Define the schedule for downloading Azure billing data

Define the scheduled job that regularly uses a MID Server to download billing data from the provider. Cloud Provisioning and Governance saves the data in a cost table and uses the information to generate reports.

Before you begin

You must have an API Access Key credential for a Microsoft Enterprise Agreement EA for all Azure accounts that you want billing information for.

Role required: sn_cmp.cloud_governor

About this task

During billing download, all the resources are pulled into the system. Azure databases are placed in [cmdb_ci_database] table.

This task involves two procedures:
  1. Fill in the Azure Enterprise Agreement Credentials form with information that you copy from the Azure Portal. This procedure enables the instance to use the EA credentials to download Azure billing data.
  2. Specify the schedule for downloading Azure billing information.


  1. In the Cloud Admin Portal, navigate to Manage > Credentials.
  2. Click New and then select Azure Enterprise Agreement Credentials.
  3. Enter a unique and descriptive Name for the credential and then fill in the form.
    Enrollment number Follow this procedure to obtain the Enrollment number:
    1. Log in to
    2. The enrollment number appears under the Windows icon. In the example, the enrollment number is ABC01234.
      Determine the enrollment number for the credentials
    3. Copy/paste the value into the Enrollment number field on the form.
    Access key Follow this procedure to obtain the Access key:
    1. Log in to
    2. In the Reports section, click the Download Usage tab and then click API Access Key.
      Note: For a new account, you may need to generate a key.
      Determine the API Access Key
    3. This account has a primary key. Click expand key to display the key in the text box.
      Display the key in the text box so you can copy/paste it into the Access key field
    4. Click Copy and then paste the value into the Access key field on the form.
  4. Click Submit.
    You created the Azure EA credential. Next, you specify the scheduled job that downloads Azure billing information.
  5. In the Cloud Admin Portal, navigate to Analyze > Billing.
  6. On the Billing Schedules tab, click New, enter a unique and meaningful Name, and then fill in the form.
    Provider Cloud provider that the service account belongs to.

    Select Azure.

    Credential Select the Azure EA credential that you created earlier.
    Active Select the check box to activate the download job.
    Run Frequency that the download job should run.
    Time Time of day that the download job should run.
  7. Click Save.
    Typically, you must wait to request data for about 48 hours after you set up the connection to a provider. To run the schedule on demand, click Execute Now. On the Retrieve Billing Data window that appears, select a date range and then click Download.

What to do next

View cloud costs on the Billing dashboard .