Use the Service Graph Connector for VMware Workspace ONE UEM to pull mobile and computing devices data from VMware Workspace ONE Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) into your ServiceNow instance.

Before you begin

To use this Service Graph Connector, you need a subscription to a Subscription Unit that is based in the IT Operations Management (ITOM) Visibility application or in the ITOM Discovery application. As defined in the section titled "Managed IT Resource Types" in ServiceNow Subscription Unit Overview for your subscription, for managed IT resources that are created or modified in the CMDB by this Service Graph Connector, but that aren’t yet managed by ITOM Visibility or ITOM Discovery, these resources will increase Subscription Unit consumption from that application. Review your current Subscription Unit consumption within ITOM Visibility or ITOM Discovery to ensure available capacity.

Dependencies and requirements:
  • The Integration Commons for CMDB store app, which is automatically installed.
  • The CMDB CI class models store app, which is automatically installed. See CMDB CI Class Models store app.
  • The ITOM Discovery License plugin (com.snc.itom.discovery.license). You must activate this plugin.
  • ITOM Licensing plugin (com.snc.itom.license). For more information, see Request Discovery.
  • The Datastream Action plugin (com.glide.hub.action_type.datastream), which is automatically installed.

Roles required: admin

About this task

To configure the Service Graph Connector for VMware Workspace ONE UEM, you must configure your OAuth authentication credentials (step 4) if you have these credentials. If you don't have these credentials, then you must configure your Basic authentication credentials (step 5). Do not configure both OAuth and Basic credentials.


  1. Navigate to All > Service Graph Connectors > Workspace ONE UEM > Setup.
  2. On the Getting started page, select Get Started.
  3. Configure your OAuth authentication credentials.
    If you do not have OAuth credentials, skip this step and configure the Basic authentication credentials in step 5.
    1. On the Service Graph Connector for VMware Workspace ONE UEM page, in the Configure the connection section, select the task Configure authentication credentials.
    2. On the next page, in the Configure authentication credentials section, select Configure.
    3. On the form, fill in the following fields.
      Table 1. Application Registries form
      Field Description
      Client ID

      Client ID of the VMware Workspace ONE UEM console.

      Client Secret

      Client secret of the VMware Workspace ONE UEM console.

      Note: You can click the lock icon (Lock icon.) to view the client secret.
      Token URL

      The Token URL of VMware Workspace ONE UEM console so that you can fetch the access token.

      Note: For more information about the Token URL, see the VMware knowledge base article on the VMware documentation site.

      To get more information about how to get OAuth credentials, see the VMware documentation site.

    4. Review the other fields on the Applications Registries form as needed.
    5. Click Update if necessary.
    6. In the Configure authentication credentials task section, click Mark as Complete.
  4. Configure your Basic authentication credentials.
    If the OAuth credentials were configured in step 4, skip this step.
    1. On the left side bar, click the Configure the Basic Auth connection icon (Configure the Basic Auth connection icon.) and select the task Select authentication type.
    2. On the next page, in the Set authentication type section, click Configure.
    3. Update the Value field to basic.
    4. In the Set authentication type section, select Mark as Complete.
    5. In the Configure authentication credentials section, click Configure and do the following:
      1. In the Name field, enter a name for the authentication. For example, VMware Workspace ONE UEM Basic credentials.
      2. In the User name field, enter your VMware Workspace ONE UEM user name.
      3. In the Password field, enter your VMware Workspace ONE UEM password.
      4. Click Update.
    6. In the Configure API key section, click Configure, in the API Key field, enter your VMware Workspace ONE UEM tenant code, and then click Update.
  5. Configure the HTTP connection.
    1. In the Configure HTTP connection task section, click Configure.
    2. On the form, fill in the fields.
      Note: The HTTP connection will be pre-configured to use the authentication credentials that were configured during the previous setup task.
    3. Click Update if necessary.
    4. In the Configure HTTP Connection task section, click Mark as Complete.
  6. Validate the data sources.
    1. In the Validate data sources task section, click Configure.
    2. Review the fields on the Data Source form, which is automatically set.
    3. Test the connection by clicking the Test Load 20 Records related link.
      Testing the connection takes a few moments, after which the page refreshes to show the test results. The connection is successful if the HTTP Status is 200. If there is an Error Code and Error Message, then the connection failed and further troubleshooting is required.
      Note: Do not click Load All Records during this setup.
    4. In the Help sidebar, click Back to Guided Setup.
    5. In the Validate data sources task section, click Mark as Complete.
  7. (Optional) Configure additional settings.
    1. On the left side bar, click the Configure additional settings icon (Configure additional settings icon.).
    2. On the Service Graph Connector for VMware Workspace ONE UEM page, in the Configure additional settings section, select the task Configure duplicate detection rules.
    3. In the Configure duplicate detection rules section, click Configure.
    4. On the CMDB Duplicate Row Rules form, update the Active column value to true to activate the duplicate detection rule.
      Note: To remove fields from being evaluated, add the field names with a comma in a separated list in the Ignore Fields column.
    5. In the Help side bar, select Mark as Complete.
    6. In the Set software import section, click Configure.
    7. In the Value field, enter false to import the software data then close the window.
    8. In the Import non-managed software section, click Configure.
    9. In the Value field, enter false to include non-managed software then close the window.
    10. In the Import apps with status section, click Configure.
    11. Add the status of the applications you want to import by updating the Value field.
      By default, the connector imports applications labeled as Installed, Pending Removal, and Unknown.
    12. Close the window and click Mark as Complete.
  8. Set up the scheduled import jobs.
    1. On the left side bar, click the Set up scheduled import jobs button.
    2. On the Service Graph Connector for VMware Workspace ONE UEM page, in the Set up scheduled import jobs section, select the task Configure the scheduled job.
    3. In the Configure the scheduled job task section, click Configure.
    4. Select the name of the scheduled import that you want to run.
    5. Review the pre-populated fields on the Scheduled Data Import form.
    6. Click Update and repeat the Configure the scheduled job task and these substeps for the other imports if needed.
    7. In the Help task bar, click Mark as Complete.