List of tables in the CMDB in a base system with its name, label, and a description of the type of information that is stored in the table.

You can extend tables in a base system by installing a CMDB CI Class Models store app which adds class models that support specific technologies. These extensions include class definitions, identification rules, identifier entries, and dependent relationships if applicable. A CMDB CI Class Models store app can also modify the label of a base class. For more information, see CMDB CI Class Models.

Service tables

In the CMDB, child tables of the Service [cmdb_ci_service] table store information about services, including application services.

Service Configuration Item Association table

The Service Configuration Item Association table [svc_ci_assoc] binds an application service and a CI to track which CIs are part of each application service.

Field Description
Configuration Item Id A reference to the Configuration Item [cmdb_ci] table.
Service Id A reference to the Service [cmdb_ci_service] table.