Using the Conversational SMS service channel app on the ServiceNow Store, workspace agents can provide support for long-running SMS conversations and conversations that use multiple service channels.

Request apps on the Store

Visit the ServiceNow Store website to view all the available apps and for information about submitting requests to the store. For cumulative release notes information for all released apps, see the ServiceNow Store version history release notes.

Overview of Conversational SMS service channel

Requesters can initiate support conversations through SMS. Since these support conversations can be long-running, workspace agents need the ability to track ongoing conversations while also addressing requesters on other service channels. With the Conversational SMS service channel store app, workspace agents can initiate or continue SMS conversations and also accept SMS work items from the Workspace Inbox. Requesters in SMS conversations see a limited subset of system messages. This minimizes the number of system messages in case the conversation is long-running.

Messaging profiles

Messaging profiles provide a way to match an incoming phone number to a requester:

Messaging actions

Messaging actions provide a way to trigger actions based on messaging activity on a conversation.

Ongoing conversations

The Agent Inbox displays new SMS messages and agents can locate currently assigned SMS conversations in the Ongoing tab. The tab indicator and record highlight indicate when an SMS conversation has a new message​. Unlike chat conversations, SMS conversations can be long-running. Completed SMS conversations do not display in the Ongoing tab.

Active conversation in the Ongoing tab.

Requester initiated SMS conversations

When a requester initiates a support conversation, a virtual agent or a live agent addresses the conversation. Like other service channels, Advanced Work Assignment handles the routing of SMS conversations to live agents. This is how requester-initiated SMS conversations are handled:

If Then
There is no active SMS interaction
  • Create a new SMS interaction
  • Assign the interaction to a virtual agent or a live agent
There is an active interaction involving a live agent
  • Inject the message into an existing conversation
  • Continue with agent in current conversation
  • Track using the same interaction record
There is an active interaction involving a virtual agent
  • Inject the message into existing conversation
  • Continue with existing virtual agent topic
  • Track using the same interaction record

An active SMS interaction represents an ongoing conversation between a requester's phone number and a company's phone number.

Agent initiated SMS conversations

To initiate an SMS conversation with a requester, agents can select a provider number for an outbound service or manually enter a provider number. If there is a current ongoing SMS conversation, it automatically appears. When an agent initiates an SMS conversation:

An active SMS interaction represents an ongoing conversation between a requester’s phone number and a company’s phone number​.