Using Asynchronous Chat in messaging channels
- UpdatedJan 30, 2025
- 5 minutes to read
- Yokohama
- Conversational Interfaces
Enable your organization or brand to maintain constant engagement with end users. With Asynchronous Chat, your agents and end users can participate in long-running conversations without being online concurrently. Agents can also proactively contact users whenever there is useful information to share, such as important alerts or updates.
With Asynchronous Chat, end users and agents can engage in conversations that might span several hours or even days. These conversations run on messaging channels that allow your users and agents to communicate at different times and to resume conversations where they left off. Users can respond at their convenience and are no longer limited to working with agents only during customer support hours.
Long-running conversations are supported on channels that are designated as messaging channels in the Messaging Channel [sys_cs_channel] table. Messaging channels provided with your base system include the SMS channel, which is used by the ServiceNow Conversational SMS Integration with Twilio app and the ServiceNow Conversational SMS service channel app.
How Asynchronous Chat works
- Message indicators that inform users of new and unread messages received when they're away from the chat window or when they've been offline.
- System messages, displayed to users and agents, that are tailored to either messaging or chat channels.
- Idle conversation timeout period that admins can adjust for messaging channels, as needed.
- Proactive messaging capability that enables agents to initiate communication with users
The following sections explain how these features work for Asynchronous Chat.
New and unread message indicators
End users can receive messages on a messaging channel, even when they're offline. Users can be anonymous (guests) or known (authenticated). The unread message count is displayed on the chat widget. The unread message count reflects the number of any offline messages that were sent by a live agent and any simple notifications received.

- There is no limit on the number of unread messages. Up to 50 unread messages can be viewed at a given time. Messages can span multiple conversations, either open (current) or closed (past) conversations.
- When users open the chat client, they land on the very last message received. They can scroll up or down to read the unread messages, as directed by a New messages above button or New messages below button.
- A new messages separator line displays between the read and unread messages.
- When users close and re-open the chat window, the messages displayed are considered as "read" even though users might not have reviewed them.
System messages
Certain system messages that are displayed to users and agents in chat mode are not applicable in messaging mode, and are suppressed as needed. The following table identifies system messages that are displayed or suppressed, depending on the mode.
Idle conversations and messaging actions in messaging channels
In chat channels, the default idle conversation timeout period for Virtual Agent and Live Agent conversations is two hours (7200 seconds). However, for Live Agent conversations in messaging channels, certain messaging actions are automatically applied, which affects how idle conversations are handled. In messaging channels, when a requester hasn't responded to an agent message within two days, the conversation state changes to Closed Abandoned and the message is closed. For more information on messaging actions, see Configure messaging actions.
As admins, you can override the conversation idle timeout period per channel by setting the value in the Conversation Idle Timeout field in the Messaging Channels [sys_cs_channel] table. For details, see Override the conversation timeout period by channel.
Proactive messaging
Using the Agent-initiated messaging interface, agents can proactively communicate with end users to share relevant or helpful information. When agents initiate messaging from the mweb channel in Asynchronous Chat, your users have the option to respond immediately and engage in a two-way conversational experience. Proactive messaging with the mweb channel has the following capabilities:- Compose Message feature that agents use to create and send messages to selected users. Messages can contain links and file attachments.
- When a user replies to a message, the ongoing interaction context is retained, providing the agent with the information needed to maintain the conversation.

For more information on agent-intiated messages, see Install agent-initiated messaging interface.
End user experience in live agent conversations
- If Agent A is available, the user can resume the conversation with Agent A.
- If Agent A is not available, but Agent B is, depending on the agent reassignment settings, the chat window displays Agent B's name and avatar and the conversation resumes.
- If no agents are available, the conversation is routed to an agent based on the Queue Max Wait Time. If there isn't a wait time, the conversation waits until an agent becomes available.