The Service Catalog API provides endpoints that access Service Catalog configuration and actions from within a Service Portal.

Service Catalog - DELETE /sn_sc/servicecatalog/cart/{cart_item_id}

Deletes the specified item from the current cart.

URL format

Versioned URL: /api/sn_sc/{api_version}/servicecatalog/cart/{cart_item_id}

Default URL: /api/sn_sc/servicecatalog/cart/{cart_item_id}

Supported request parameters

Table 1. Path parameters
Name Description
api_version Optional. Version of the endpoint to access. For example, v1 or v2. Only specify this value to use an endpoint version other than the latest.

Data type: String

cart_item_id Sys_id of the item to delete from the current cart.

Data type: String

Table 2. Query parameters
Name Description
Table 3. Request body parameters (XML or JSON)
Name Description


The following request and response headers apply to this HTTP action only, or apply to this action in a distinct way. For a list of general headers used in the REST API, see Supported REST API headers.

Table 4. Request headers
Header Description
Table 5. Response headers
Header Description

Status codes

The following status codes apply to this HTTP action. For a list of possible status codes used in the REST API, see REST API HTTP response codes.

Response body parameters (JSON or XML)

Name Description

Example: cURL request

curl "" \
--request DELETE \
--user "username":"password"

Service Catalog - DELETE /sn_sc/servicecatalog/cart/{sys_id}/empty

Deletes a specified cart, and the contents of the cart.

The capabilities of what a user can delete (items and/or cart) depends on the role in which they use to authenticate.

User roles needed to delete cart and cart contents:
  • admin/catalog_admin: Can empty any user cart.
  • admin: Can delete the cart after all the contents of the cart are deleted.
  • catalog_admin: Can delete all the items in the cart.

URL format

Versioned URL: /api/sn_sc/{api_version}/servicecatalog/cart/{sys_id}/empty

Default URL: /api/sn_sc/servicecatalog/cart/{sys_id}/empty

Supported request parameters

Table 7. Path parameters
Name Description
api_version Optional. Version of the endpoint to access. For example, v1 or v2. Only specify this value to use an endpoint version other than the latest.

Data type: String

sys_id Sys_id of the cart to empty and delete.

Data type: String

Table 8. Query parameters
Name Description
Table 9. Request body parameters (XML or JSON)
Name Description


The following request and response headers apply to this HTTP action only, or apply to this action in a distinct way. For a list of general headers used in the REST API, see Supported REST API headers.

Table 10. Request headers
Header Description
Table 11. Response headers
Header Description

Status codes

The following status codes apply to this HTTP action. For a list of possible status codes used in the REST API, see REST API HTTP response codes.

Response body parameters (JSON or XML)

Name Description

Example: cURL request

curl "" \
--request DELETE \
--user 'username':'password'

Service Catalog - GET /sn_sc/servicecatalog/cart

Retrieves the details of the items within the logged in user's cart.

URL format

Versioned URL: /api/sn_sc/{api_version}/servicecatalog/cart

Default URL: /api/sn_sc/servicecatalog/cart

Supported request parameters

Table 13. Path parameters
Name Description
api_version Optional. Version of the endpoint to access. For example, v1 or v2. Only specify this value to use an endpoint version other than the latest.

Data type: String

Table 14. Query parameters
Name Description
Table 15. Request body parameters (XML or JSON)
Name Description


The following request and response headers apply to this HTTP action only, or apply to this action in a distinct way. For a list of general headers used in the REST API, see Supported REST API headers.

Table 16. Request headers
Header Description
Accept Data format of the response body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Table 17. Response headers
Header Description

Status codes

The following status codes apply to this HTTP action. For a list of possible status codes used in the REST API, see REST API HTTP response codes.

Response body parameters (JSON or XML)

Example: cURL request

curl "" \
--request GET \
--header "Accept:application/json" \
--user "username":"password"
  "result": {
    "cart_id": "6d88bc29137d2300027879d96144b04b",
    "subtotal_price": "$1,598.00",
    "subtotal_recurring_frequency": "",
    "subtotal_recurring_price": "$0.00",
    "total_title": "Total",
    "none": {
      "subtotal_price": "$1,598.00",
      "subtotal_recurring_frequency": "",
      "subtotal_recurring_price": "$0.00",
      "total_title": "Total",
      "frequency_label": null,
      "items": [
        "updated_on": "2018-11-15 14:24:00",
        "catalog_item_id": "07f1666b0bf00300eba42da0d5673ab0",
        "short_description": "Apple iPhone 7 ",
        "recurring_subtotal_price": "$0.00",
        "delivery_time": "2 Days",
        "sys_class_name": "sc_cat_item",
        "sys_id": "1f88bc29137d2300027879d96144b056",
        "price": "$799.00",
        "recurring_frequency": null,
        "subtotal_price": "$799.00",
        "variables": {},
        "quantity": "1",
        "item_id": "07f1666b0bf00300eba42da0d5673ab0",
        "recurring_price": "$0.00",
        "show_price": true,
        "item_name": "Apple iPhone7",
        "cart_item_id": "1f88bc29137d2300027879d96144b056",
        "recurring_subtotal": 0,
        "show_quantity": true,
        "created_by": "admin",
        "picture": "e823ee6b0bf00300eba42da0d5673a95.iix",
        "created_on": "2018-11-15 14:24:00",
        "localized_price": "$799.00",
        "subtotal": 799,
        "show_recurring_price": false,
        "name": "Apple iPhone7",
        "updated_by": "admin",
        "localized_recurring_price": "$0.00",
        "order_guide": ""
    "show_subtotal_price": "true",
    "subtotal_title": "Subtotal"
   "show_subtotal_price": "true",
   "subtotal_title": "Subtotal"

Service Catalog - GET /sn_sc/servicecatalog/cart/delivery_address/{user_id}

Retrieves the shipping address of the specified user based on the property and the default behavior configured in the

URL format

Versioned URL: /api/sn_sc/{api_version}/servicecatalog/cart/delivery_address/{user_id}

Default URL: /api/sn_sc/servicecatalog/cart/delivery_address/{user_id}

Supported request parameters

Table 19. Path parameters
Name Description
api_version Optional. Version of the endpoint to access. For example, v1 or v2. Only specify this value to use an endpoint version other than the latest.

Data type: String

user_id Sys_id of the user whose shipping address is to be retrieved. Located in the User [sys_user] table.

Data type: String

Table 20. Query parameters
Name Description
Table 21. Request body parameters (XML or JSON)
Name Description


The following request and response headers apply to this HTTP action only, or apply to this action in a distinct way. For a list of general headers used in the REST API, see Supported REST API headers.

Table 22. Request headers
Header Description
Accept Data format of the response body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Table 23. Response headers
Header Description

Status codes

The following status codes apply to this HTTP action. For a list of possible status codes used in the REST API, see REST API HTTP response codes.

Response body parameters (JSON or XML)

Name Description
result Address of the specified user.

Data type: String

Example: cURL request

curl "" \
--request GET \
--header "Accept:application/json" \
--user "username":"password"
'result': '25 New Chardon Street, Boston\nBoston, MA, 02114-1801\nUSA'

Service Catalog - GET /sn_sc/servicecatalog/catalogs

Retrieves a list of catalogs to which the user has access based on the passed in parameters.

URL format

Versioned URL: /api/sn_sc/{api_version}/servicecatalog/catalogs

Default URL: /api/sn_sc/servicecatalog/catalogs

Supported request parameters

Table 25. Path parameters
Name Description
api_version Optional. Version of the endpoint to access. For example, v1 or v2. Only specify this value to use an endpoint version other than the latest.

Data type: String

Table 26. Query parameters
Name Description
sysparm_limit Maximum number of records to return. For requests that exceed this number of records, use the sysparm_offset parameter to paginate record retrieval.

This limit is applied before ACL evaluation. If no records return, including records you have access to, rearrange the record order so records you have access to return first.

Note: Unusually large sysparm_limit values can impact system performance.

Data type: Number

Default: 10000

sysparm_text Keyword to search for in the "title" field of the available service catalogs.

Data type: String

sysparm_view Device on which the item can display:
  • desktop: On the desktop.
  • mobile: On a mobile device.
  • both: Both on a desktop and on a mobile device.

Data type: String

Table 27. Request body parameters (XML or JSON)
Name Description


The following request and response headers apply to this HTTP action only, or apply to this action in a distinct way. For a list of general headers used in the REST API, see Supported REST API headers.

Table 28. Request headers
Header Description
Accept Data format of the response body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Table 29. Response headers
Header Description

Status codes

The following status codes apply to this HTTP action. For a list of possible status codes used in the REST API, see REST API HTTP response codes.

Table 30. Status codes
Status code Description
200 Indicates that the request completed successfully. If a valid query returns no results, the response body only contains an empty result array.
401 Unauthorized. The user credentials are incorrect or have not been passed.
500 Internal server error. An unexpected error occurred while processing the request. The response contains additional information about the error.

Response body parameters (JSON or XML)

Example: cURL request

curl "" \
--request GET \
--header "Accept:application/json" \
--user "username":"password"
  "result": [
      "title": "Technical Catalog",
      "sys_id": "742ce428d7211100f2d224837e61036d",
      "has_categories": true,
      "has_items": true,
      "description": "Products and services for the IT department",
      "desktop_image": "7a7c8271475211002ee987e8dee4906d.iix"
      "title": "Service Catalog",
      "sys_id": "e0d08b13c3330100c8b837659bba8fb4",
      "has_categories": true,
      "has_items": true,
      "description": "Service Catalog - IT Now",
      "desktop_image": "adbcc271475211002ee987e8dee49001.iix"

Service Catalog - GET /sn_sc/servicecatalog/catalogs/{sys_id}/categories

Retrieves the list of available categories for the specified catalog.

URL format

Versioned URL: /api/sn_sc/{api_version}/servicecatalog/catalogs/{sys_id}/categories

Default URL: /api/sn_sc/servicecatalog/catalogs/{sys_id}/categories

Supported request parameters

Table 31. Path parameters
Name Description
api_version Optional. Version of the endpoint to access. For example, v1 or v2. Only specify this value to use an endpoint version other than the latest.

Data type: String

sys_id Sys_id of the catalog whose categories are requested.

Data type: String

Table 33. Request body parameters (XML or JSON)
Name Description


The following request and response headers apply to this HTTP action only, or apply to this action in a distinct way. For a list of general headers used in the REST API, see Supported REST API headers.

Table 34. Request headers
Header Description
Accept Data format of the response body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Table 35. Response headers
Header Description

Status codes

The following status codes apply to this HTTP action. For a list of possible status codes used in the REST API, see REST API HTTP response codes.

Response body parameters (JSON or XML)

Example: cURL request

curl " \
--request GET \
--header "Accept:application/json" \
--user "username":"password"
  "result": [
      "title": "Can We Help You?",
      "description": "Your IT gateway. Report issues and submit requests.\n\t\t",
      "full_description": null,
      "icon": "",
      "header_icon": "",
      "homepage_image": "29f8ffa9471211002ee987e8dee4905e.iix",
      "count": 14,
      "subcategories": [],
      "sys_id": "e15706fc0a0a0aa7007fc21e1ab70c2f"
      "title": "Departmental Services",
      "description": "Services offered by different departments in the organization",
      "full_description": null,
      "icon": "",
      "header_icon": "",
      "homepage_image": "6fb4a1d95f2211001c9b2572f2b47748.iix",
      "count": 1,
      "subcategories": [],
      "sys_id": "95fc11615f1211001c9b2572f2b477c6"
      "title": "Desktops",
      "description": "Desktop computers for your work area.",
      "full_description": null,
      "icon": "",
      "header_icon": "",
      "homepage_image": "1bface31475211002ee987e8dee49095.iix",
      "count": 1,
      "subcategories": [],
      "sys_id": "900682363731300054b6a3549dbe5d5f"

Service Catalog - GET /sn_sc/servicecatalog/catalogs/{sys_id}

Retrieves the available information for a specified catalog.

URL format

Versioned URL: /api/sn_sc/{api_version}/servicecatalog/catalogs/{sys_id}

Default URL: /api/sn_sc/servicecatalog/catalogs/{sys_id}

Supported request parameters

Table 37. Path parameters
Name Description
api_version Optional. Version of the endpoint to access. For example, v1 or v2. Only specify this value to use an endpoint version other than the latest.

Data type: String

sys_id Sys_id of the catalog to retrieve.

Data type: String

Table 38. Query parameters
Name Description
sysparm_view Device on which the item can display:
  • desktop: On the desktop.
  • mobile: On a mobile device.
  • both: Both on a desktop and on a mobile device.

Data type: String

Table 39. Request body parameters (XML or JSON)
Name Description


The following request and response headers apply to this HTTP action only, or apply to this action in a distinct way. For a list of general headers used in the REST API, see Supported REST API headers.

Table 40. Request headers
Header Description
Accept Data format of the response body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Table 41. Response headers
Header Description

Status codes

The following status codes apply to this HTTP action. For a list of possible status codes used in the REST API, see REST API HTTP response codes.

Response body parameters (JSON or XML)

Example: cURL request

curl "https://instance.servicenow.comaqsw" \
--request GET \
--header "Accept:application/json" \
--user "username":"password"
  "result": {
    "title": "Customer Service",
    "sys_id": "65bcd377c3011200b12d9f2974d3aea0",
    "has_categories": true,
    "categories": [
        "header_image": "",
        "sys_id": "4cb69d19c3921200b0449f2974d3ae69",
        "description": null,
        "title": "Services"
        "header_image": "",
        "sys_id": "1b8611d5c3921200b0449f2974d3ae12",
        "description": null,
        "title": "Support"
    "has_items": true,
    "description": "Customer Service",
    "desktop_image": ""

Service Catalog - GET /sn_sc/servicecatalog/categories/{sys_id}

Retrieves the available information for a specified category.

URL format

Versioned URL: /api/sn_sc/{api_version}/servicecatalog/categories/{sys_id}

Default URL: /api/sn_sc/servicecatalog/categories/{sys_id}

Supported request parameters

Table 43. Path parameters
Name Description
api_version Optional. Version of the endpoint to access. For example, v1 or v2. Only specify this value to use an endpoint version other than the latest.

Data type: String

sys_id Sys_id of the category for which to return information.

Data type: String

Table 44. Query parameters
Name Description
sysparm_view UI view for which to render the data. Determines the fields returned in the response.

Valid values:

  • desktop
  • mobile
  • both

If you also specify the sysparm_fields parameter, it takes precedent.

Data type: String

Table 45. Request body parameters (XML or JSON)
Name Description


The following request and response headers apply to this HTTP action only, or apply to this action in a distinct way. For a list of general headers used in the REST API, see Supported REST API headers.

Table 46. Request headers
Header Description
Accept Data format of the response body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Table 47. Response headers
Header Description

Status codes

The following status codes apply to this HTTP action. For a list of possible status codes used in the REST API, see REST API HTTP response codes.

Response body parameters (JSON or XML)

Example: cURL request

curl "" \
--request GET \
--header "Accept:application/json" \
--user "username":"password"
  "result": {
    "title": "Office",
    "description": "Office services such as printing, supplies requisition\n\t\t\tand document shipping and delivery.\n\t\t",
    "full_description": null,
    "icon": "",
    "header_icon": "",
    "homepage_image": "498b0271475211002ee987e8dee490ea.iix",
    "sys_id": "109cdff8c6112276003b17991a09ad65",
    "child_categories": [
        "sys_id": "109f0438c6112276003ae8ac13e7009d",
        "title": "Services",
        "count": 16,
        "parent": "109cdff8c6112276003b17991a09ad65",
        "subcategories": [],
        "isParentCategory": false

Service Catalog - GET /sn_sc/servicecatalog/items

Retrieves a list of catalog items based on the specified parameters.

URL format

Versioned URL: /api/sn_sc/{api_version}/servicecatalog/items

Default URL: /api/sn_sc/servicecatalog/items

Supported request parameters

Table 49. Path parameters
Name Description
api_version Optional. Version of the endpoint to access. For example, v1 or v2. Only specify this value to use an endpoint version other than the latest.

Data type: String

Table 51. Request body parameters (XML or JSON)
Name Description


The following request and response headers apply to this HTTP action only, or apply to this action in a distinct way. For a list of general headers used in the REST API, see Supported REST API headers.

Table 52. Request headers
Header Description
Accept Data format of the response body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Table 53. Response headers
Header Description

Status codes

The following status codes apply to this HTTP action. For a list of possible status codes used in the REST API, see REST API HTTP response codes.

Table 54. Status codes
Status code Description
200 Returns a list of catalogs and items based on the specified parameters. If a valid query results in no items, then the response body contains only an empty result array.
401 Unauthorized. The user credentials are incorrect or have not been passed.
500 Internal server error. An unexpected error occurred while processing the request. The response contains additional information about the error.

Response body parameters (JSON or XML)

Example: cURL request

curl "" \
--request GET \
--header "Accept:application/json" \
--user "username":"password"
  "result": [
      "short_description": null,
      "kb_article": "",
      "icon": "images/icons/catalog_item.gifx",
      "description": "<p class=\"p1\"><font size=\"2\"><span class=\"s1\">Request an existing Standard Change Template is made unavailable when it is no longer required or no longer acceptable as a Standard Change.  This will be confirmed by your Change Management team.</span></font></p>",
      "show_price": false,
      "type": "record_producer",
      "show_quantity": true,
      "sys_class_name": "sc_cat_item_producer",
      "picture": "",
      "url": "",
      "sys_id": "011f117a9f3002002920bde8132e7020",
      "content_type": "",
      "catalogs": [
          "sys_id": "e0d08b13c3330100c8b837659bba8fb4",
          "title": "Service Catalog"
      "name": "Retire a Standard Change Template",
      "category": {
        "sys_id": "00728916937002002dcef157b67ffb6d",
        "title": "Template Management"
      "order": 30
      "short_description": null,
      "kb_article": "",
      "icon": "4cc3ec3d471211002ee987e8dee490d0.iix",
      "description": "<p><font size=\"3\" color=\"#808080\" face=\"arial,helvetica,sans-serif\">A role delegator may delegate any role they have to any member of the specified group</font></p>",
      "show_price": false,
      "type": "record_producer",
      "show_quantity": true,
      "sys_class_name": "sc_cat_item_producer",
      "picture": "ed44b5804f889200086eeed18110c7ca.iix",
      "url": "",
      "sys_id": "01205b180a0a0b3000b6efd641d24b75",
      "content_type": "",
      "catalogs": [
          "sys_id": "e0d08b13c3330100c8b837659bba8fb4",
          "title": "Service Catalog"
      "name": "Grant role delegation rights within a group",
      "category": {
        "sys_id": "496a3a7e0a0a0bc00089b39df14eb56e",
        "title": "Role Delegation"
      "order": 100

Service Catalog - GET /sn_sc/servicecatalog/items/{item_sys_id}/delegation/{user_sys_id}

Verifies whether the specified delegated user has acquisition rights to the specified service catalog item.

URL format

Versioned URL: /api/sn_sc/{api_version}/servicecatalog/items/{item_sys_id}/delegation/{user_sys_id}

Default URL: /api/sn_sc/servicecatalog/items/{item_sys_id}/delegation/{user_sys_id}

Supported request parameters

Table 55. Path parameters
Name Description
api_version Optional. Version of the endpoint to access. For example, v1 or v2. Only specify this value to use an endpoint version other than the latest.

Data type: String

item_sys_id Sys_id of the service catalog item to verify whether the specified user has acquisition rights. Located in the Service Catalog [sc_catalog] table.

Data type: String

user_sys_id Sys_id of the user to check whether they have acquisition rights to the specified service catalog item. Located in the Users [sys_users] table.

Data type: String

Table 56. Query parameters
Name Description
Table 57. Request body parameters (XML or JSON)
Name Description


The following request and response headers apply to this HTTP action only, or apply to this action in a distinct way. For a list of general headers used in the REST API, see Supported REST API headers.

Table 58. Request headers
Header Description
Accept Data format of the response body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Table 59. Response headers
Header Description

Status codes

The following status codes apply to this HTTP action. For a list of possible status codes used in the REST API, see REST API HTTP response codes.

Table 60. Status codes
Status code Description
200 Successful. The request was successfully processed.
401 Unauthorized. The user credentials are incorrect or have not been passed.
500 Internal server error. An unexpected error occurred while processing the request. The response contains additional information about the error.

Response body parameters (JSON or XML)

Name Description
result Flag that indicates whether the specified user has acquisition rights to the specified service catalog item.
Valid values:
  • true: User has acquisition rights.
  • false: User does not have acquisition rights.

Example: cURL request

curl "" \
--request GET \
--header "Accept:application/json" \
--user "username":"password"

  "result": {
    "result": true

Service Catalog - GET /sn_sc/servicecatalog/items/{sys_id}

Retrieves a specified catalog item.

URL format

Versioned URL: /api/sn_sc/{api_version}/servicecatalog/items/{sys_id}

Default URL: /api/sn_sc/servicecatalog/items/{sys_id}

Supported request parameters

Table 61. Path parameters
Name Description
api_version Optional. Version of the endpoint to access. For example, v1 or v2. Only specify this value to use an endpoint version other than the latest.

Data type: String

sys_id Sys_id of the catalog item to return.

Data type: String

Table 62. Query parameters
Name Description
sysparm_view UI view for which to render the data. Determines the fields returned in the response.

Valid values:

  • desktop
  • mobile
  • both

If you also specify the sysparm_fields parameter, it takes precedent.

Data type: String

Table 63. Request body parameters (XML or JSON)
Name Description


The following request and response headers apply to this HTTP action only, or apply to this action in a distinct way. For a list of general headers used in the REST API, see Supported REST API headers.

Table 64. Request headers
Header Description
Accept Data format of the response body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Table 65. Response headers
Header Description

Status codes

The following status codes apply to this HTTP action. For a list of possible status codes used in the REST API, see REST API HTTP response codes.

Response body parameters (JSON or XML)

Example: cURL request

curl "" \
  --request GET \
  --header "Accept:application/json" \
  --user "username":"password"
  "result": {
    "short_description": "Apple iPad 3",
    "kb_article": "",
    "icon": "e6b3bc0647311200e0ef563dbb9a71fc.iix",
    "description": "\n\t\t\t<p>\n\t\t\t\t<font size=\"3\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<span style=\"color: gray;\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\tiPad with Retina display Wi-Fi 16GB - Black </span>\n\t\t\t\t</font>\n\t\t\t</p>\n\t\t\t<p>\n\t\t\t\t<span style=\"color: gray;\">Key Features:</span>\n\t\t\t</p>\n\t\t\t<ul><li style=\"color: gray;\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<span style=\"font-size: 10.0pt;\">Retina display (2048x1536 resolution)</span>\n\t\t\t\t</li><li style=\"color: gray;\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<span style=\"font-size: 10.0pt;\">16GB storage</span>\n\t\t\t\t</li><li style=\"color: gray;\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<span style=\"font-size: 10.0pt;\">Wi-Fi enabled</span>\n\t\t\t\t</li><li style=\"color: gray;\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<span style=\"font-size: 10.0pt;\">Built-in speaker, microphone and camera</span>\n\t\t\t\t</li><li style=\"color: gray;\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<span style=\"font-size: 10.0pt;\">Up to 10 hours battery life</span>\n\t\t\t\t</li></ul>",
    "show_price": true,
    "recurring_price": "$0.00",
    "type": "catalog_item",
    "show_quantity": true,
    "local_currency": "USD",
    "sys_class_name": "pc_hardware_cat_item",
    "picture": "5b977690cb921200f2de77a4634c9c6a.iix",
    "url": "",
    "sys_id": "060f3afa3731300054b6a3549dbe5d3e",
    "recurring_price_currency": "USD",
    "content_type": "",
    "localized_price": "$600.00",
    "price": "$600.00",
    "catalogs": [
        "sys_id": "e0d08b13c3330100c8b837659bba8fb4",
         "title": "Service Catalog"
    "recurring_frequency": null,
    "name": "Apple iPad 3",
    "localized_recurring_price": "$0.00",
    "category": {
      "sys_id": "b06546f23731300054b6a3549dbe5dd8",
      "title": "Tablets"
    "price_currency": "USD",
    "order": 0,
    "categories": [
        "sys_id": "d258b953c611227a0146101fb1be7c31",
        "active": true,
        "category": {
          "sys_id": "b06546f23731300054b6a3549dbe5dd8",
          "active": true,
          "title": "Tablets"
        "title": "Hardware"
    "variables": [],
    "ui_policy": [],
    "client_script": {
      "onChange": [],
      "onSubmit": [],
      "onLoad": []
    "data_lookup": []

Service Catalog - GET /sn_sc/servicecatalog/wishlist

Retrieves the list of items in the logged in user's wish list.

URL format

Versioned URL: /api/sn_sc/{api_version}/servicecatalog/wishlist

Default URL: /api/sn_sc/servicecatalog/wishlist

Supported request parameters

Table 67. Path parameters
Name Description
api_version Optional. Version of the endpoint to access. For example, v1 or v2. Only specify this value to use an endpoint version other than the latest.

Data type: String

Table 68. Query parameters
Name Description
Table 69. Request body parameters (XML or JSON)
Name Description


The following request and response headers apply to this HTTP action only, or apply to this action in a distinct way. For a list of general headers used in the REST API, see Supported REST API headers.

Table 70. Request headers
Header Description
Accept Data format of the response body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Table 71. Response headers
Header Description

Status codes

The following status codes apply to this HTTP action. For a list of possible status codes used in the REST API, see REST API HTTP response codes.

Table 72. Status codes
Status code Description
200 Successful. The request was successfully processed.
401 Unauthorized. The user credentials are incorrect or have not been passed.
500 Internal server error. An unexpected error occurred while processing the request. The response contains additional information about the error.

Response body parameters (JSON or XML)

Example: cURL request

curl "" \
--request GET \
--header "Accept:application/json" \
--user 'username':'password'
  "result": {
    "cart_id": "3a68c46013f12300027879d96144b0ce",
    "items": [
        "updated_on": "2018-11-16 05:54:41",
        "catalog_item_id": "774906834fbb4200086eeed18110c737",
        "short_description": "Macbook Pro",
        "recurring_subtotal_price": "$100.00",
        "delivery_time": "5 Days 0 seconds",
        "sys_class_name": "sc_cat_item",
        "sys_id": "3b8d887113b5a300027879d96144b0c2",
        "price": "$1,499.00",
        "recurring_frequency": "Annually",
        "subtotal_price": "$1,499.00",
        "variables": {
          "Adobe Photoshop": "false",
          "Adobe Acrobat": "false",
          "Optional Software": "true",
          "Additional software requirements": "",
          "Eclipse IDE": "true"
        "quantity": "1",
        "item_id": "774906834fbb4200086eeed18110c737",
        "recurring_price": "$100.00",
        "show_price": true,
        "item_name": "Developer Laptop (Mac)",
        "cart_item_id": "3b8d887113b5a300027879d96144b0c2",
        "recurring_subtotal": 100,
        "show_quantity": true,
        "created_by": "admin",
        "picture": "4e4efd444f889200086eeed18110c7e6.iix",
        "created_on": "2018-11-16 05:54:41",
        "localized_price": "$1,499.00",
        "subtotal": 1499,
        "show_recurring_price": true,
        "name": "Developer Laptop (Mac)",
        "updated_by": "admin",
        "localized_recurring_price": "$100.00",
        "order_guide": ""

Service Catalog - GET /sn_sc/servicecatalog/wishlist/{cart_item_id}

Retrieves the details of the specified item stored in the wish list cart.

URL format

Versioned URL: /api/sn_sc/v1/servicecatalog/wishlist/{cart_item_id}

Default URL: /api/sn_sc/servicecatalog/wishlist/{cart_item_id}

Supported request parameters

Table 73. Path parameters
Name Description
cart_item_id Sys_id of the wish list cart item to retrieve.

Data type: String

Table 74. Query parameters
Name Description
Table 75. Request body parameters (XML or JSON)
Name Description


The following request and response headers apply to this HTTP action only, or apply to this action in a distinct way. For a list of general headers used in the REST API, see Supported REST API headers.

Table 76. Request headers
Header Description
Accept Data format of the response body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Table 77. Response headers
Header Description

Status codes

The following status codes apply to this HTTP action. For a list of possible status codes used in the REST API, see REST API HTTP response codes.

Response body parameters (JSON or XML)

Example: cURL request

curl "" \
--request GET \
--header "Accept:application/json" \
--user "username":"password"
  "result": {
    "catalog_item_id": "04b7e94b4f7b4200086eeed18110c7fd",
    "variables": {
      "Adobe Photoshop": "",
      "Adobe Acrobat": "",
      "Optional Software": "",
      "Additional software requirements": ""
    "quantity": "1",
    "localized_price": "$1,100.00",
    "price": "$1,100.00",
    "recurring_frequency": "Annually",
    "localized_recurring_price": "$100.00",
    "recurring_price": "$100.00",
    "item_name": "Standard Laptop &",
    "cart_item_id": "d31be364c3012200d68d3b0ac3d3aecf",
    "delivery_time": "5 Days"

Service Catalog - POST /sn_sc/servicecatalog/cart/checkout

Retrieves and processes the checkout for the current cart based on whether the two-step checkout process is enabled.

If one-step checkout, the method checks out (saves) the cart and returns the request number and the request order ID. If two-step checkout, the method returns the cart order status and all the information required for two-step checkout.

URL format

Versioned URL: /api/sn_sc/{api_version}/servicecatalog/cart/checkout

Default URL: /api/sn_sc/servicecatalog/cart/checkout

Supported request parameters

Table 79. Path parameters
Name Description
api_version Optional. Version of the endpoint to access. For example, v1 or v2. Only specify this value to use an endpoint version other than the latest.

Data type: String

Table 80. Query parameters
Name Description
Table 81. Request body parameters (XML or JSON)
Name Description


The following request and response headers apply to this HTTP action only, or apply to this action in a distinct way. For a list of general headers used in the REST API, see Supported REST API headers.

Table 82. Request headers
Header Description
Accept Data format of the response body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Table 83. Response headers
Header Description

Status codes

The following status codes apply to this HTTP action. For a list of possible status codes used in the REST API, see REST API HTTP response codes.

Response body parameters (JSON or XML)

Example: cURL request

curl "" \
--request POST \
--header "Accept:application/json" \
--user "username":"password"
  "result": {
    "cart_id": "0830db8413a56300397533e2e144b0ba",
    "subtotal_price": "$1,598.00",
    "subtotal_recurring_frequency": "",
    "delivery_address": "",
    "special_instructions": "",
    "subtotal_recurring_price": "$0.00",
    "total_title": "Total",
    "requested_for_user": "System Administrator",
    "none": {
      "subtotal_price": "$1,598.00",
      "subtotal_recurring_frequency": "",
      "subtotal_recurring_price": "$0.00",
      "total_title": "Total",
      "frequency_label": null,
      "items": [
          "updated_on": "2018-11-06 17:01:21",
          "catalog_item_id": "07f1666b0bf00300eba42da0d5673ab0",
          "short_description": "Apple iPhone 7 ",
          "recurring_subtotal_price": "$0.00",
          "delivery_time": "2 Days",
          "sys_class_name": "sc_cat_item",
          "sys_id": "a846872a1369e300027879d96144b07e",
          "price": "$799.00",
          "recurring_frequency": null,
          "subtotal_price": "$799.00",
          "variables": {},
          "quantity": "1",
          "item_id": "07f1666b0bf00300eba42da0d5673ab0",
          "recurring_price": "$0.00",
          "show_price": true,
          "item_name": "Apple iPhone7",
          "cart_item_id": "a846872a1369e300027879d96144b07e",
          "recurring_subtotal": 0,
          "show_quantity": true,
          "created_by": "admin",
          "picture": "e823ee6b0bf00300eba42da0d5673a95.iix",
          "created_on": "2018-11-06 17:01:21",
          "localized_price": "$799.00",
          "subtotal": 799,
          "show_recurring_price": false,
          "name": "Apple iPhone7",
          "updated_by": "admin",
          "localized_recurring_price": "$0.00",
          "order_guide": ""
          "updated_on": "2018-11-06 17:34:15",
          "catalog_item_id": "07f1666b0bf00300eba42da0d5673ab0",
          "short_description": "Apple iPhone 7 ",
          "recurring_subtotal_price": "$0.00",
          "delivery_time": "2 Days",
          "sys_class_name": "sc_cat_item",
          "sys_id": "7d138fa21329e300027879d96144b065",
          "price": "$799.00",
          "recurring_frequency": null,
          "subtotal_price": "$799.00",
          "variables": {},
          "quantity": "1",
          "item_id": "07f1666b0bf00300eba42da0d5673ab0",
          "recurring_price": "$0.00",
          "show_price": true,
          "item_name": "Apple iPhone7",
          "cart_item_id": "7d138fa21329e300027879d96144b065",
          "recurring_subtotal": 0,
          "show_quantity": true,
          "created_by": "admin",
          "picture": "e823ee6b0bf00300eba42da0d5673a95.iix",
          "created_on": "2018-11-06 16:47:30",
          "localized_price": "$799.00",
          "subtotal": 799,
          "show_recurring_price": false,
          "name": "Apple iPhone7",
          "updated_by": "admin",
          "localized_recurring_price": "$0.00",
          "order_guide": ""
      "show_subtotal_price": "true",
      "subtotal_title": "Subtotal"
    "requested_for": "6816f79cc0a8016401c5a33be04be441",
    "show_subtotal_price": "true",
    "subtotal_title": "Subtotal"

Service Catalog - POST /sn_sc/servicecatalog/cart/submit_order

Checks out the user cart, based on the current check-out type (one-step or two-step).

If one-step checkout, the method checks out (saves) the cart and returns the request number and the request order ID. If two-step checkout, the method returns the cart order status and all the information required for two-step checkout.

URL format

Versioned URL: /api/sn_sc/{api_version}/servicecatalog/cart/submit_order

Default URL: /api/sn_sc/servicecatalog/cart/submit_order

Supported request parameters

Table 85. Path parameters
Name Description
api_version Optional. Version of the endpoint to access. For example, v1 or v2. Only specify this value to use an endpoint version other than the latest.

Data type: String

Table 86. Query parameters
Name Description
Table 87. Request body parameters (XML or JSON)
Name Description


The following request and response headers apply to this HTTP action only, or apply to this action in a distinct way. For a list of general headers used in the REST API, see Supported REST API headers.

Table 88. Request headers
Header Description
Accept Data format of the response body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Table 89. Response headers
Header Description

Status codes

The following status codes apply to this HTTP action. For a list of possible status codes used in the REST API, see REST API HTTP response codes.

Response body parameters (JSON or XML)

Example: cURL request

curl " /api/sn_sc/v1/servicecatalog/cart/submit_order " \
--request POST \
--header "Accept:application/json" \
--user "username":"password"
  "result": {
    "request_number": "REQ0010010",
    "request_id": "f89ed597db21120064301150f0b8f5ff"

Service Catalog - POST /sn_sc/servicecatalog/items/{sys_id}/add_to_cart

Adds the specified item to the cart of the current user.

URL format

Versioned URL: /api/sn_sc/{api_version}/servicecatalog/items/{sys_id}/add_to_cart

Default URL: /api/sn_sc/servicecatalog/items/{sys_id}/add_to_cart

Supported request parameters

Table 91. Path parameters
Name Description
api_version Optional. Version of the endpoint to access. For example, v1 or v2. Only specify this value to use an endpoint version other than the latest.

Data type: String

sys_id Sys_id of the item to add to the current cart.

Data type: String

Table 92. Query parameters
Name Description


The following request and response headers apply to this HTTP action only, or apply to this action in a distinct way. For a list of general headers used in the REST API, see Supported REST API headers.

Table 94. Request headers
Header Description
Table 95. Response headers
Header Description

Status codes

The following status codes apply to this HTTP action. For a list of possible status codes used in the REST API, see REST API HTTP response codes.

Response body parameters (JSON or XML)

Example: Sample cURL request and response

curl "" \
--request POST \
--header "Accept:application/json" \
--data "{ 'sysparm_quantity' : '1',
  'variables' : {
    'acrobat' : 'true'
}" \
--user "username":"password"
  "result": {
    "cart_id": "0951c597db21120064301150f0b8f5cf",
    "subtotal": "$1,599.98",
    "items": [
        "catalog_item_id": "0d08837237153000158bbfc8bcbe5d02",
        "quantity": "1",
        "localized_price": "$799.99",
        "price": "$799.99",
        "recurring_frequency": "Monthly",
        "localized_recurring_price": "$30.00",
        "recurring_price": "$29.00",
        "item_name": "Apple iPhone 5",
        "cart_item_id": "ac61c597db21120064301150f0b8f5f9"

Service Catalog - POST /sn_sc/servicecatalog/items/{sys_id}/add_to_wishlist

Adds the specified item to the wish list cart.

URL format

Versioned URL: /api/sn_sc/{api_version}/servicecatalog/items/{sys_id}/add_to_wishlist

Default URL: /api/sn_sc/ servicecatalog/items/{sys_id}/add_to_wishlist

Supported request parameters

Table 97. Path parameters
Name Description
api_version Optional. Version of the endpoint to access. For example, v1 or v2. Only specify this value to use an endpoint version other than the latest.

Data type: String

sys_id Sys_id of the item to add to the wish list.

Data type: String

Table 98. Query parameters
Name Description
Table 99. Request body parameters (XML or JSON)
Name Description


The following request and response headers apply to this HTTP action only, or apply to this action in a distinct way. For a list of general headers used in the REST API, see Supported REST API headers.

Table 100. Request headers
Header Description
Accept Data format of the response body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Content-Type Data format of the request body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Table 101. Response headers
Header Description

Status codes

The following status codes apply to this HTTP action. For a list of possible status codes used in the REST API, see REST API HTTP response codes.

Response body parameters (JSON or XML)

Name Description

Example: cURL request

curl "" \
 --request POST \
 --header "Accept:application/json" \
 --header "Content-Type:application/json" \
 --data "{\"sysparm_quantity\":\"1\"}" \
 --user "username":"password"
  "result": {
    "cart_id": "02a559a7c3b02200d68d3b0ac3d3ae5d",
    "items": [
        "catalog_item_id": "04b7e94b4f7b4200086eeed18110c7fd",
        "variables": {
          "Adobe Photoshop": "",
          "Adobe Acrobat": "",
          "Optional Software": "",
          "Additional software requirements": ""
        "quantity": "1",
        "localized_price": "$1,100.00",
        "price": "$1,100.00",
        "recurring_frequency": "Annually",
        "localized_recurring_price": "$100.00",
        "recurring_price": "$100.00",
        "item_name": "Standard Laptop &",
        "cart_item_id": "d31be364c3012200d68d3b0ac3d3aecf",
        "delivery_time": "5 Days"

Service Catalog - POST /sn_sc/servicecatalog/items/{sys_id}/checkout_guide

Retrieves an array of contents requested for checkout.

URL format

Versioned URL: /api/sn_sc/{api_version}/servicecatalog/items/{sys_id}/checkout_guide

Default URL: /api/sn_sc/servicecatalog/items/{sys_id}/checkout_guide

Supported request parameters

Table 103. Path parameters
Name Description
api_version Optional. Version of the endpoint to access. For example, v1 or v2. Only specify this value to use an endpoint version other than the latest.

Data type: String

sys_id Sys_id of the checkout guide for which to return the information.

Data type: String

Table 104. Query parameters
Name Description


The following request and response headers apply to this HTTP action only, or apply to this action in a distinct way. For a list of general headers used in the REST API, see Supported REST API headers.

Table 106. Request headers
Header Description
Accept Data format of the response body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Content-Type Data format of the request body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Table 107. Response headers
Header Description

Status codes

The following status codes apply to this HTTP action. For a list of possible status codes used in the REST API, see REST API HTTP response codes.

Response body parameters (JSON or XML)

Example: cURL request

curl "" \
--request POST \
--header "Accept:application/json"  \
--header "Content-Type:application/json" \
--data "{\"items\":[{
    \"Additional_software_requirements\":\"MS Office 2007\"
    \"ergonomic_office\":\"Office chair should have lumbar support\"
}]}" \
--user "username":"password"
<!--Case-1: if two-step is false:-->
  "result": {
    "cart_id": "0d8c7a32c3211200d68d3b0ac3d3aeba",
    "subtotal_price": "$3,350.00",
    "subtotal_recurring_frequency": "",
    "subtotal_recurring_price": "$300.00",
    "total_title": "Total",
    "monthly": {
      "subtotal_price": "$50.00",
      "subtotal_recurring_frequency": "Monthly",
      "subtotal_recurring_price": "$0.00",
      "total_title": "Total",
      "items": [
          "catalog_item_id": "90af095bcd38798071a208d710d1b64f",
          "variables": {},
          "quantity": "1",
          "localized_price": "$50.00",
          "price": "$50.00",
          "recurring_frequency": "Monthly",
          "localized_recurring_price": "$0.00",
          "recurring_price": "$0.00",
          "item_name": "Belkin iPad Mini Case",
          "cart_item_id": "cb6e485fc3211200d68d3b0ac3d3ae35",
          "delivery_time": "2 Days"
      "show_subtotal_price": "true",
      "subtotal_title": "Subtotal"
    "none": {
      "subtotal_price": "-",
      "subtotal_recurring_frequency": "",
      "subtotal_recurring_price": "$0.00",
      "total_title": "Total",
      "items": [
          "catalog_item_id": "186d917a6fab7980575967ddbb3ee4f2",
          "variables": {
            "Preferred Email address": ""
          "quantity": "1",
          "localized_price": "$0.00",
          "price": "$0.00",
          "recurring_frequency": "",
          "localized_recurring_price": "$0.00",
          "recurring_price": "$0.00",
          "item_name": "New Email Account",
          "cart_item_id": "17c5241fc3211200d68d3b0ac3d3ae7f",
          "delivery_time": "global.Workflow"
          "catalog_item_id": "8b3ae7fedc1be1004ece5c08239e522b",
          "variables": {},
          "quantity": "1",
          "localized_price": "$0.00",
          "price": "$0.00",
          "recurring_frequency": "",
          "localized_recurring_price": "$0.00",
          "recurring_price": "$0.00",
          "item_name": "Corp VPN",
          "cart_item_id": "97c5241fc3211200d68d3b0ac3d3ae7f",
          "delivery_time": "2 Days"
          "catalog_item_id": "e1be6dcb4f7b4200086eeed18110c74c",
          "variables": {},
          "quantity": "1",
          "localized_price": "$0.00",
          "price": "$0.00",
          "recurring_frequency": "",
          "localized_recurring_price": "$0.00",
          "recurring_price": "$0.00",
          "item_name": "External Monitor",
          "cart_item_id": "d3c5241fc3211200d68d3b0ac3d3ae7f",
          "delivery_time": "2 Days"
          "catalog_item_id": "962967674ff38200086eeed18110c7e7",
          "variables": {
            "Please describe any ergonomic requirements\n\t\t": "Office chair should have lumbar support"
          "quantity": "1",
          "localized_price": "$0.00",
          "price": "$0.00",
          "recurring_frequency": "",
          "localized_recurring_price": "$0.00",
          "recurring_price": "$0.00",
          "item_name": "Desk Set Up",
          "cart_item_id": "d7c5241fc3211200d68d3b0ac3d3ae7f",
          "delivery_time": "5 Days"
      "show_subtotal_price": "false",
      "subtotal_title": "Subtotal"
    "yearly": {
      "subtotal_price": "$3,300.00",
      "subtotal_recurring_frequency": "Annually",
      "subtotal_recurring_price": "$300.00",
      "total_title": "Total",
      "items": [
          "catalog_item_id": "04b7e94b4f7b4200086eeed18110c7fd",
          "variables": {
            "Adobe Photoshop": "",
            "Adobe Acrobat": "true",
            "Optional Software": "",
            "Additional software requirements": "MS Office 2007"
          "quantity": "3",
          "localized_price": "$1,100.00",
          "price": "$1,100.00",
          "recurring_frequency": "Annually",
          "localized_recurring_price": "$100.00",
          "recurring_price": "$100.00",
          "item_name": "Standard Laptop",
          "cart_item_id": "9fc5241fc3211200d68d3b0ac3d3ae7e",
          "delivery_time": "5 Days"
      "show_subtotal_price": "true",
      "subtotal_title": "Subtotal"
    "show_subtotal_price": "true",
    "subtotal_title": "Subtotal"

Case-2: if two-step is true:
  "result": {
    "request_number": "REQ0010001",
    "request_id": "82a7e89fc3211200d68d3b0ac3d3ae0a"

Service Catalog - POST /sn_sc/servicecatalog/items/{item_sys_id}/get_invalid_delegated_users

Returns a list of users whose request for the specified item cannot be delegated (requested by another user).

You can call this endpoint prior to calling an endpoint such as Service Catalog API - POST /sn_sc/servicecatalog/items/{sys_id}/add_to_cart or Service Catalog API - POST /sn_sc/servicecatalog/items/{sys_id}/order_now that allow the requisition of a service catalog item on behalf of another person. These calls fail if you pass in a user that is not authorized for the associated item. This endpoint allows you to verify your list of users prior to calling an endpoint that orders the item or tries to add the item to a cart.

URL format

Versioned URL: /api/sn_sc/{api_version}/servicecatalog/items/{item_sys_id}/get_invalid_delegated_users

Default URL: /api/sn_sc/servicecatalog/items/{item_sys_id}/get_invalid_delegated_users

Supported request parameters

Table 110. Path parameters
Name Description
api_version Optional. Version of the endpoint to access. For example, v1 or v2. Only specify this value to use an endpoint version other than the latest.

Data type: String

item_sys_id Sys_id of the service catalog item to verify whether the specified user has acquisition rights. Located in the Service Catalog [sc_catalog] table.

Data type: String

Table 111. Query parameters
Name Description
Table 112. Request body parameters (XML or JSON)
Name Description
sysparm_also_request_for Comma separated string of valid user sys_ids. The endpoint verifies that these users have acquisition rights to the specified service catalog item. Located in the Users [sys_user] table.

Data type: String


The following request and response headers apply to this HTTP action only, or apply to this action in a distinct way. For a list of general headers used in the REST API, see Supported REST API headers.

Table 113. Request headers
Header Description
Accept Data format of the response body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Content-Type Data format of the request body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Table 114. Response headers
Header Description

Status codes

The following status codes apply to this HTTP action. For a list of possible status codes used in the REST API, see REST API HTTP response codes.

Response body parameters (JSON or XML)

Name Description
errCode Number associated with the error. Only returned if the endpoint fails.

Data type: String

errMsg Description of the error that the endpoint encountered when it failed.
invalidUsers Names of the users that are not able to request the specified catalog item.

Data type: Array

Example: cURL request

curl "" \
--request POST \
--header "Accept:application/json" \
--header "Content-Type:application/json" \
--data "{\"sysparm_also_request_for\":\"a8f98bb0eb32010045e1a5115206fe3a,62826bf03710200044e0bfc8bcbe5df1\"}" \
--user "username":"password"
  "result": {
    "invalidUsers": [
      "Abel Tuter"

Example: cURL request

curl " /api/sn_sc/servicecatalog/items/04b7e94b4f7b4200086eeed18110c7fd/get_invalid_delegated_users" \
--request POST \
--header "Accept:application/json" \
--header "Content-Type:application/json" \
--data "{\"sysparm_also_request_for\":\"a8f98bb0eb32010045e1a5115206fe3a,62826bf03710200044e0bfc8bcbe5df1\"}" \
--user "username":"password"
  "result": {
    "errCode": "42202",
    "errMsg": "This item cannot be submitted for multiple people as it is not configured with Requested For"

Service Catalog - POST /sn_sc/servicecatalog/items/{sys_id}/order_now

Orders the specified catalog item.

URL format

Versioned URL: /api/sn_sc/{api_version}/servicecatalog/items/{sys_id}/order_now

Default URL: /api/sn_sc/servicecatalog/items/{sys_id}/order_now

Supported request parameters

Table 116. Path parameters
Name Description
api_version Optional. Version of the endpoint to access. For example, v1 or v2. Only specify this value to use an endpoint version other than the latest.

Data type: String

sys_id Sys_id of the service catalog item. Located in the Catalog Item [sc_cat_item] table.

Data type: String

Table 117. Query parameters
Name Description


The following request and response headers apply to this HTTP action only, or apply to this action in a distinct way. For a list of general headers used in the REST API, see Supported REST API headers.

Table 119. Request headers
Header Description
Accept Data format of the response body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Content-Type Data format of the request body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Table 120. Response headers
Header Description

Status codes

The following status codes apply to this HTTP action. For a list of possible status codes used in the REST API, see REST API HTTP response codes.

Response body parameters (JSON or XML)

Example: Sample cURL request

curl "" \
--request POST \
--header "Accept:application/json" \
--header "Content-Type:application/json" \
--data "{
  sysparm_quantity: 1,
  variables: {
    replacement: 'Yes',
    originalnumber: '1640000',
    data_plan: '500MB'
}" \
--user "username":"password"
  "result": {
    "sys_id": "cf56a3fcdb3a2300e890f71fbf9619ac",
    "number": "REQ0010012",
    "request_number": "REQ0010012",
    "request_id": "cf56a3fcdb3a2300e890f71fbf9619ac",
    "table": "sc_request"

Service Catalog - POST /sn_sc/servicecatalog/items/{sys_id}/submit_producer

Creates a record and returns the Table API relative path and redirect URL to access the created record.

URL format

Versioned URL: /api/sn_sc/{api_version}/servicecatalog/items/{sys_id}/submit_producer

Default URL: /api/sn_sc/servicecatalog/items/{sys_id}/submit_producer

Supported request parameters

Table 122. Path parameters
Name Description
api_version Optional. Version of the endpoint to access. For example, v1 or v2. Only specify this value to use an endpoint version other than the latest.

Data type: String

sys_id Sys_id of the table in which to create the record producer.

Data type: String

Table 123. Query parameters
Name Description
sysparm_view UI view for which to render the data. Determines the fields returned in the response.

Valid values:

  • desktop
  • mobile
  • both

If you also specify the sysparm_fields parameter, it takes precedent.

Data type: String

Table 124. Request body parameters (XML or JSON)
Name Description
variables Name-value pairs of the variables of the producer record to define.


The following request and response headers apply to this HTTP action only, or apply to this action in a distinct way. For a list of general headers used in the REST API, see Supported REST API headers.

Table 125. Request headers
Header Description
Accept Data format of the response body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Content-Type Data format of the request body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Table 126. Response headers
Header Description

Status codes

The following status codes apply to this HTTP action. For a list of possible status codes used in the REST API, see REST API HTTP response codes.

Response body parameters (JSON or XML)

Example: cURL request

curl "" \
--request POST \
--header "Accept:application/json" \
--header "Content-Type:application/json" \
--data "{'variables':{'urgency':'2','comments':'This is sample incident'}}" \
--user "username":"password"
  "result": {
    "sys_id": "6baf4e1ddbba2300e890f71fbf961963",
    "number": "INC0010006",
    "parent_id": null,
    "record": "api/now/table/incident/6baf4e1ddbba2300e890f71fbf961963",
    "redirect_portal_url": "",
    "parent_table": "task",
    "redirect_url": "",
    "table": "incident",
    "redirect_to": ""

Service Catalog - POST /sn/sc/servicecatalog/variables/{sys_id}/display_value

Returns the display value of the specified variable.

URL format

Versioned URL: /api/sn_sc/{api_version}/servicecatalog/variables/{sys_id}/display_value

Default URL: /api/sn_sc/servicecatalog/variables/{sys_id}/display_value

Supported request parameters

Table 128. Path parameters
Name Description
api_version Optional. Version of the endpoint to access. For example, v1 or v2. Only specify this value to use an endpoint version other than the latest.

Data type: String

sys_id Sys_id of the variable for which to return the display value.

Data type: String

Table 129. Query parameters
Name Description
Table 130. Request body parameters (XML or JSON)
Name Description
sysparm_value Sys_id of the record that contains the display value to return.

Data type: String


The following request and response headers apply to this HTTP action only, or apply to this action in a distinct way. For a list of general headers used in the REST API, see Supported REST API headers.

Table 131. Request headers
Header Description
Accept Data format of the response body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Content-Type Data format of the request body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Table 132. Response headers
Header Description

Status codes

The following status codes apply to this HTTP action. For a list of possible status codes used in the REST API, see REST API HTTP response codes.

Response body parameters (JSON or XML)

Name Description
result Display value of the variable.

Data type: String

Example: cURL request

 curl "" \ 
--request POST \ 
--header "Accept:application/json" \ 
--header "Content-Type:application/json" \ 
--data "{\"sysparm_value\":\"62826bf03710200044e0bfc8bcbe5df1\"}" \ 
--user "username":"password" 
  "result": "Abel Tuter (Architect)"

Service Catalog - PUT /sn_sc/servicecatalog/cart/{cart_item_id}

Updates the specified item in the logged in user's cart.

URL format

Versioned URL: /api/sn_sc/{api_version}/servicecatalog/cart/{cart_item_id}

Default URL: /api/sn_sc/servicecatalog/cart/{cart_item_id}

Supported request parameters

Table 134. Path parameters
Name Description
api_version Optional. Version of the endpoint to access. For example, v1 or v2. Only specify this value to use an endpoint version other than the latest.

Data type: String

cart_item_id Sys_id of the cart item to update.

Data type: String

Table 135. Query parameters
Name Description
Table 136. Request body parameters (XML or JSON)
Name Description
sysparm_quantity Required. Quantity of the item to update the cart.

Data type: String

variables Required if there are mandatory variables specified for the item. Object consisting of all mandatory variable names-value pairs.

Data type: Object


The following request and response headers apply to this HTTP action only, or apply to this action in a distinct way. For a list of general headers used in the REST API, see Supported REST API headers.

Table 137. Request headers
Header Description
Accept Data format of the response body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Content-Type Data format of the request body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Table 138. Response headers
Header Description

Status codes

The following status codes apply to this HTTP action. For a list of possible status codes used in the REST API, see REST API HTTP response codes.

Response body parameters (JSON or XML)

Example: cURL request

curl "" \
--request PUT \
--header "Accept:application/json" \
--data "{\"sysparm_quantity\": \"2\" }" \
--user "username":"password"
  "result": {
    "cart_id": "0830db8413a56300397533e2e144b0ba",
    "subtotal_price": "$2,397.00",
    "subtotal_recurring_frequency": "",
    "subtotal_recurring_price": "$0.00",
    "total_title": "Total",
    "none": {
      "subtotal_price": "$2,397.00",
      "subtotal_recurring_frequency": "",
      "subtotal_recurring_price": "$0.00",
      "total_title": "Total",
      "frequency_label": null,
      "items": [
          "updated_on": "2018-11-06 17:01:21",
          "catalog_item_id": "07f1666b0bf00300eba42da0d5673ab0",
          "short_description": "Apple iPhone 7 ",
          "recurring_subtotal_price": "$0.00",
          "delivery_time": "2 Days",
          "sys_class_name": "sc_cat_item",
          "sys_id": "a846872a1369e300027879d96144b07e",
          "price": "$799.00",
          "recurring_frequency": null,
          "subtotal_price": "$799.00",
          "variables": {},
          "quantity": "1",
          "item_id": "07f1666b0bf00300eba42da0d5673ab0",
          "recurring_price": "$0.00",
          "show_price": true,
          "item_name": "Apple iPhone7",
          "cart_item_id": "a846872a1369e300027879d96144b07e",
          "recurring_subtotal": 0,
          "show_quantity": true,
          "created_by": "admin",
          "picture": "e823ee6b0bf00300eba42da0d5673a95.iix",
          "created_on": "2018-11-06 17:01:21",
          "localized_price": "$799.00",
          "subtotal": 799,
          "show_recurring_price": false,
          "name": "Apple iPhone7",
          "updated_by": "admin",
          "localized_recurring_price": "$0.00",
          "order_guide": ""
          "updated_on": "2018-11-06 17:21:08",
          "catalog_item_id": "07f1666b0bf00300eba42da0d5673ab0",
          "short_description": "Apple iPhone 7 ",
          "recurring_subtotal_price": "$0.00",
          "delivery_time": "2 Days",
          "sys_class_name": "sc_cat_item",
          "sys_id": "7d138fa21329e300027879d96144b065",
          "price": "$799.00",
          "recurring_frequency": null,
          "subtotal_price": "$1,598.00",
          "variables": {},
          "quantity": "2",
          "item_id": "07f1666b0bf00300eba42da0d5673ab0",
          "recurring_price": "$0.00",
          "show_price": true,
          "item_name": "Apple iPhone7",
          "cart_item_id": "7d138fa21329e300027879d96144b065",
          "recurring_subtotal": 0,
          "show_quantity": true,
          "created_by": "admin",
          "picture": "e823ee6b0bf00300eba42da0d5673a95.iix",
          "created_on": "2018-11-06 16:47:30",
          "localized_price": "$799.00",
          "subtotal": 1598,
          "show_recurring_price": false,
          "name": "Apple iPhone7",
          "updated_by": "admin",
          "localized_recurring_price": "$0.00",
          "order_guide": ""
      "show_subtotal_price": "true",
      "subtotal_title": "Subtotal"
    "show_subtotal_price": "true",
    "subtotal_title": "Subtotal"

Service Catalog - PUT /sn_sc/servicecatalog/items/{sys_id}/submit_guide

Retrieves a list of items based on the needs described for an order guide.

URL format

Versioned URL: /api/sn_sc/{api_version}/servicecatalog/items/{sys_id}/submit_guide

Default URL: /api/sn_sc/servicecatalog/items/{sys_id}/submit_guide

Supported request parameters

Table 140. Path parameters
Name Description
api_version Optional. Version of the endpoint to access. For example, v1 or v2. Only specify this value to use an endpoint version other than the latest.

Data type: String

sys_id Sys_id of the order guide whose items are to be retrieved. Located in the Order guide [sc_cat_item_guide] table.

Data type: String

Table 141. Query parameters
Name Description
Table 142. Request body parameters (XML or JSON)
Name Description
variables Variables requested for an item. Each variable is a JSON object consisting of name-value pairs.

Data type: Array


The following request and response headers apply to this HTTP action only, or apply to this action in a distinct way. For a list of general headers used in the REST API, see Supported REST API headers.

Table 143. Request headers
Header Description
Accept Data format of the response body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Content-Type Data format of the request body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Table 144. Response headers
Header Description

Status codes

The following status codes apply to this HTTP action. For a list of possible status codes used in the REST API, see REST API HTTP response codes.

Response body parameters (JSON or XML)

Example: cURL request

curl "" \
--request PUT \
--header "Accept:application/json" \
--header "Content-Type:application/json" \
--data "{
}" \
--user "username":"password"
  "result": [
      "short_description": "Lenovo - Carbon x1",
      "icon": "1195c2084f889200086eeed18110c74a.iix",
      "description": "<p class=\"p1\"><font size=\"3\" color=\"#808080\"><span class=\"s1\">x1 Carbon</span></font></p>\n<p class=\"p1\"><font size=\"2\" color=\"#808080\" face=\"arial,helvetica,sans-serif\"><span class=\"s1\">The x1 Carbon is Lenovo&#39;s lightest ThinkPad yet. It provides a QHD display that fights glare and weighs less than three pounds. Ideal for most computing tasks, and highly mobile. </span></font></p>\n<p class=\"p2\"><font size=\"2\" color=\"#808080\" face=\"arial,helvetica,sans-serif\"><span class=\"s1\">Technical Specs:</span></font></p>\n<ul class=\"ul1\"><li class=\"li3\"><font size=\"2\" color=\"#808080\"><span class=\"s1\">Intel core i5 processor</span></font></li><li class=\"li3\"><font size=\"2\" color=\"#808080\"><span class=\"s1\">512GB solid state drive (SSD) </span></font></li><li class=\"li3\"><font size=\"2\" color=\"#808080\"><span class=\"s1\">Backlit keyboard</span></font></li></ul>",
      "show_price": true,
      "recurring_price": "$100.00",
      "type": "catalog_item",
      "local_currency": "USD",
      "sys_id": "04b7e94b4f7b4200086eeed18110c7fd",
      "recurring_price_currency": "USD",
      "localized_price": "$1,100.00",
      "price": "$1,100.00",
      "catalogs": [
         "sys_id": "e0d08b13c3330100c8b837659bba8fb4",
         "title": "Service Catalog"
      "recurring_frequency": "Annually",
      "name": "Standard Laptop",
      "localized_recurring_price": "$100.00",
      "category": {
        "sys_id": "d258b953c611227a0146101fb1be7c31",
        "title": "Hardware"
      "price_currency": "USD",
      "show_quantity": false,
      "quantity": "1",
      "order": "100",
      "variables": [
          "label": "Optional Software",
          "type": 0,
          "mandatory": false,
          "displayvalue": "",
          "friendly_type": "container_start",
          "render_label": true,
          "read_only": false,
          "children": [
              "label": "Adobe Acrobat",
              "type": 7,
              "mandatory": false,
              "displayvalue": "false",
              "friendly_type": "check_box",
              "display_type": "CheckBox",
              "render_label": true,
              "read_only": false,
              "pricing_implications": false,
              "name": "acrobat",
              "attributes": "edge_encryption_enabled=true",
              "id": "90b72d4b4f7b4200086eeed18110c701",
              "value": false,
              "help_text": "",
              "max_length": 0
              "label": "Adobe Photoshop",
              "type": 7,
              "mandatory": false,
              "displayvalue": "false",
              "friendly_type": "check_box",
              "display_type": "CheckBox",
              "render_label": true,
              "read_only": false,
              "pricing_implications": false,
              "name": "photoshop",
              "attributes": "edge_encryption_enabled=true",
              "id": "a8b72d4b4f7b4200086eeed18110c701",
              "value": false,
              "help_text": "",
              "max_length": 0
          "name": "optional_label",
          "attributes": "edge_encryption_enabled=true",
          "id": "10b72d4b4f7b4200086eeed18110c700",
          "value": "",
          "help_text": "",
          "max_length": 0
          "label": "Additional software requirements",
          "type": 2,
          "mandatory": false,
          "displayvalue": "",
          "friendly_type": "multi_line_text",
          "display_type": "Multi Line Text",
          "render_label": true,
          "read_only": false,
          "name": "Additional_software_requirements",
          "attributes": "edge_encryption_enabled=true",
          "id": "a8b72d4b4f7b4200086eeed18110c702",
          "value": "",
          "help_text": "",
          "max_length": 0
      "ui_policy": [],
      "client_script": {
        "onChange": [],
        "onSubmit": [],
        "onLoad": []
      "data_lookup": []
      "sys_id": "e1be6dcb4f7b4200086eeed18110c74c",
      "short_description": "LG IPS 27\" Monitor",
      "catalogs": [
          "sys_id": "e0d08b13c3330100c8b837659bba8fb4",
          "title": "Service Catalog"
      "name": "External Monitor",
      "icon": "08569a4c4f889200086eeed18110c77b.iix",
      "description": "<p><font size=\"2\"><span style=\"color: #485563;\"><br /> <font size=\"3\" color=\"#808080\">The striking design of the LG Cinema Screen incorporates an ultra-narrow bezel, so virtually all you see is picture. The viewing experience is more immersive for your favorite movies and games. Make the most of your time, with an LG Full HD LED monitor. </font></span></font></p>\n<p><font size=\"2\" color=\"#808080\">Item Specs:</font></p>\n<ul><li style=\"color: #485563;\"><font size=\"2\" color=\"#808080\">Screen Size: 27&#34;</font></li><li style=\"color: #485563;\"><font size=\"2\" color=\"#808080\">Resolution: 1920 x 1080</font></li><li style=\"color: #485563;\"><font size=\"2\" color=\"#808080\">Aspect Ratio: 16:9</font></li><li style=\"color: #485563;\"><font size=\"2\" color=\"#808080\">Brightness: 250 cd/m2</font></li><li style=\"color: #485563;\"><font size=\"2\" color=\"#808080\">Supports Split Screen</font></li></ul>",
      "show_price": false,
      "type": "catalog_item",
      "category": {
        "sys_id": "2c0b59874f7b4200086eeed18110c71f",
        "title": "Peripherals"
      "show_quantity": false,
      "quantity": "1",
      "order": "200",
      "variables": [],
      "ui_policy": [],
      "client_script": {
        "onChange": [],
        "onSubmit": [],
        "onLoad": []
      "data_lookup": []
      "sys_id": "186d917a6fab7980575967ddbb3ee4f2",
      "short_description": "New Email Creation",
      "catalogs": [
          "sys_id": "e0d08b13c3330100c8b837659bba8fb4",
          "title": "Service Catalog"
      "name": "New Email Account",
      "icon": "b630e97e6fab7980575967ddbb3ee4d2.iix",
      "description": "<p style=\"font-size: 13px;\"><font size=\"4\"><span style=\"color: #485563;\">Service Overview:</span></font></p>\n\t<p style=\"font-size: 13px;\"><font size=\"3\">Creation of a new email account within our Microsoft Exchange environment.  Creation of your email address will also create your Active Directory account. </font></p>\n\t<p> </p>",
      "show_price": false,
      "type": "catalog_item",
      "category": {
        "sys_id": "109f0438c6112276003ae8ac13e7009d",
        "title": "Services"
      "show_quantity": false,
      "quantity": "1",
      "order": "300",
      "variables": [
          "label": "Preferred Email address",
          "type": 6,
          "mandatory": true,
          "displayvalue": "",
          "friendly_type": "single_line_text",
          "display_type": "Single Line Text",
          "render_label": true,
          "read_only": false,
          "name": "new_email",
          "attributes": "edge_encryption_enabled=true",
          "id": "65865e474fbb4200086eeed18110c7dd",
          "value": "",
          "help_text": "",
          "max_length": 0
      "ui_policy": [],
      "client_script": {
        "onChange": [],
        "onSubmit": [],
        "onLoad": []
      "data_lookup": []
      "sys_id": "8b3ae7fedc1be1004ece5c08239e522b",
      "short_description": "Remote access to Internal Corporate Systems\n\t\t",
      "catalogs": [
          "sys_id": "e0d08b13c3330100c8b837659bba8fb4",
          "title": "Service Catalog"
      "name": "Corp VPN",
      "icon": "11dc8df74f778200086eeed18110c78e.iix",
      "description": "<p><font size=\"3\"><span style=\"color: #485563;\">Corp VPN Account</span></font></p>\n<ul><li style=\"color: #485563;\"><font size=\"2\">Corp VPN provides VPN (Virtual Private Network) access to all Internal Corporate Systems and to IP Restricted Customer Instances</font></li><li style=\"color: #485563;\"><font size=\"2\">By utilizing Corp VPN, users will be provided a similar experience to being within one of the Corporate office locations, while offsite</font></li></ul>\n<p><font size=\"2\"><span style=\"color: #485563;\"> </span></font></p>\n<p><font size=\"2\"><span style=\"color: #485563;\">Please reference the <span style=\"color: #485563;\">CORP VPN </span><span style=\"color: #485563;\">Installation</span><span style=\"color: #485563;\"> and Support Documentation</span> for instructions on installation, usage and FAQ’s. For all other questions, please contact <span style=\"color: #485563;\">IT Support.</span></span></font></p>\n<p> </p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size: 10pt; font-family: tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;\"><br /><br /></span></p>",
      "show_price": false,
      "type": "catalog_item",
      "category": {
        "sys_id": "d2f7cae4c611227a018ddc481b34e099",
        "title": "Security and Access"
      "show_quantity": false,
      "quantity": "1",
      "order": "600",
      "variables": [],
      "ui_policy": [],
      "client_script": {
        "onChange": [],
        "onSubmit": [],
        "onLoad": []
      "data_lookup": []
      "sys_id": "962967674ff38200086eeed18110c7e7",
      "short_description": "Desk Set Up for New Hires or Employee Moves\n\t\t",
      "catalogs": [
          "sys_id": "",
          "title": "Service Catalog"
      "name": "Desk Set Up",
      "icon": "aa6b08ff4ff38200086eeed18110c7ed.iix",
      "description": "<p><font size=\"3\" face=\"arial, helvetica, sans-serif\">The facilities organization will set up your new desk with the following configuration:</font></p>\n<ul><li><font size=\"3\" face=\"arial, helvetica, sans-serif\">Docking Station</font></li><li><font size=\"3\" face=\"arial, helvetica, sans-serif\">Power Station</font></li><li><font size=\"3\" face=\"arial, helvetica, sans-serif\">Phone</font></li><li><font size=\"3\" face=\"arial, helvetica, sans-serif\">Office Chair</font></li></ul>",
      "show_price": false,
      "type": "catalog_item",
      "category": {
        "sys_id": "",
        "title": null
      "show_quantity": false,
      "quantity": "1",
      "order": "900",
      "variables": [
          "label": "Please describe any ergonomic requirements\n\t\t",
          "type": 2,
          "mandatory": false,
          "displayvalue": "",
          "friendly_type": "multi_line_text",
          "display_type": "Multi Line Text",
          "render_label": true,
          "read_only": false,
          "name": "ergonomic_office",
          "attributes": "edge_encryption_enabled=true",
          "id": "b0b9ab674ff38200086eeed18110c755",
          "value": "",
          "help_text": "",
          "max_length": 0
      "ui_policy": [],
      "client_script": {
        "onChange": [],
        "onSubmit": [],
        "onLoad": []
      "data_lookup": []