Configure the MID Server to connect to a source over SSL.

Before you begin

Role required: admin
Set-up indicator for security phaseEnsure that the MID Server can connect to elements inside and outside your networkDownload and install the MID Server on a Linux or Windows hostConfigure your MID ServerConfigure MID Server securityEnsure that the MID Server can connect to elements inside and outside your networkDownload and install the MID Server on a Linux or Windows hostConfigure your MID ServerConfigure MID Server security

About this task

You can add certificates to the MID Server to communicate over SSL/TLS in one of two ways: Review both methods to evaluate which best meets your needs.
During MID upgrade the bundled TrustStore is overwritten. The MID Server attempts to migrate certificates from the existing TrustStore to the incoming one. To be migrated, certificates must meet the following criteria:
Quebec (backported to Orlando Patch 10 and Paris Patch 4)
  • X.509 v3 certificates
  • Basic Constraints Extension evaluates to false (or is not present)
Rome (backported to Paris Patch 7 and Quebec Patch 2)
  • X.509 certificates
  • Any certificate present in the source, but not the destination TrustStore

Certificates that do not meet the criteria are overwritten. Alternatively, you can specify an external TrustStore file which is unaffected by MID Server upgrades. For more information, see Specify an external TrustStore for the MID Server

In Rome and later families, the migration strategy utilized during upgrade is configurable via the MID Server configuration parameter mid.truststore.migration.strategy. It can take the following values:
  • migrate_delta: the default strategy (outlined above for Rome)
  • migrate_non_ca: a strategy matching the one outlined above for the Quebec family
  • do_not_migrate: disables the TrustStore migration during upgrade, though a backup of the original TrustStore is made in the event of overwrite

During this migration process, a backup of the original and upgrade TrustStores are made and stored in the agent’s work directory: …\agent\work\truststore_migration\<time epoch seconds>\. The original TrustStore is renamed to cacerts_before and the upgrade TrustStore is renamed to cacerts_from_upgrade.


  1. Open a command prompt and navigate to the folder containing the JRE keytool.
    This is the location of the JRE you installed. An example path might be: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161\bin
  2. Import a certificate into the MID Server's cacerts keystore, using this command:
    keytool -import -alias <certificate alias> -file "<path to certificate>" -keystore "<path to the JRE>\lib\security\cacerts"

    For example, you might enter: keytool -import -alias MyCA -file "C:\myca.cer" -keystore "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161\lib\security\cacerts"

    Note: The keytool prompts you for a certificate password. If the certificate is for a CA, the keytool also asks whether to trust the certificate authority. To add a certificate to an instance, see Upload a certificate to an instance.
  3. (Optional) Display a list of the current certificates by running the command: keytool.exe -list -keystore "C:\Mid Server\agent\jre\lib\security\cacerts"

Specify an external TrustStore for the MID Server

The MID Server JVM can utilize a TrustStore external to the MID installation directory so any certificates added to the TrustStore are not overwritten during an upgrade. It is important that this TrustStore file reside outside of the MID installation directory, and the Truststore location can be specified by adding additional parameters to the MID Server's wrapper-override.conf file.

Before you begin

Role required: admin


  1. In the MID Server host, navigate to the wrapper-override.conf file.
  2. Specify an external TrustStore by appending a custom parameter to the end of your MID’s wrapper-override.conf file.
    For example, on a Windows MID with an external TrustStore found at C:\external_truststore\cacerts, the end of the file would appear similar to:
    # Add additional custom parameters below\external_truststore\cacerts<truststore’s password>
    Note: If you have specified other additional parameters in this file then the numerical identifier, in this case 3 and 4, may differ.