You can activate the Notify (com.snc.notify) plugin if you are an administrator. This plugin includes demo data and activates related plugins if they are not already active.

Before you begin

Role required: admin

About this task

Notify activates these related plugins if they are not already active.
Table 1. Plugins for Notify
Plugin Description
E164 Compliant Phone Number


Provides E-164 compliant phone number support.
SMS Preferences


Provides ability to set SMS preferences for receiving messages from different providers.
Note: If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Notify, the Notify-Twilio driver remains active.


  1. Navigate to All > System Applications > All Available Applications > All.
  2. Find the plugin using the filter criteria and search bar.

    You can search for the plugin by its name or ID. If you cannot find a plugin, you might have to request it from ServiceNow personnel.

  3. Select Install to start the installation process.
    Note: When domain separation and delegated admin are enabled in an instance, the administrative user must be in the global domain. Otherwise, the following error appears: Application installation is unavailable because another operation is running: Plugin Activation for <plugin name>.
    You will see a message after installation is completed. For information about the components installed with a plugin, see Find components installed with an application.