You can identify available on-call members of a support group and contact them to resolve an issue.

On-call support for an incident

Based on support groups associated with all services and CIs of the incident, the Experts on-call panel displays three on-call recommendations in the following order:

  • Support group associated with the primary service, that is, the Service field
  • Support group associated with the primary configuration item, that is, the Configuration item field
  • Top support group of impacted services from the Impacted Services/CIs related list
  • Top support group of affected CIs from the Affected CIs related list
  • Assignment group of an agent, that is, the Assignment group field

For each of these fields, on-call information such as shift names and on-call members is displayed. For each on-call member, you can view the contact information.

Figure 1. Experts on-call panel
Experts on-call panel

For information about On-Call Scheduling, see On-Call Scheduling.

Explore on-call support for an incident in Service Operations Workspace

View the relevant shift details and contact on-call members for issue resolution and dynamically track the on-call escalation.

Before you begin

Role required: itil or admin

Ensure that the escalation logging, that is, the com.snc.on_call_rotation.log_escalations property is enabled to view the on-call escalation tracking page. For information about this property, see System properties for On-Call Scheduling.


  1. Open an incident.
  2. To view the relevant shift details, contact on-call members, and do other relevant tasks, perform the following steps.
    1. From the contextual side panel, click the experts on-call icon (experts on-call icon).
      For information about how on-call recommendations can be configured, see Customize the on-call support group recommendations.
      Three on-call recommendations are displayed based on support groups associated with all services and CIs of the incident in the following order:
      • Support group associated with the primary service, that is, the Service field
      • Support group associated with the primary configuration item, that is, the Configuration item field
      • Top support group of impacted services from the Impacted Services/CIs related list
      • Top support group of affected CIs from the Affected CIs related list
      • Assignment group of the agent, that is, the Assignment group field
    2. To view detailed shift information such as all on-call members and start time and end time and, click Shift details.
      When no on-call member is available for a support group in that shift, you can view the next shift with on-call members.
    3. To start a Microsoft Teams chat conversation with an on-call member, click Contact next to the member details and click Start Teams chat.
      Note: You can view the user presence before contacting the on-call member.

      For information about Microsoft Teams chat, see Collaborate on a task record using Microsoft Teams in Service Operations Workspace.

    4. To configure display preferences in the Experts on-call panel, click the preferences icon (preferences icon) and perform any of the following actions.
      • To hide shifts with no on-call members, use the Hide shifts with no on-call toggle switch. If no on-call members are available for all support groups, you can search for other groups and view its on-call members.
      • To use the default date and time format configured for the current user, use the Use default date and time formats toggle switch.
  3. To view dynamic tracking of an on-call escalation, click the on-call escalations icon (on-call escalations icon).Escalation tracking in SOW
  4. To view detailed escalation tracking information, click View escalation details.View escalation tracking details