Create a compliance audit. Compliance offers two types of audits: one uses templates to define conditions and the other uses a script.

Before you begin

Role required: certification_admin


  1. Ensure that an appropriate template record was created for this audit.
    Note: Conditions in the template define the values to audit.
  2. Use the CI Class Manager:
    1. Navigate to All > Configuration > CI Class Manager.
    2. Select a class from the Class Hierarchy.
    3. In the sidebar, check Advanced and then select Audit in the Compliance group.
  3. Or, navigate to one of these modules:
    • All > Compliance > Audits
    • All > Compliance > Architecture Compliance > Audits
    • All > Compliance > Desired State > Audits
    • All > Compliance > Scripted Audits > Audits
  4. Select New.
    The system opens a new record for the audit type associated with the navigation path you selected. The Audit type field is read-only.
  5. Complete the form using the fields described in the table below.
  6. Right-click the header bar and select Save.

    The Audit Results and the Follow On Tasks related lists appear on the form.

  7. To run the audit immediately, select Run Audit.

    When template audits run, ServiceNow updates the date and time in the Last run date field and populates the related lists. For scripted audits, the Last run date field is not populated.

  8. View the records that passed and the discrepancies found by the audit in the Audit Results related list.
    You can open template records and any follow-on tasks directly from this related list. Notice that the value in the Task description field appears as the Short description in the follow-on tasks.
    Note: You cannot delete audit records that have audit results or audit results that have follow-on tasks. ServiceNow disables the Delete option in records and lists where these dependent records exist.