Install an application that you purchased from the ServiceNow Store to make it available on your instance.

Before you begin

Role required: admin, sn_appclient.app_client_company_installer (can only install applications that match the instance company), or sn_appclient.app_client_user

About this task

Applications that you purchase from the ServiceNow Store are added to the Application Manager automatically. You must install the application from the Application Manager to activate it in an instance.

To install an application that you published to the ServiceNow application repository, follow the steps in Install an application from the application repository instead.


  1. Navigate to All > System Applications > All Available Applications > All.
    Menu path to all available store applications.
  2. Find the application using the filter criteria and search bar.

    You can search for the application by its name or ID. If you cannot find an application, you may have to request it from the ServiceNow Store.

    Visit the ServiceNow Store website to view all the available apps and for information about submitting requests to the store. For cumulative release notes information for all released apps, see the ServiceNow Store version history release notes.

  3. Select a version from the list and select Install.

    In the Install dialog box that is displayed, any dependencies that are installed along with your application are listed.

  4. If you're prompted, follow the links to the ServiceNow Store to get any additional entitlements for dependencies.
  5. (Optional) If demo data is available and you want to install it, select the Load demo data check box.
    Demo data comprises the sample records that describe application features for the common use cases. Load the demo data when you first install the application on a development or test instance.
    Important: If you don't load the demo data during installation, it's unavailable to load later.
  6. Select Install.
  7. (Optional) Click Go to Subscription Management to map the installed application to a subscription.