As an Event Management operator, your primary work environment is the Service Operations Workspace dashboard.

In this, the third lesson in the Event Management tutorial, you get an overview of your workspaces so you know how to find the information you need.

Table 1. Tutorial lessons

Lesson 1

Overview icon

An overview of events and alerts

Lesson 2

Overview BS icon

An overview of application services

Lesson 3

Operators icon

Event Management operator environment

Lesson 4

Operators do icon

What operators do

The Service Operations Workspace dashboard

Your main area of work is the Service Operations Workspace dashboard, which provides a view that focuses on how alerts relate to application services. From here, you can drill into each application services to see the affected CIs and get an understanding of the overall impact of whatever caused the alert. To open the dashboard, navigate to Event Management > Service Operations Workspace.

Figure 1. Service Operations Workspace
Service Operations Workspace dashboard overview
The main sections of the dashboard are:

The banner contains controls that show or hide application services based on the criteria you select:

Click a severity level to show or hide application services based on the alerts associated with them.

Severity slider

Use the Group and Segment controls to organize the view.

Note: Your administrator assigns an application the criticality and cost value to your application services.
Figure 2. Group and Segment filters
Prioritize by
Application services
The Service Operations Workspace dashboard displays tiles that represent application services. The color of a tile represents the severity of the alerts that are associated with the application service.

Click a tile to show a summary of alerts associated with the application service. Click to view details or the service map.

Alerts for an application service

Click the List icon (List icon). On the Lists tab, click the kind of alert to view.

You can filter or sort the list to find an alert. Sort by any alert details, such as the Priority, which considers multiple factors for how serious the alert is, or the Severity, which is value provided by the event monitoring tool.

Sort icon

Open any alert by clicking the number.

Alert number icon

You will learn about what each of the columns means for an alert later on when you analyze an alert.

Application service map views on the Service Operations Workspace dashboard

Double-click the name of an application service tile to open one of the application service map views. The view that you see depends on the type of application service.

For a manual or standard application service, this view appears:

An application service

The application service map that you were introduced to in a previous lesson appears in the main panel. This is what you can do from this view:

Click any of the CIs to see the alerts only for that CI and to display the details about that CI in the Properties pane.

Click CI to see alerts

Click Impact Tree to see the state of all the CIs and how they affect each other when receiving an alert. You will learn more about the impact tree later on in the tutorial.

Impact tree

Open any alert from the Alerts list at the bottom by clicking the number.

Alert number icon

For a technical application service, this view appears:

Technical service

This is what you can do from this view:

Click any CI to view details about it.

Click a database

Open any alert from the Alerts list at the bottom by clicking the number.

Alert number icon

Continue the tutorial

Proceed to the next lesson: What Event Management operators do.