Create a product to represent a feature or functionality important to customers. A product can contain themes, epics, and stories that describe these enhancements from the perspective of a user.

Before you begin

Role required: scrum_product_owner, scrum_release_planner, scrum_admin


  1. Navigate to All > Agile Development > Products.
  2. Select New.

    Alternatively, you can use the Products related list of a Release record to open the form for a new product.

  3. On the form, fill in the fields.
    Table 1. Product form
    Field Description
    Name Name of the product.
    Short Description Description of the product that briefly explains its features and mentions the theme and groups associated to it.
    Product owner User responsible for managing the development and releases for the product.
  4. Select Submit.

What to do next

Use the related lists of the Product record to associate releases, themes, epics, stories, and assignment groups with it. For more information, see Related lists for a Product in Agile Development 2.0.