Generate a summary from the name and description of a feedback record and quickly understand the feedback context by using the feedback summarization skill in the Now Assist for Strategic Portfolio Management (SPM) application.

Before you begin

Role required: pf_user

About this task

With this skill, you can get enough details about the feedback that you received on your product and improve the product features, usability, and performance. The feedback summarization skill checks the feedback record in the following cases to determine if enough information is available to create a summary:
  • When a product manager opens the feedback record.
  • When a product manager refreshes the feedback record page.


  1. Navigate to Workspaces > Strategic Planning Workspace and select Feedback.
  2. From the Feedback page, select any feedback filter card and then select the feedback record that you want to open.
  3. Generate a summary from a feedback record by selecting Summarize.
    Note: Because the information in these fields is automatically generated, it's a good idea to review the text and make sure it's accurate.

    The feedback summary by the Now Assist component appears on the Details tab of the feedback record. The component is collapsed by default and expands to display the summary. For longer summaries that don't fit in the window, select View more and use the scroll bar to view the rest of the content.

    Figure 1. Feedback record with feedback summary
    AI-generated summary of a feedback record.

    The Feedback summarization skill uses the name and description information of the feedback record to generate a paragraph summary from the feedback.

  4. (Optional) When you're finished summarizing the feedback, you can expand or collapse the summary, provide feedback, copy it, or view information about it.