When you have recurring incidents or a major incident, you can create a problem to identify the root cause of the incidents and help prevent them from happening again.

Figure 1. Problem record in Service Operations Workspace
Problem record in Service Operations Workspace

Details tab

This section displays the detailed information of a problem. For information about fields in this section, see Create a problem in Service Operations Workspace.

From the Compose section, you can add work notes for the problem.

All fields that are available on the Problem form in Now Platform are available in Service Operations Workspace. However, on the problem form in Service Operations Workspace, the State field is read-only. For information about state transitions of a problem, see Life cycle of a problem.

For information on how you can configure fields in this tab, see Configure a task record form in Service Operations Workspace.

Problem Tasks tab

This section displays problems tasks associated with this problem. Problem tasks are created when you need help from other teams to identify a fix for the problem. For information about creating a problem task, see Create a problem task in Service Operations Workspace.

Fix Tasks tab

This section displays fix tasks associated with the problem. In Service Operations Workspace, only change requests are configured as fix tasks. For information about the List of related task records (comma-separated) to track as fixes for this Problem property where the fix tasks are configured, see Problem management properties.

Note: This section only displays the change requests created from the Fix Tasks tab.

Related records tab

This section displays the following records related to the problem. You can add a record, create a record, or remove it from the problem.
  • Incidents
  • Affected CIs
  • Outages
  • Knowledge attached from Agent Assist

Contextual side panel

From this section, you can access Agent assist and search for relevant records and perform the required actions.

For information about Problem Management, see Problem Management.