Use the customer portal to search the knowledge base or view a list of popular knowledge base articles.

Before you begin

Role required: sn_customerservice.customer, sn_customerservice.customer_admin, sn_customerservice.partner, or sn_customerservice.partner_admin

About this task

The customer service portal includes a link to the knowledge base that you can use to search for information, read and rate articles, and submit feedback. Under this link, the portal displays a list of popular knowledge base articles. If the information that you need is not included in this list, you can search the knowledge base for the desired information.


  1. Navigate to the customer service portal.
  2. Click Knowledge.
    The knowledge page displays a separate category for each of the products purchased by this customer. It also displays lists of articles by:
    • Featured content
    • Most useful
    • Most viewed
  3. Do one of the following,
    Click a product to display more specific information Displays a list of categories on the left and articles on the right. Click a category to drill down even further.
    Click a link from one of the lists Displays the article.
    Type a topic in the Search field and press the Enter key Displays a list of related articles. Click a link to display the desired article.