Application Dependency Mapping (ADM) discovers CIs by detecting TCP connections between devices.

When ADM discovery is enabled, Discovery always runs the ADM probes during the exploration stage to find the TCP traffic on your network. Using these TCP connections, Discovery can find additional CIs and create relationships between them.

IPv6 Is supported for ADM.

Note: Currently, ADM does not support multi-languages. If values returned are not in English, the returned data cannot be parsed properly and the discovery will fail.

Standard and enhanced ADM discovery

Standard ADM discovery
Triggers an ADM probe to take a single snapshot of TCP connections on target machines using netstat and lsof commands. However, it does not detect new TCP connections that occur between these 24-hour intervals.

Standard ADM discovery is enabled by default.

Enhanced ADM (ADME) discovery
Triggers an enhanced ADM probe that installs a script on host machines on which Discovery takes regular samples of active TCP connections. You can use a set of properties and probe parameters that control several aspects of enhanced ADM discovery.

ADME discovery is not enabled by default.

Service Mapping uses the ADM probes for traffic-based discovery. See Discovery based on Predictive Intelligence for more information.


Both standard and enhanced ADM discovery support the following operating systems:
  • Windows
  • Unix
  • Solaris (On Solaris machines, enhanced ADM is available in global zones. Only standard ADM is available for local zones.)
  • AIX
  • HP-UX

To use the WMI protocol, version 3.0 of PowerShell is required.


If you set your Windows server Execution Policy to RemoteSigned or AllSigned, ADME can run PowerShell scripts. You must import the ServiceNow certificate to the trusted publisher in order for the scripts to execute properly.

TCP tracking file for enhanced ADM

The first time that Discovery launches the enhanced probe, no TCP information is gathered. Rather, the enhanced probe only deploys the TCP tracking file, in which information about detected TCP connections is saved. After Discovery runs again, the enhanced probe relays the contents of the TCP tracking file back to the instance via the MID Server. The information is saved in the CMDB.

The TCP tracking file is saved in these locations by default:
  • Windows: admin$\temp\{your_instance_name}. While TCP connections are being monitored, the information is stored in memory and then later saved to the file.
  • Linux: /tmp/{your_instance_name}.
You can change the location and other aspects of the tracking file with ADM properties.

If you disable enhanced ADM, Discovery cleans up the folders from the host file system the next time Discovery runs, but the TCP tracking file remains.

Requirements for Enhanced ADM on Linux machines

Modify the sudoers file to include these commands:
  • Utility tool support: netstat
  • Required sudoer commands: None
  • Additional requirements: None
  • Utility tool support:
    • netstat
    • lsof (if netstat does not work)
  • Required sudoer commands:
    • Cmnd_Alias ADME_CMDS=/usr/bin/netstat -Aan, /usr/sbin/lsof -iTCP -n -P
    • discoUser ALL=(root)NOPASSWD:ADME_CMDS
    • Defaults:discoUser ! requiretty
  • Additional requirements: None
  • Utility tool support:
    • netstat (for Solaris version 11.2)
    • lsof (for Solaris versions prior to 11.2)
  • Required sudoer commands:
    • Cmnd_Alias ADME_CMDS = /usr/bin/netstat,/opt/csw/bin/lsof -iTCP -n -P -zglobal
    • discoUser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:ADME_CMDS
    • Defaults!ADME_CMDS !requiretty
    • Cmnd_Alias ADME_PS = /usr/ucb/ps
    • discoUser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:ADME_PS
    • Disco ALL=(root) /usr/bin/pfiles
    • Disco ALL=(root) /usr/bin/pgrep
    • Defaults!ADME_PS !requiretty
      Note: You must add -zglobal for lsof to run.
  • Additional requirements: Add the lsof path to the secure path. For example, if the path to lsof is /opt/csw/bin, the secure path should be secure_path = /usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/opt/csw/bin
    Note: The commands with PS apply to standard ADM as well as enhanced ADM.
  • Utility tool support: lsof
  • Required sudoer commands:
    • Cmnd_Alias ADME_CMDS = /usr/local/bin/lsof -iTCP -n -P
    • discoUser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:ADME_CMDS
    • Defaults!ADME_CMDS !requiretty
      Note: Netstat is not supported.
  • Additional requirements: None
Centos and Ubuntu
  • Utility tool support: None
  • Required sudoer commands:
    • Cmnd_Alias ADME_CMDS = /usr/sbin/lsof -iTCP -n -P, /usr/bin/netstat -antp, /sbin/ss -tlnp, /sbin/ss -tenp
    • discoUser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:ADME_CMDS
    • Defaults!ADME_CMDS !requiretty
  • Additional requirements: None
Note the following for the sudo commands:
  • ADME_CMDS is a variable referring to a list of commands.
  • /usr/bin/ is the directory where your lsof and netstat resides.
  • discoUser is a user that must have root access.

Setup and use enhanced ADM

To set up and use enhanced ADM, perform these steps:
  1. Enable enhanced ADM with the glide.discovery.enable_adme Discovery property.
  2. Determine the base directory where the TCP tracking file is placed on the host computers. If you want to change the location, specify it in these Discovery properties:
    • glide.discovery.adme.base_dir_unix
    • mid.powershell.target_base_dir
  3. Do either of the following based on the operating systems of the host computers:
    • Linux: modify the sudoers file to include the necessary commands.
    • Windows: Set the parameter on the MID Server to use WinRM or WMI. This parameter sets the protocol that your MID Server uses to communicate with remote Windows hosts.
  4. Create a schedule and run Discovery.
  5. View the results in the TCP tables.
  6. Optionally control both the size of the TCP tracking file and the payload using parameters on the enhanced ADM probes. See TCP connection discovery for the names of the probes and parameters.

Configure ADM discovery parameters and properties

Using properties, you can enable or disable ADM discovery, and you can set the location of the TCP tracking file for enhanced ADM.

Before you begin

Role required: admin

About this task

You can also control both the size of the TCP tracking file and the payload using parameters on the enhanced ADM probes. See TCP connection discovery for the names of the probes and parameters.


  1. Navigate to All > System Properties > Discovery to set the system properties.
  2. Navigate to Discovery Definition > Probes to set the probe parameters.
  3. Configure the following properties and probe parameters.
    See the knowledge article KB0822767 for more information.
  4. Click Save.