Set up Agent assist to give agents automatic search results that show possible solutions for records they open. Agent assist is pre-configured to search Incident, Problem, Change, Outages, Knowledge, and Case tables for solutions. You can set up Agent assist to search additional information sources.

Before you begin

  • Role required: workspace_admin
  • The ITSM plugin, com.snc.agent_workspace.itsm, must be activated on your instance.

About this task

Clicking the graduation cap icon (Agent Assist icon) in the Contextual Side panel makes Agent assist appear. Agent assist uses contextual search and, optionally, machine learning to surface recommendations based on Knowledge base articles, catalog items, as well as related incidents, cases, problems, and questions relevant to a record an agent is working on.

When an agent opens a record, Agent assist does an automatic search based on a field in the record, typically the short description field. Each search result appears in a card.

Agent assist card

Search results typically return multiple cards. You configure the card content, which might be record fields or a custom message. You also configure the card's heading. To improve recommendations, set up Predictive Intelligence, which has a separate subscription fee.

You set up Agent Assist for every table your agents can access. You can even set up more than one Agent assist for each table. Each of those Agent assist would search a different repository of information.

For each Agent assist, you specify the source of the information to search. A typical implementation just searches Knowledge Base articles, which includes community articles (once called Social Q&A). You can also search a service catalog if your agents order items to fulfill requests, for example, sending a keyboard to a requester. You can also use Additional Resources, which are tables your agents need to access, for example a table of incidents.

Agent assist, represented by the graduation cap icon (Agent Assist icon) in the Contextual Side panel, is the workspace version of Contextual Search. So, the set up for Agent assist is almost identical to Contextual Search. To get set up information in addition to that provided in this topic, see Contextual search.


  1. (Optional) Modify the information sources Agent assist can search.
    Agent assist has default information sources it searches. You can modify those sources by defining new search contexts.
  2. Navigate to Contextual Search > Table Configuration and click New.
  3. In the form, fill in the fields.
  4. Right-click the top banner and click Save.
    The Search Fields, Filter Configurations, Email Configurations, and Search Action Configurations related lists appear.
  5. (Optional) On the Search Fieldstab, click New to make Agent assist search on a field different from the default, Short description.
  6. (Optional) On the Filter Configurationstab, click New to create conditions that statically or dynamically change the search results that appear in Agent assist.
    An example of a static condition is setting the condition for the Category field to equal Software. In this case, for all search results returned, Agent assist only shows the ones where the Category field is Software.

    Filter Category is Software

    You can also create dynamic filters, which are filters based on fields in the form pane. For example, only show knowledge articles that have the same category as the current incident. If an agent changes the value of a dynamic field in the form pane, Agent assist automatically does another search based on the updated value. Click the following link to create a dynamic filter.
  7. (Optional) Add Agent assist to the sidebar.
  8. (Optional) On the Email Configurationstab, select New to send a pre-written email notification, such as incident closed, to a user named in a record field, such as Assigned to.
  9. (Optional) On the Search Action Configurationstab, you can see the actions an agent can take with the search result, for example, Attach, Flag, Full View, and Helpful.
  10. Click Update.
  11. (Optional) Set up Predictive Intelligence.
    Predictive Intelligence is an add-on subscription that provides highly accurate solution recommendations automatically.
  12. (Optional) Set up Agent assist cards.
  13. (Optional) Set up more than one Agent assist for a table.

What to do next