Build indexes to access the data held in your tables more easily.

Before you begin

Role required: admin

About this task

Note: Constructing an effective index requires specialized knowledge in database architecture. If you do not have this expertise, you should consult someone who does.


  1. Access the Index creator in one of the following ways.
    Tables & Columns module
    1. Navigate to All > System Definition > Tables & Columns.
    2. In the list, find the table you want and select its label.
    3. Navigate to the Index creator.
    Database Indexes related list
    1. Navigate to All > System Definition > Tables.
    2. In the list, find the table you want and select its label.
    3. Navigate to the Database Indexes related list.
    4. Select New.
  2. Select the fields you want included in the index.
    The order in which you select the fields affects how the index works. If you do not have expertise in database design, you should consult someone who does.
  3. To create a unique index, select the Unique Index check box.
  4. Select Create Index.
    The Table Name field is there for your reference only. Overriding the default has no effect.