HR knowledge management allows the enterprise HR department to provide employees with a searchable knowledge base of HR policies, procedures, and other articles. By sharing information with employees, HR can reduce the time spent answering routine questions and enable employees to find answers that are relevant to them.

Note: Knowledge Management V3 is automatically enabled with the Case and Knowledge Management application. If you want to enable advanced features such as article versioning, you must activate Knowledge Management Advanced.

HR knowledge bases

The Case and Knowledge Management application provides the following preconfigured HR knowledge base: Human Resources General Knowledge.

A knowledge administrator can create additional HR knowledge bases. Each knowledge base can be assigned to a knowledge owner and managers, as well as have unique workflows, user criteria, and category structures. See Create a knowledge base for more information.

HR knowledge articles

Each knowledge base contains knowledge articles, which are organized into categories and subcategories. For example, knowledge articles in the Human Resources General Knowledge base are organized among six categories.

HR knowledge management structure: knowledge base, categories, and articles.

Knowledge contributors can create HR knowledge articles in a knowledge base.

For more information, see Create an HR knowledge article.

You can also attach or link HR knowledge articles to an HR case or HR catalog item.

HR knowledge blocks

You can use knowledge blocks with HR knowledge management to simplify knowledge authoring for writers and knowledge consumption for readers. Knowledge blocks are reusable pieces of content secured by user criteria that you can add to knowledge articles in a knowledge base. The user criteria controls which users can read or not read the block content in an article or search, enabling users to more easily view content that is relevant to them.

For more information, see Knowledge blocks for HR knowledge management.