When you move a dashboard with an update set, validate that the tabs are moved to the target instance and are populated.

Before you begin

Role required: admin.

About this task

Moving dashboards from one instance to another requires associating the sys_id values of dashboard tabs with the sys_id values of the associated portal pages. This task explains how to find these values and map them to each other if there are problems with moving the dashboard. Perform this task after you Move a Core UI dashboard with an update set.


  1. In the target instance, navigate to the dashboard you have just moved.
  2. Select the context menu icon () and select Dashboard Properties.
  3. For each tab in the tab form, verify that the required field Page (sys_portal_page reference) is there.
    If every tab has an associated portal page, then the dashboard was successfully moved.
  4. If the portal page in the target instance is missing in any of the tab forms, perform these steps:
    1. Select the context menu icon () in the Tab form and select Copy sys_id.
    2. In the filter navigator of the source instance, enter pa_tabs.list.
    3. Filter the list to show only the tab with the sys_id you copied in substep a.
    4. Select the name of the tab to open its form.
    5. Select the information icon () of the Page value for that tab.
    6. On the Portal Page, select the context menu icon () and select Copy sys_id.

      Paste this value into the text editor.Copy sys_id

      This value is the sys_id for the portal page. It is different than the sys_id for the associated tab that you have already used. These values are used together to map the tab to the portal page.
    7. Select the search icon () associated with the Page field.
    8. In the pop-up window, filter on the portal page sys_id and select the returned query result.
    9. Select Update in the Tab form to save your changes.
  5. Ensure that all of the objects used in the dashboard, such as widgets, data visualizations, and content blocks are migrated to the target instance.
    The associated portal page should be visible in the target instance.
  6. If you can't find the portal page in the target, perform the following:
    1. Follow Step 4 a-f to obtain the sys_id of the portal page on the source instance.
    2. In the source instance, navigate to Homepage Admin > Pages.
    3. Filter the list to show only the portal page with the sys_id you copied.
    4. Right-click the record and select Unload Portal Page.Portal page record context menu with the item Unload portal page selected.
    5. Move the update set to another instance using standard update set functionality.
      For more information, see Retrieve an update set.