Create or modify a Walk-up Experience customer satisfaction survey

Improve your Walk-up Experience operations and customer service by using surveys and monitoring survey results. Walk-up surveys capture important information from users about the interaction experience provided to them at the venue.

Before you begin

Role required: sn_walkup.walkup_admin, sn_walkup.walkup_manager, or admin

About this task

Creating a new customer satisfaction survey requires that you first define a new survey and then use the Survey Designer to design, configure, and make it available to the requesters.


  1. To view and use a base-system predefined survey in the Walk-up Experience application, navigate to Walk-up Experience > Administration > Surveys.
  2. To modify an existing walk-up survey, click the survey name, otherwise navigate to Survey > View Surveys and click New to define a new survey if none of the base-system surveys are optimal for your walk-up location.
  3. To modify or complete the form, refer to Modify a survey definition.