Automated Test Framework release notes
- UpdatedFeb 1, 2024
- 3 minutes to read
- Washington DC
- Release Notes and Upgrades
The ServiceNow® Automated Test Framework enables you to create and run automated tests to confirm that your modified instance works after an upgrade, during application development, or when deploying instance configurations with update sets. Review failed test results to identify the changes that caused the failure and the changes that you should review. Automated Test Framework was enhanced and updated in the Washington DC release.
Automated Test Framework highlights for the Washington DC release
- Reduce upgrade and development time by replacing manual testing with automated testing.
- Design tests once and reuse them in different contexts and with different test data sets.
- Keep test instances clean by rolling back test data and changes made after each test run.
- Create and schedule test suites to organize and run tests in batches.
- Reduce test design time by copying quick start tests and test suites. You can also create custom test steps to expand test coverage.
See Test your apps with the ATF for more information.
Important information for upgrading Automated Test Framework to Washington DC
Copy and customize quick start tests provided by the Now Platform® to validate that your instance works after you make any configuration changes. For example, if you apply an upgrade or develop an application.
The tests can produce a pass result only when you run them on a base system without any customizations and with the default demo data that is provided with the application or feature plugin. To apply a quick start test to your instance-specific data, copy the quick start test and add your custom data. For more information, see Available quick start tests by application or feature.
New in the Washington DC release
- Performance profiling
- Performance profiling is a data-driven approach to analyzing runtime behavior by identifying bottlenecks faster. Use performance profiling to detect performance degradation when you upgrade your instance. You can then investigate and fix any issues.
- Configurable workspace support
- ATF now supports testing the Next Experience UI (limited to forms and UI actions) to reduce regression risks by providing wider test coverage.
- Declarative Action Visibility test step
- Use the Declarative Action Visibility test step in the Form test step category to verify if a declarative action is visible on the current form.
- Click a Declarative Action test step
- Use the Click a Declarative Action test step in the Form test category to click a declarative action on the current form.
Activation information
To use the quick start tests for an application, activate the plugin that is associated with the application. For more information, see Available quick start tests by application or feature.
Set the sn_atf.runner.enabled property to True to activate the content pack for the ATF Test Generator and Cloud Runner store application.
Browser requirement
Automated Test Framework supports running tests only from desktop browsers. You can't run tests or test suites from tablets, mobile browsers, or the mobile UI. Some desktop browsers require additional configuration. For more information, see Browser recommendations for Automated Test Framework.
Automated Test Framework offers limited support for test design on tablets. You can't add new custom UI test steps from tablets because tablets can't retrieve components. Review any existing custom UI test steps that were added from a desktop browser instead.