this value to use an endpoint version other than the latest.

Data type: String

sys_id Unique identifier of the record to update.

Data type: String

tableName Name of the table in which the record is located.

Data type: String

Table 33. Request body parameters (XML or JSON)
Name Description
name-value pairs Name-value pairs for the field(s) to update in the associated table. For example, to update the short description file, enter a name-value pair similar to the following: --data "{\"short_description\": \"my short desc\" }" \.


The following request and response headers apply to this HTTP action only, or apply to this action in a distinct way. For a list of general headers used in the REST API, see Supported REST API headers.

Table 34. Request headers
Header Description
Accept Data format of the response body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Content-Type Data format of the request body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.
X-no-response-body By default, responses include body content detailing the modified record. Set this header to true in the request to suppress the response body.
Table 35. Response headers
Header Description

Status codes

The following status codes apply to this HTTP action. For a list of possible status codes used in the REST API, see REST API HTTP response codes.

Table 36. Status codes
Status code Description
200 Successful. The request was successfully processed.
400 Bad Request. A bad request type or malformed request was detected.
404 Not found. The requested item wasn't found.

Response body parameters (JSON or XML)

Name Description
name-value pairs All fields (not just modified) with their associated values for the change request.

Example: cURL request

Update a record in the Incident table.

curl "" \
--request PUT \
--header "Accept:application/json" \
--header "Content-Type:application/json" \
--data "{'assigned_to':'681b365ec0a80164000fb0b05854a0cd','urgency':'1','comments':'Elevating urgency, this is a blocking issue'}" \
--user 'username':'password'

The response contains the name-value pairs for the updated record.

  "result": {
    "upon_approval": "proceed",
    "location": {
      "link": "",
      "value": "108752c8c611227501d4ab0e392ba97f"
    "expected_start": "",
    "reopen_count": "",
    "close_notes": "",
    "additional_assignee_list": "",
    "impact": "1",
    "urgency": "1",
    "correlation_id": "",
    "sys_tags": "",
    "sys_domain": {
      "link": "",
      "value": "global"
    "description": "",
    "group_list": "",
    "priority": "1",
    "delivery_plan": "",
    "sys_mod_count": "7",
    "work_notes_list": "",
    "business_service": "",
    "follow_up": "",
    "closed_at": "",
    "sla_due": "2017-07-05 05:58:24",
    "delivery_task": "",
    "sys_updated_on": "2016-01-22 14:12:37",
    "parent": "",
    "work_end": "",
    "number": "INC0000050",
    "closed_by": "",
    "work_start": "",
    "calendar_stc": "",
    "category": "hardware",
    "business_duration": "",
    "incident_state": "2",
    "activity_due": "2016-01-22 16:12:37",
    "correlation_display": "",
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