Users who take assessments are individuals in your organization who have specific knowledge of the assessment categories and the records being assessed.

A person who is qualified to answer assessment questions from metrics in a specific category becomes a category user when associated to that category. A category user then becomes a stakeholder when associated to a specific assessable record.

The system determines which assessable records and questions a user receives by looking at the metric categories and assessable records for which those users are stakeholders. Assessment administrators can create and manage category users and stakeholders.
Note: Category users and stakeholders are used only for scheduled assessments.

Category users

Category users are users who can potentially answer assessment questions about a particular metric category for scheduled assessments. Category users should have special knowledge of the categories and the metrics those categories contain. A category user becomes a stakeholder when associated to an assessable record. Create at least one category user for each category you want to use for assessment questionnaires. There is no need for category users if the category contains only scripted metrics.


A stakeholder is a category user with specific product or service knowledge, who is associated to an assessable record. A stakeholder is familiar with the assessable record and all the metrics within a specific category. The same category user can be associated to multiple assessable records, in which case the system creates a stakeholder record for each association.
Note: Ensure you establish the desired user and assessable record associations to categories before attempting to creating stakeholders.