The ServiceNow® Goal Framework application enables your business to create goals, set targets for them, and evaluate the progress of the goals and targets to accomplish your organizational plans and drive business outcomes. Goal Framework was enhanced and updated in the Xanadu release.

Goal Framework highlights for the Xanadu release

Use the enhanced Goal Framework tables for managing your goals and targets.

See Goal Framework for more information.

Important: Goal Framework is available in the ServiceNow Store. For details, see the "Activation information" section of these release notes.

New in the Xanadu release

Baseline reference on Target form
The Baseline reference field has been added to the Target form. You can use this field to compare future target performance to the actual value achieved either in the last year or before the target was created.

Changed in this release

Changes to Target form
  • The following fields on the Target form have been renamed:
    • Review frequency to Check-in frequency
    • Base value to Start value
    • Target value to Final target value
    • Actual value to Actuals to date
    • Review due date to Check-in due date
  • The Fortnightly option in the Check-in frequency field is no longer supported.
Goal Framework tables
The maximum number of characters allowed in the Name field has been increased from 80 to 255 for the Strategic Plan [sn_gf_strategic_plan], Strategic Priority [sn_gf_strategy], Goal [sn_gf_goal], and Target [sn_gf_goal_target] tables.

Activation information

Install Goal Framework by requesting it from the ServiceNow Store. Visit the ServiceNow Store website to view all the available apps and for information about submitting requests to the store. For cumulative release notes information for all released apps, see the ServiceNow Store version history release notes.