Upgrade playbooks created in Paris for the Quebec release.

Several new platform features were added to Playbook Experience in Quebec. These features are backward compatible with Playbooks built in the Paris release so that they will not break existing behavior.

Some features require manual upgrade steps to take advantage of them on existing playbooks, activity definitions, and declarative actions.

Playbooks need to be upgraded to render Complete and Skip buttons correctly. Use the following instructions to update your existing playbooks for Quebec.

Upgrade playbooks for Quebec

Upgrade playbooks created in Paris to work with later releases.

Before you begin

Role required: process automation admin


  1. Navigate to All > Process Automation > Process Automation Designer.
  2. Select the process you want to upgrade from the list.
  3. Select an instructional activity.
  4. Select Configure activity.
  5. Select Advanced View.
  6. Use the pill picker for Experience Status Record to choose the record output by the first Collect Flow Data step.
  7. Select Update.
  8. Select Activate.

Upgrade existing activity definitions for playbook in Quebec

Activity definitions are backwards compatible with Playbook in Quebec, but they require a slight modification to display properly.

Before you begin

Role required: process automation admin


  1. Navigate to All > Process Automation > Process Automation Designer.
  2. Select the process you want to upgrade from the list.
  3. Select an activity.
  4. Make any change to the activity.
  5. Select Save.
  6. Click Activate.


The activity definition is now updated to work with Quebec.