You use the Case and Knowledge Management application to create, view, or edit HR cases in the scoped version of HR. HR cases are created from HR requests or inquiries related to HR account or systems, benefits, payroll, performance management, reporting, talent acquisition, time and expense reporting, and more.

Self-Service HR case creation

From the Employee Center, employees can inquire or request HR services from the following categories:
  • Benefits
  • Employee Data Management
  • Employee Relations
  • General
  • HR Systems
  • Payroll
  • Talent Management
  • Visas

An HR case is created when an HR service is requested through the Employee Center.

HR agent case creation

Employees can inquire about HR services via email, chat, or phone. HR agents can create an HR case based on a Center of Excellence (COE) or HR service.

After an HR case is created, it is assigned to an HR agent and/or an assignment group via the HR service and associated HR template.

HR cases can have one or more associated HR tasks or HR child cases that make up the parent case.

Example HR request

An employee named Alan wants to find out about the dental plans offered:
  1. Alan submits an HR request through the Employee Center asking about one of the dental plans offered.
  2. An HR case is created and assigned to an HR agent.
  3. The HR agent can answer the inquiry by phone, email, chat, or through the Comments section of the HR case.
  4. If the answer satisfies the inquiry, the HR case can be closed.