On the Properties form, you can set parameters that control how the system executes automated tests and test suites.

Table 1. Test/Test Suite Properties
Field / Element Description

Enable test/test suite execution


If checked, enables running tests and test suites on this instance. This setting is unchecked by default to prevent users from unintentionally running tests on production instances.

Enable scheduled test suite execution


If checked, enables scheduling test suites on this instance.
Table 2. Test Debugging Properties
Field / Element Description

Enable additional debugging functionality


Enables additional debugging functionality, including adding a debugging tab on the client Test Runner UI page and saving UI Test Result JSON to the test result record.
Table 4. Custom UI Page Data Capture Properties
Field / Element Description

Enable tests with Custom UI steps to capture page data each time they are run.


When true, Custom UI test steps retrieve page data every time the test runs. Set this property to true when developing custom UI pages to always run tests on the most recent page version.

When false, Custom UI test steps do not retrieve page data unless the test designer manually selects Retrieve Components during test design. Set this property to false when UI development is complete to enable faster test runs.
Table 5. Test Runner Properties
Field / Element Description

Test runner timeout


If there is no heartbeat from the test runner within this period of time in seconds, the status changes from online to offline. The value of this property should be between 120 and 1800.

Default value: 120

Test runner heartbeat interval


Time interval in seconds for sending a heartbeat from the test runner to the server.

Offline test runner retention interval


If an offline test runner does not communicate with the system for this period of days, the system deletes that test runner.
Table 6. Test Suite Report Properties
Field / Element Description

Test suite report properties


The number of test suite results to display in the test suite aging report.