Creating custom data lookups involves adding a lookup value, creating the definition, and activating data lookup.

Create a custom data lookup table

Create a custom table to store lookup data.

The custom table must extend the Data Lookup Matcher Rules [dl_matcher] table. For example, this custom lookup table stores information about VIP callers and incident assignments.

Add a data lookup value to the data lookup table

The columns of a data lookup table contain both matcher and setter field data.

About this task

Each data lookup is a query that searches for a row containing values that match the matcher fields. The data lookup then returns the value listed in the setter fields. For example, this Priority Data Lookup [dl_u_priority] table lists the combinations of impact and urgency (matcher fields) that produce a particular priority value (setter field).

Table 2. Lookup table
Matcher fields Setter field
Impact Urgency Priority
1 - High 1 - High 1 - Critical
1 - High 2 - Medium 2 - High
1 - High 3 - Low 3 - Moderate
2 - Medium 1 - High 2 - High
2 - Medium 2 - Medium 3 - Moderate
2 - Medium 3 - Low 4 - Low
3 - Low 1 - High 3 - Moderate
3 - Low 2 - Medium 4 - Low
3 - Low 3 - Low 5 - Planning


  1. In the navigation filter, enter the name of the new custom lookup table.
    For example, u_vip_caller_lookup.list.
  2. Configure the list and create new fields.

    For this example, create the new fields in the following table.

    Table 3. New fields
    Name Type Field length or Table to reference
    Caller Reference User [sys_user]
    Priority Integer
    Assignment Group Reference Group [sys_user_group]

    For more information, see List configuration.

  3. From the table list, click New and enter appropriate matcher and setter field values.

    For example:

    Table 4. New matcher and setter field values
    Matcher field Setter fields
    Caller Priority Assignment Group
    Beth Anglin 2 VIP Issues
    Fred Luddy 1 VIP Issues
    Custom lookup values
    Note: Each row in a data lookup table must be unique.

Create a data lookup definition record

Data lookup requires a definition record that specifies how to set one or more field values when specified conditions are met.

Before you begin

Role required: Admin


  1. Navigate to All > System Policy > Rules > Data Lookup Definitions.
  2. Select New.
  3. Select Data Lookup Rule.
  4. Complete the Data Lookup Rule form using the following table.
  5. Right-click the form header and select Save.
  6. From the Matcher Field Definitions related list, click New.
  7. Complete the Matcher Field Definitions using the following table.

    A data lookup only occurs on fields with matcher field definitions. The data lookup uses the values of the source table fields to look up one or more values from the matcher table. Note that data lookup does not work with Journal type fields.

  8. Select Submit.
  9. From the Setter Field Definitions related list, click New.
  10. Complete the Setter Field Definitions form using the following table.
  11. Select Submit.
  12. Select Update.

    For example, the following data lookup definition assigns incidents to the VIP Issues group based on the Caller field. In addition, the incidents are set to critical or high priority based on the caller.

    Data lookup definition

Create a data lookup module

You can create a module for data lookup so it appears in the instance application navigator.

  1. Navigate to All > System Definition > Application Menus, then select an application to add the module to.
  2. In the Modules related list, click New.
  3. Configure a module for the data lookup table you created using the following properties.
    Table 8. Module properties
    Property Required value
    Table Select the data lookup table you created in Step 2. For example u_vip_caller_lookup.
    Link type List of Records
  4. Click Submit.

Troubleshooting data lookup

If the custom data lookup definition rules are not behaving as expected, check for certain conditions.

  • Verify that the data lookup definition is set to run on the appropriate events.
  • Verify that the matcher field is not read-only. Because users cannot change read-only fields, user interactions cannot trigger an on form change event for read-only fields.
  • Verify a client script is not changing a field value. Client scripts can trigger Run on form change events even on read-only fields.
  • Verify that the data in the matcher table is correct.
  • If the lookup requires an exact match, verify that there is a matcher table row for each possible combination (including blank values). The lookup fails if cannot find a matching value.
  • Verify that you have not created a recursive rule, such as:

    If Field A = 1, then Field B =2. If Field B = 2, then Field A = 2.