The Tasks [task] table is one of the core tables provided with the base system.

The Tasks [task] table provides a series of standard fields used on each of the tables that extend it, such as the Incident [incident] and Problem [problem] tables. In addition, any table that extends the Tasks [task] table can take advantage of task-specific functionality for driving tasks.

The Planned Task plugin provides the Planned Task [planned_task] table, which extends the Tasks [task] table to provide more fields for tasks to measure duration and effort.

Creating tasks

The Tasks [task] table provides means for creating and completing tasks, as well as tracking their workflow in your instance.

Tasks aren't created directly on the Tasks [task] table. Instead, tasks are created on task child tables. To create a record in a task child table, access the Tasks [task] table by entering task.list in the navigation filter, and then select New. In the Task Interceptor, select the desired task child table.

Tools for completing tasks

These tools can be run on any table which extends Task.

  • Approvals

    Approvals can be generated to a list of Approvers, either manually or automatically, according to Approval Rules. Approvals can be incorporated into workflows or can stand alone. For more information, see Process approvals.

    Approvals can be used on tables that do not extend Task.

  • Assignments

    Assignment rules can automatically assign tasks to users or groups, ensuring that the most appropriate team members handle the tasks. For more information, see Defining Assignment Rules.

  • Service levels

    Service level agreements can track the amount of time that a task has been open, to ensure that tasks are completed within an allotted time.

  • Inactivity monitors

    Inactivity monitors ensure that tasks do not fall by the wayside by notifying users when tasks have been untouched for a predefined period of time. For more information, see Set an inactivity monitor.

  • Workflow Studio

    A process owner can design a flow for tasks that meet certain conditions. After a task is created that meets the conditions, the flow applies an automated process to the task. The process is defined in Workflow Studio. For more information, see Flow Designer.

Modifying the Task table

Modifications made to the Tasks [task} table are applied to all child tables.

Be sure that changes are appropriate for all the child tables. Adding fields is a low-impact change, because you can hide fields on tables that don't need them. However, if the fields are being used across tables, deleting fields may cause unwanted data loss.

Note: When adding choice list entries to a choice list on the Tasks [task] table, make sure that the entry value is unique.

You can use dictionary overrides to change some parts of a field definition in a way that does not to not apply to all child tables.

Tasks workflow

An administrator can specify a specific workflow process to apply to tasks that meet certain conditions.

Once a task is created that meets the conditions, the workflow applies the process to the task, asking for approvals, notifying users, generating other tasks, running scripts, and so on.