The scoped GlideSystem API provides a number of convenient methods to obtain information about the system, the current logged in user, and other system level information.

Many of the GlideSystem methods facilitate the easy inclusion of dates in query ranges, and are most often used in filters and reporting.

Scoped GlideSystem - addErrorMessage(String message)

Adds an error message for the current session.

Table 1. Parameters
Name Type Description
message String Message to add.
Table 2. Returns
Type Description


  var ValidatePasswordStronger = Class.create();
  ValidatePasswordStronger.prototype = {
       process : function() {
          var user_password = request.getParameter("user_password");
          var min_len = 8;
          var rules = "Password must be at least " + min_len + 
             " characters long and contain a digit, an uppercase letter, and a lowercase letter.";
          if (user_password.length() < min_len) {
             gs.addErrorMessage("TOO SHORT: " + rules);
             return false;
          var digit_pattern = new RegExp("[0-9]", "g");
          if (!digit_pattern.test(user_password)) {
             gs.addErrorMessage("DIGIT MISSING: " + rules);
             return false;
          var upper_pattern = new RegExp("[A-Z]", "g");
          if (!upper_pattern.test(user_password)) {
             gs.addErrorMessage("UPPERCASE MISSING: " + rules);
             return false;
          var lower_pattern = new RegExp("[a-z]", "g");
          if (!lower_pattern.test(user_password)) {
             gs.addErrorMessage("LOWERCASE MISSING: " + rules);
             return false;
          return true; // password is OK

Scoped GlideSystem - addInfoMessage(String message)

Adds an info message for the current session. This method is not supported for asynchronous business rules.

Table 3. Parameters
Name Type Description
message String Info message to add.
Table 4. Returns
Type Description


if ((!current.u_date1.nil()) && (!current.u_date2.nil())) {
  var start = current.u_date1.getGlideObject().getNumericValue();
  var end = current.u_date2.getGlideObject().getNumericValue();
  if (start > end) {
    gs.addInfoMessage('start must be before end');
    current.u_date1.setError('start must be before end');

Scoped GlideSystem - base64Encode(String source)

Creates a base64 string from the specified string.

Table 5. Parameters
Name Type Description
source String String to encode.
Table 6. Returns
Type Description
String Encoded base64 string.


The following code example shows how to call this method.

var mac = new CertificateEncryption;
var key = "sample_key"; 
key = gs.base64Encode(key);
mac.generateMac(key, "HmacSHA256", "sample_data");

Scoped GlideSystem - base64Decode(String source)

Returns an ASCII string from the specified base64 string.

Table 7. Parameters
Name Type Description
source String A base64 encoded string.
Table 8. Returns
Type Description
String The decoded string.

Scoped GlideSystem - beginningOfLastMonth()

Returns the date and time for the beginning of last month in GMT.

Table 9. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 10. Returns
Type Description
String GMT beginning of last month, in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

Scoped GlideSystem - beginningOfLastWeek()

Returns the date and time for the beginning of last week in GMT.

Table 11. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 12. Returns
Type Description
String GMT beginning of last week, in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

Scoped GlideSystem - beginningOfNextMonth()

Returns the date and time for the beginning of next month in GMT.

Table 13. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 14. Returns
Type Description
String GMT beginning of next month, in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

Scoped GlideSystem - beginningOfNextWeek()

Returns the date and time for the beginning of next week in GMT.

Table 15. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 16. Returns
Type Description
String The GMT beginning of next week, in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.

Scoped GlideSystem - beginningOfNextYear()

Returns the date and time for the beginning of next year in GMT.

Table 17. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 18. Returns
Type Description
String GMT beginning of next year, in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

Scoped GlideSystem - beginningOfThisMonth()

Returns the date and time for the beginning of this month in GMT.

Table 19. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 20. Returns
Type Description
String GMT beginning of this month, in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

Scoped GlideSystem - beginningOfThisQuarter()

Returns the date and time for the beginning of this quarter in GMT.

Table 21. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 22. Returns
Type Description
String GMT beginning of this quarter, in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

Scoped GlideSystem - beginningOfThisWeek()

Returns the date and time for the beginning of this week in GMT.

Table 23. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 24. Returns
Type Description
String GMT beginning of this week, in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

Scoped GlideSystem - beginningOfThisYear()

Returns the date and time for the beginning of this year in GMT.

Table 25. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 26. Returns
Type Description
String GMT beginning of this year, in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

Scoped GlideSystem - dateGenerate(String date, String range)

Generates a date and time for the specified date in GMT.

Table 27. Parameters
Name Type Description
date String Date to generate the GMT for.

Format: yyyy-mm-dd

range String Start, end, or a time in the 24 hour format hh:mm:ss.
Table 28. Returns
Type Description
String Generated date and time.

If the range is start, the returned value is yyyy-mm-dd 00:00:00.

If range is end the return value is yyyy-mm-dd 23:59:59.

Format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss


This example shows using dateGenerate() to set the start date when querying records in the Incident table.

var tableData = new GlideRecord('incident');
tableData.query();"Count: " + tableData.getRowCount());


Count: 7

Scoped GlideSystem - daysAgo(Number days)

Returns the date and time for a specified number of days ago.

Table 29. Parameters
Name Type Description
days Number Integer number of days
Table 30. Returns
Type Description
String GMT in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss


function contractNoticeDue() {
    var now_GR = new GlideRecord("contract");
    now_GR.addQuery("u_contract_status", "Active");
    while ( {
    if ((now_GR.u_termination_date <= gs.daysAgo(-90)) && (now_GR.u_contract_duration == "Long")) {
            now_GR.u_contract_status = "In review";
        else if ((now_GR.u_termination_date <= gs.daysAgo(-50)) && (now_GR.u_contract_duration == "Medium")) {
        now_GR.u_contract_status = "In review";
        else if ((now_GR.u_termination_date <= gs.daysAgo(-10)) && (now_GR.u_contract_duration == "Short")) {
            now_GR.u_contract_status = "In review";

Scoped GlideSystem - daysAgoEnd(Number days)

Returns the date and time for the end of the day a specified number of days ago.

Table 31. Parameters
Name Type Description
days Number Integer number of days
Table 32. Returns
Type Description
String GMT end of the day in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

Scoped GlideSystem - daysAgoStart(Number days)

Returns the date and time for the beginning of the day a specified number of days ago.

Table 33. Parameters
Name Type Description
days String Integer number of days
Table 34. Returns
Type Description
String GMT start of the day in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss


var now_GR = new GlideRecord('sysapproval_approver');
now_GR.addQuery('state', 'requested');
now_GR.addQuery('sys_updated_on', '<', gs.daysAgoStart(5));

Scoped GlideSystem - debug(String message, Object parm1, Object parm2, Object parm3, Object parm4, Object parm5)

Writes a debug message to the system log.

Table 36. Returns
Type Description


gs.debug("This is a debug message");
var myFirstName = "Abel";
var myLastName = "Tuter";
gs.debug("This is a debug message from {0}.{1}", myFirstName, myLastName);
This is a debug message (sys.scripts extended logging)
This is a debug message from Abel.Tuter (sys.scripts extended logging)

Scoped GlideSystem - endOfLastMonth()

Returns the date and time for the end of last month in GMT.

Table 37. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 38. Returns
Type Description
String GMT end of last month, in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

Scoped GlideSystem - endOfLastWeek()

Returns the date and time for the end of last week in GMT.

Table 39. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 40. Returns
Type Description
String GMT end of last week, in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

Scoped GlideSystem - endOfLastYear()

Returns the date and time for the end of last year in GMT.

Table 41. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 42. Returns
Type Description
String GMT in format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

Scoped GlideSystem - endOfNextMonth()

Returns the date and time for the end of next month in GMT.

Table 43. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 44. Returns
Type Description
String GMT in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

Scoped GlideSystem - endOfNextWeek()

Returns the date and time for the end of next week in GMT.

Table 45. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 46. Returns
Type Description
String GMT in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

Scoped GlideSystem - endOfNextYear()

Returns the date and time for the end of next year in GMT.

Table 47. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 48. Returns
Type Description
String GMT in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

Scoped GlideSystem - endOfThisMonth()

Returns the date and time for the end of this month in GMT.

Table 49. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 50. Returns
Type Description
String GMT in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

Scoped GlideSystem - endOfThisQuarter()

Returns the date and time for the end of this quarter in GMT.

Table 51. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 52. Returns
Type Description
String GMT in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

Scoped GlideSystem - endOfThisWeek()

Returns the date and time for the end of this week in GMT.

Table 53. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 54. Returns
Type Description
String GMT in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

Scoped GlideSystem - endOfThisYear()

Returns the date and time for the end of this year in GMT.

Table 55. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 56. Returns
Type Description
String GMT in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

Scoped GlideSystem - error(String message, Object parm1, Object parm2, Object parm3, Object parm4, Object parm5)

Writes an error message to the system log.

This method accepts up to five variable arguments (varargs) in the message using the Java MessageFormat placeholder replacement pattern.

Note: Variables must contain valid values for this method to provide correct output.
Table 58. Returns
Type Description


gs.error("This is an error message");
var myFirstName = "Abel";
var myLastName = "Tuter";
gs.error("This is an error message from {0}.{1}", myFirstName, myLastName);
This is an error message
This is an error message from Abel.Tuter

Scoped GlideSystem - eventQueue(String name, Object instance, String parm1, String parm2, String queue)

Queues an event for the event manager.

Table 60. Returns
Type Description


if (current.operation() != 'insert' && current.comments.changes()) {
    gs.eventQueue('incident.commented', current, gs.getUserID(), gs.getUserName());

Scoped GlideSystem - eventQueueScheduled(String name, Object instance, String parm1, String parm2, Object expiration)

Queues an event in the event manager.

The passed in event schedule information is stored in the Events [sysevent] table. For additional information on events, see Events.

Table 62. Returns
Type Description


This example shows how to call the method using a GlideRecord, two parameters that are passed to the event script, and a specified time to schedule the event.

var requestXml = requestBody.dataString;
var processTime = new GlideDateTime();
gs.eventQueueScheduled('sn_app.user.deactivate', now_GR, requestXML, gs.getUserID(), processTime);


This example shows how to call the method using a sys_id and the default values for the optional parameters.

gs.eventQueueScheduled('event.test', '0e29421383101000dada83ec37d9292d', '', '', '');

Scoped GlideSystem - executeNow(GlideRecord job)

Executes a job for a scoped application.

You can only use this method on a job in the same application as the script calling this method.

Table 63. Parameters
Name Type Description
job GlideRecord Job to run.
Table 64. Returns
Type Description
String Returns the sys_id of the scheduled job. Returns null if the job is global.


scheduleImportJob: function () {
  var jobId = '61847fe04c603300fa9bb64c2b491dac';
  var now_GR = new GlideRecord('sysauto_script');
  if (!now_GR.get(jobId)) {
    throw new Error('Unable to find import job');

Scoped GlideSystem - generateGUID()

Generates a GUID that can be used when a unique identifier is required.

Table 65. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 66. Returns
Type Description
String A 32-character hexadecimal GUID.


The following code example shows how to call this method.

personalId = gs.generateGUID();;



Scoped GlideSystem - getCallerScopeName()

Gets the caller scope name; returns null if there is no caller.

Table 67. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 68. Returns
Type Description
String The caller's scope name, or null if there is no caller.


This example shows two script includes that are set to Accessible from all application scopes. One script include is created within app_scope_a.

var Scopea = Class.create(); 
Scopea.prototype = { 
    initialize: function() { 
    callerScope: function() { 
        var scopeb = new app_scope_b.Scopeb(); 
        return scopeb.callerscope(); 
    type: 'Scopea' 



This example shows another script include created within app_scope_b.

var Scopeb = Class.create(); 
Scopeb.prototype = { 
    initialize: function() { 
        this._constructorCallerScope = gs.getCallerScopeName(); 
    callerscope: function() { 
        return gs.getCallerScopeName(); 
    getConstructorCallerScope: function() { 
        return this._constructorCallerScope; 
    type: 'Scopeb' 



This script can be used within scope app_scope_a to get the scope name of the caller—in this case app_scope_b. Scopea().getCallerScopeName());

Scoped GlideSystem - getCssCacheVersionString()

Gets a string representing the cache version for a CSS file.

Table 69. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 70. Returns
Type Description
String The CSS cache version.


The following code example shows how to call this method.

var verStr = gs.getCssCacheVersionString();;



Scoped GlideSystem - getCurrentApplicationId()

Gets the ID of the current application as set using the Application Picker.

Table 71. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 72. Returns
Type Description
String The current application's sys_id, or global in none is set.


var currentId = gs.getCurrentApplicationId();;



Scoped GlideSystem - getCurrentScopeName()

Gets the name of the current scope.

Table 73. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 74. Returns
Type Description
String The current scope name.


The following code example shows how to call this method.

var currentScope = gs.getCurrentScopeName();;



Scoped GlideSystem - getDateFormat(String)

Returns the date format associated with the current user.

Table 75. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 76. Returns
Type Description
String The date format associated with the current user.


The following example returns the date format associated with the user.

var userDateFormat = gs. getDateFormat();;



Scoped GlideSystem - getDateTimeFormat()

Returns the date and time format associated with the current user.

Table 77. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 78. Returns
Type Description
String The date and time format associated with the current user.


The following example returns the format of the date and time that is associated with the user.

var userDateTimeFormat = gs.getDateTimeFormat();;


yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

Scoped GlideSystem - getErrorMessages()

Returns the error messages that were added by addErrorMessage() for the session.

Table 79. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 80. Returns
Type Description
Array of Strings Error messages associated with the session.

Scoped GlideSystem - getEscapedMessage(String id, Array args)

Retrieves the specified message from the Message [sys_ui_message] table. If the message has HTML special characters, replaces them with the corresponding HTML name codes. For example, & becomes &amp;.

If the specified message identifier (Key) exists in the Message [sys_ui_message] table for the current language, the method returns the translated message with all special characters returned as escape sequences. If the specified message identifier does not exist for the current language, then the method returns the English version of the message with all special characters returned as escape sequences. If the message identifier does not exist in the table, then it returns the message ID.

For additional information about the Message table, see Message table.

Note: If the UI message has a tick ('), there may be issues with the message in the script; to escape the ticks ('), use getMessageS(String, Object).
Table 81. Parameters
Name Type Description
id String Message identifier. You can locate this value in the Key field of the Message [sys_ui_message] table. Note the Key field may look exactly like the actual message string.
args Array Optional. List of strings or other values defined by java.text.MessageFormat that replace the variables within the specified message.

For example: gs.getMessage("Abort adding action '{0}', same subflow can't be added twice in this subflow.",;

In this example '{0}' is replaced with the content of

Note: The passed in values are not translated. They are inserted verbatim in the message.
Table 82. Returns
Type Description
String UI message with HTML special characters replaced with HTML name codes.


This example shows the ampersand character being replaced with the equivalent ampersand HTML name code.

var my_message = gs.getEscapedMessage("Is the summary & details accurate?");


Is the summary &amp; details accurate?


This example shows how to replace a single variable within a message and how the < and > symbols in the message are transposed to the corresponding HTML name codes of &lt and &gt.

// is "update record"
var my_message = gs.getEscapedMessage("Abort adding action '{0}', same <subflow> can't be added twice in this subflow.",;


Abort adding action update record, same &ltsubflow&gt can't be added twice in this subflow.

Scoped GlideSystem - getMessage(String id, Array args)

Retrieves translated messages from the Message [sys_ui_message] table to display in a UI.

If the specified message identifier (key) exists in the Message [sys_ui_message] table for the current language, then the method returns the translated message. If the specified message identifier does not exist for the current language, then the method returns the English version of the message. If the message identifier does not exist in the table, then it returns the message ID.

For additional information about the Message table, see Message table

Note: If the UI message has a tick ('), there may be issues with the message in the script; to escape the ticks ('), use getMessageS(String, Object).
Table 83. Parameters
Name Type Description
id String Message identifier. You can locate this value in the Key field of the Message [sys_ui_message] table. Note the Key field may look exactly like the actual message.
args Array Optional. List of strings or other values defined by java.text.MessageFormat that replace the variables within the specified message.

For example: gs.getMessage("Abort adding action '{0}', same subflow can't be added twice in this subflow.",;

In this example '{0}' is replaced with the content of

Note: The passed in values are not translated. They are inserted verbatim in the message.
Table 84. Returns
Type Description
String UI message.


This example shows the message returned for the current user when Spanish is the current language.

var my_message = gs.getMessage("rows will not be updated");


las filas no se actualizarán


This example shows how to replace a single variable within a message.

// is "update record"
var my_message = gs.getMessage("Abort adding action '{0}', same subflow can't be added twice in this subflow.",;


Abort adding action update record, same subflow can't be added twice in this subflow.


This example shows how to replace multiple variables within a message.

// is 'schedule users'
// is "update record"
var my_message = gs.getEscapedMessage("Abort adding action '{0}', same subflow can't be added twice in {1} subflow.", [,]);


Abort adding action update record, same subflow can't be added twice in schedule users subflow.

Scoped GlideSystem - getProperty(String key, Object alt)

Gets the value of a Glide property. If the property is not found, returns an alternate value.

Table 85. Parameters
Name Type Description
key String The key for the property whose value should be returned.
alt Object (Optional) Alternate object to return if the property is not found.
Table 86. Returns
Type Description
String The value of the Glide property, or the alternate object defined above.


The following code example shows how to call this method.

var attachment_link = gs.getProperty('glide.servlet.uri');;


Scoped GlideSystem - getSession()

Gets a reference to the current Glide session.

Table 87. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 88. Returns
Type Description
String A reference for the current session.


if (!gs.hasRole("admin") && !gs.hasRole("user_admin") && gs.getSession().isInteractive()) {
  current.addQuery("active", "true");

Scoped GlideSystem - getSessionID()

Retrieves the GlideSession session ID.

Table 89. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 90. Returns
Type Description
String The session ID.


var myUserObject = gs.getSessionID();;

Scoped GlideSystem - getSessionToken()

This method is no longer available. Instead, use gs.getSession().getSessionToken().

Table 91. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 92. Returns
Type Description
String The session token.

Scoped GlideSystem - getTimeFormat()

Returns the time format associated with the current user.

Table 93. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 94. Returns
Type Description
String The time format associated with the current user.


The following code example shows how to call this method.

var userTimeFormat = gs. getTimeFormat();;



Scoped GlideSystem - getTimeZoneName()

Returns the name of the time zone associated with the current user.

This method has been deprecated. Instead, use the getTimeZoneName() method in the GlideSession API.

Table 95. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 96. Returns
Type Description
String The time zone name.


The following code example shows how to call this method.;

Scoped GlideSystem - getUrlOnStack()

Gets the current URI for the session.

Table 97. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 98. Returns
Type Description
String The URI.


Scoped GlideSystem - getUser()

Returns a reference to the scoped GlideUser object for the current user.

See GlideUser - Scopedfor a list of available methods.

Table 99. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 100. Returns
Type Description
GlideUser Reference to a scoped user object.


var myUserObject = gs.getUser();;



Scoped GlideSystem - getUserDisplayName()

Gets the display name of the current user.

Table 101. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 102. Returns
Type Description
String The name field of the current user.

For example, this method returns Abel Tuter as opposed to abel.tuter.


This example gets the current user's display name.;


System Administrator

Scoped GlideSystem - getUserID()

Gets the sys_id of the current user.

Table 103. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 104. Returns
Type Description
String The sys_id of the current user.


The following example shows how to unassign all active Incident records assigned to the current user.

var incidentGR = new GlideRecord('incident');

// Filter results to incidents assigned to the current user
var currentUserSysId = gs.getUserID();
incidentGR.addQuery('assigned_to', currentUserSysId);

while ( {
    incidentGR.setValue('assigned_to', 'NULL');
        'Unassigned Incident: {0}: {1}',


Unassigned Incident: INC0000057: Performance problems with wifi
Unassigned Incident: INC0009001: Unable to post content on a Wiki page
Unassigned Incident: INC0008111: ATF : Test1

Scoped GlideSystem - getUserName()

Returns the user name of the current user.

Table 105. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 106. Returns
Type Description
String The user name of the current user.

For example, this method returns abel.tuter as opposed to Abel Tuter.


This example gets the user name of the current user."The current user name is: " + gs.getUserName());
The current user name is: admin

Scoped GlideSystem - hasRole(Object role)

Determines if the current user has the specified role.

Table 107. Parameters
Name Type Description
role Object The role to check.
Table 108. Returns
Type Description
Boolean True if the user had the role. Returns true for users with the administrator role.


if (!gs.hasRole("admin") && !gs.hasRole("groups_admin")  && gs.getSession().isInteractive()) {
  var qc = current.addQuery("u_hidden", "!=", "true"); //cannot see hidden groups... 
  qc.addOrCondition("sys_id", "javascript:getMyGroups()"); //...unless in the hidden group"User has admin and groups admin roles");
else {"User does not have both admin and groups admin roles");

Scoped GlideSystem - hoursAgo(Number hours)

Returns the date and time for a specified number of hours ago.

Table 109. Parameters
Name Type Description
hours Number Integer number of hours
Table 110. Returns
Type Description
String GMT in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss


if (current.operation() == 'insert') {
 // If no due date was specified, calculate a default
 if (current.due_date == '') {
  if (current.urgency == '1') {
   // Set due date to 4 hours ahead of current time
   current.due_date = gs.hoursAgo(-4);
  if (current.urgency == '2') {
   // Set due date to 2 days ahead of current time
   current.due_date = gs.daysAgo(-2);
  if (current.urgency == '3') {
   // Set due date to 7 days ahead of current time
   current.due_date = gs.daysAgo(-7);

Scoped GlideSystem - hoursAgoEnd(Number hours)

Returns the date and time for the end of the hour a specified number of hours ago.

Table 111. Parameters
Name Type Description
hours Number Integer number of hours
Table 112. Returns
Type Description
String GMT in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

Scoped GlideSystem - hoursAgoStart(Number hours)

Returns the date and time for the start of the hour a specified number of hours ago.

Table 113. Parameters
Name Type Description
hours Number Integer number of hours
Table 114. Returns
Type Description
String GMT in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

Scoped GlideSystem - include(String name)

Provides a safe way to call a script include from the sandbox, allowing only the inclusion of trusted scripts.

Table 115. Parameters
Name Type Description
name String Name of the script to include.
Table 116. Returns
Type Description
Boolean Flag that indicates whether the script include worked.
Possible values:
  • true: Script include worked.
  • false: Script include failed.


This example gets the LDAPUtils in the current script context.

var ldapServer = new GlideRecord("ldap_server_config");
var ldapUtils = new LDAPUtils();
var errMsg = "";
while ( {
  var ldap = new GlideLDAP();
  var dn = ldapServer.dn;
  var env = ldap.setup();
  if (env == null) {
    errMsg = "Failed environment setup, missing URL";
    gs.eventQueue("ldap.connection_failed",   ldapServer, ldapServer.getDisplayValue(), errMsg);
    gs.logError("LDAP server " + ldapServer.getDisplayValue() + " failed scheduled connection test: " + errMsg, "LDAP");

Scoped GlideSystem - info(String message, Object parm1, Object parm2, Object parm3, Object parm4, Object parm5)

Writes an info message to the system log.

Table 118. Returns
Type Description

Example"This is an info message");
var myFirstName = "Abel";
var myLastName = "Tuter";"This is an info message from {0}.{1}", myFirstName, myLastName);
This is an info message
This is an info message from Abel.Tuter

Scoped GlideSystem - isDebugging()

Determines if debugging is active for a specific scope.

Table 119. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 120. Returns
Type Description
Boolean True if either session debugging is active or the log level is set to debug for the specified scope.


gs.debug("This is a log message");
var myFirstName = "Abel";
var myLastName = "Tuter";
gs.debug("This is a log message from {0}.{1}", myFirstName, myLastName);;

Scoped GlideSystem - isInteractive()

Checks if the current session is interactive. An example of an interactive session is when a user logs in normally. An example of a non-interactive session is using a SOAP request to retrieve data.

Table 121. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 122. Returns
Type Description
Boolean True if the session is interactive.


if (!gs.hasRole("admin") && gs.getSession().isInteractive()) {
    var qc1 = current.addQuery('u_group',"");
    var gra = new GlideRecord('sys_user_grmember');
    gra.addQuery('user', gs.getUserID());
    while ( {

Scoped GlideSystem - isLoggedIn()

Determines if the current user is currently logged in.

Table 123. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 124. Returns
Type Description
Boolean True if the current user is logged in.


Scoped GlideSystem - isMobile()

You can determine if a request comes from a mobile device.

This method can be used in UI action conditions and business rules.

Table 125. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 126. Returns
Type Description
Boolean True if the request comes from a mobile device; otherwise, false.


if (gs.isMobile())"submitted from mobile UI");
 else"NOT submitted from mobile UI");


NOT submitted from mobile UI

Scoped GlideSystem - minutesAgoEnd(Number minutes)

Returns the date and time for the end of the minute a specified number of minutes ago.

Table 127. Parameters
Name Type Description
minutes Number Integer number of minutes ago, such as 5 or 126.
Table 128. Returns
Type Description
String GMT the specified number of minutes ago, at the end of the minute (59 seconds).

Format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss


The following example displays the current date and time and the date and time 30 minutes ago at the end of the minute in GMT.

var nowDateTime = new GlideDateTime();"Now: " + nowDateTime);
var thirtyMinutesAgoDateTime = gs.minutesAgoEnd(30);"Thirty minutes ago end time: " + thirtyMinutesAgoDateTime);


Now: 2021-10-20 15:22:13
Thirty minutes ago end time: 2021-10-20 14:52:59

Scoped GlideSystem - minutesAgoStart(Number minutes)

Returns the date and time for the start of the minute a specified number of minutes ago.

Table 129. Parameters
Name Type Description
minutes Number Integer number of minutes ago, such as 15 or 112.
Table 130. Returns
Type Description
String GMT the specified number of minutes ago, at the start of the minute.

Format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss


The following example displays the current date and time and the date and time 30 minutes ago at the start of the minute in GMT.

var nowDateTime = new GlideDateTime();"Now: " + nowDateTime);
var thirtyMinutesAgoDateTime = gs.minutesAgoStart(30);"Thirty minutes ago: " + thirtyMinutesAgoDateTime);


Now: 2021-10-20 14:56:18
Thirty minutes ago: 2021-10-20 14:26:00

Scoped GlideSystem - monthsAgo(Number months)

Returns the date and time for a specified number of months ago.

Table 131. Parameters
Name Type Description
months Number Integer number of months ago.
Table 132. Returns
Type Description
String GMT of the specified number of months ago at the exact same time.

Format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss


The following example displays the current date and time and the date and time one month ago at the same time in GMT.

var nowDateTime = new GlideDateTime();"Now: " + nowDateTime);
var oneMonthAgoDateTime = gs.monthsAgo(1);"One month ago: " + oneMonthAgoDateTime);


Now: 2021-10-20 15:29:15
One month ago: 2021-09-20 15:29:15

Scoped GlideSystem - monthsAgoEnd(Number months)

Returns the date and time for the last day of the month a specified number of months ago.

Table 133. Parameters
Name Type Description
months Number (Integer) Number of months, such as 4 or 16.
Table 134. Returns
Type Description
String Date and time stamp of the month, the specified number of months ago, in local time.

Format: UTC yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss


The following example displays the current date and time and the date and time two months ago at the end of the business month.

var nowDateTime = new GlideDateTime();"Now: " + nowDateTime);
var endOfTheMonthDateTime = gs.monthsAgoEnd(2);"End of the month: " + endOfTheMonthDateTime);


Now: 2021-10-20 19:23:35
End of the month: 2021-08-01 06:59:59

Scoped GlideSystem - monthsAgoStart(Number months)

Returns the date and time for the start of the month a specified number of months ago.

Table 135. Parameters
Name Type Description
months Number Integer number of months ago, such as 3 or 14.
Table 136. Returns
Type Description
String GMT start of the month the specified number of months ago.

Format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss


The following example displays the current date and time and the date and time three months ago in GMT.

var nowDateTime = new GlideDateTime();"Now: " + nowDateTime);
var threeMonthsAgoDateTime = gs.monthsAgoStart(3);"Three months ago start date and time: " + threeMonthsAgoDateTime);


Now: 2021-10-20 15:05:27
Three months ago start date and time: 2021-07-01 07:00:00

Scoped GlideSystem - nil(Object o)

Queries an object and returns true if the object is null, undefined, or contains an empty string.

Table 137. Parameters
Name Type Description
o Object The object to check.
Table 138. Returns
Type Description
Boolean True if the object is null, undefined, or contains an empty string; otherwise, returns false.


var now_GR = new GlideRecord();;



Scoped GlideSystem - quartersAgoEnd(Number quarters)

Returns the date and time for the last day of the quarter for a specified number of quarters ago.

Table 139. Parameters
Name Type Description
quarters Number Integer number of quarters
Table 140. Returns
Type Description
String GMT end of the quarter that was the specified number of quarters ago, in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

Scoped GlideSystem - quartersAgoStart(Number quarters)

Returns the date and time for the first day of the quarter for a specified number of quarters ago.

Table 141. Parameters
Name Type Description
quarters Number Integer number of quarters
Table 142. Returns
Type Description
String GMT end of the month that was the specified number of quarters ago, in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

Scoped GlideSystem - setProperty(String key, String value, String description)

Sets the specified key to the specified value if the property is within the script's scope.

Note: Care should be taken when setting system properties (sys_properties) using this method as it causes a system-wide cache flush. Each flush can cause system degradation while the caches rebuild. If a value must be updated often, it should not be stored as a system property. In general, you should only place values in the sys_properties table that do not frequently change.
Table 143. Parameters
Name Type Description
key String The key for the property to be set.
value String The value of the property to be set.
description String A description of the property.
Table 144. Returns
Type Description


The following code example shows how to call this method.




Scoped GlideSystem - setRedirect(Object o)

Sets the redirect URI for this transaction, which then determines the next page the user will see.

Table 145. Parameters
Name Type Description
o Object URI object or URI string to set as the redirect
Table 146. Returns
Type Description


+ current.sys_id + "&sysparm_email=" +

Scoped GlideSystem - tableExists(String name)

Determines if a database table exists.

Table 147. Parameters
Name Type Description
name String Name of the table to check for existence.
Table 148. Returns
Type Description
Boolean True if the table exists. False if the table was not found.


This example shows checking whether the incident and foo tables exist in the ServiceNow instance."Does the incident table exist? " + gs.tableExists("incident"));"Does the foo table exist? " + gs.tableExists("foo"));


Does the incident table exist? true
Does the foo table exist? false

Scoped GlideSystem - urlEncode(String url)

Encodes non-ASCII characters, unsafe ASCII characters, and spaces so the returned string can be used on the Internet. Uses UTF-8 encoding. Uses percent (%) encoding.

Table 149. Parameters
Name Type Description
url String The string to encode.
Table 150. Returns
Type Description
String A string with non-ASCII characters, unsafe ASCII characters, and spaces encoded.

Scoped GlideSystem - urlDecode(String url)

Replaces UTF-8 encoded characters with ASCII characters.

Table 151. Parameters
Name Type Description
url String UTF-8 percent (%) encoded characters.
Table 152. Returns
Type Description
String Encoded characters replaced with ASCII characters.

Scoped GlideSystem - warn(String message, Object parm1, Object parm2, Object parm3, Object parm4, Object parm5)

Writes a warning message to the system log.

Table 154. Returns
Type Description


gs.warn("This is a warning");
var myFirstName = "Abel";
var myLastName = "Tuter";
gs.warn("This is a warning from {0}.{1}", myFirstName, myLastName);
This is a warning
This is a warning from Abel.Tuter

Scoped GlideSystem - xmlToJSON(String xmlString)

Takes an XML string and returns a JSON object.

Table 155. Parameters
Name Type Description
xmlString String The XML string to be converted.
Table 156. Returns
Type Description
Object A JSON object representing the XML string. Null if unable to process the XML string.


The following code example shows how to call this method.

var jsonObject = gs.xmlToJSON(xmlString);

Scoped GlideSystem - yearsAgo(Number years)

Returns a date and time for a certain number of years ago.

Table 157. Parameters
Name Type Description
years Number An integer number of years
Table 158. Returns
Type Description
String GMT beginning of the year that is the specified number of years ago, in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.

Scoped GlideSystem - yesterday()

Returns yesterday's time (24 hours ago).

Table 159. Parameters
Name Type Description
Table 160. Returns
Type Description
String GMT for 24 hours ago, in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss