Create a custom choice field to indicate whether a change request must go through the Review state.

Before you begin

Role required: admin


  1. Open the Change Request form.
  2. Complete the following steps to create a new field on the Change Request form.
    1. Open the form context menu and select Configure > Form Layout.
    2. Enter the following values in the Create new field section.
      Field Value
      Name Needs Review
      Type Choice
    3. Click Add to add the new field to the slushbucket.
      The new field appears at the bottom of the Selected slushbucket.
    1. Use the up and down arrows next to the slushbucket to move the new field next to the Assigned to field.
      Needs Review field placement
    2. Click Save.
      The Change Request form reopens with the Needs review field below the Assigned to field.
  3. Complete the following steps to configure the choices for the Needs review field.
    1. Right-click the Needs review field label and select Configure choices.
    2. In the Enter new item field, add Yes and No choices and click Add.
      The choices appear in the Selected list.
    3. Click Save.
    The Change Request form reopens. The Needs review choice list contains theYes and No choices.
  4. (Optional) If the value in the Needs review field is Yes, No, or blank, configure the default by completing the following steps.
    1. Right-click the Needs review field label and select Configure Dictionary.
    2. In the Choice List Specification section, select Dropdown with – None –as the default Choice.
    3. Click Update.
    The Change Request form reopens. The Needs review field displays –- None --.