The Email API provides endpoints that enable you to receive and send email messages using REST.

Users must have the email_api_send role to send email.

Note: You might get errors if you do not have read/write access to the Email [sys_email] table.

Email - GET /now/email/{id}

Returns the email details for the specified email record.

URL format

Versioned URL: /api/now/{api_version}/email/{id}

Supported request parameters

Table 1. Path parameters
Name Description
api_version Optional. Version of the endpoint to access. For example, v1 or v2. Only specify this value to use an endpoint version other than the latest.

Data type: String

id Sys_id of the email for which to return details. Located in the Email [sys_email] table.
Table 2. Query parameters
Name Description
sysparm_fields Comma-separated list of fields to return in the response.

Data type: String

Table 3. Request body parameters (XML or JSON)
Name Description


The following request and response headers apply to this HTTP action only, or apply to this action in a distinct way. For a list of general headers used in the REST API, see Supported REST API headers.

Table 4. Request headers
Header Description
Accept Data format of the response body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Table 5. Response headers
Header Description

Status codes

The following status codes apply to this HTTP action. For a list of possible status codes used in the REST API, see REST API HTTP response codes.

Response body parameters (JSON or XML)

Example: Sample cURL request

curl "" \
--request GET \
--header "Accept:application/json" \
--user "user-name":"password"
  "result" : {
    "headers" : {
      "X-ServiceNow-SysEmail-Version" : "2",
      "X-ServiceNow-Source" : "Notification-24e34b54c61122aa0108c1b7a33697cf"
    "cc" : [
    "type" : "send-ready",
    "html" : "<html><head></head><body><div><p><font size=\"5\" color=\"#808080\" face=\"helvetica\"><strong>Incident has been closed.</strong></font></p></div>\n\t\t<div><p><font size=\"4\" color=\"#808080\" face=\"helvetica\"><strong>Summary details</strong></font></p><p><font size=\"3\" color=\"#808080\" face=\"helvetica\">Closed by: System Administrator</font></p><p><font size=\"3\" color=\"#808080\" face=\"helvetica\">Closed notes: Fixed</font></p></div>\n\t\t<div><p><font size=\"3\" color=\"#808080\" face=\"helvetica\">You can view all the details of the incident by following the link below:</font></p><font face=\"helvetica\"><a href=\";\" style=\"background-color: #278efc;border: 1px solid #0368d4;color: #ffffff;font-size: 16px;font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;text-decoration: none; border-radius: 3px;-webkit-border-radius: 3px;-moz-border-radius: 3px;display: inline-block;padding: 5px;\">Take me to the Incident</a></font><br /><br /><p><font size=\"3\" color=\"#808080\" face=\"helvetica\">Thank you.</font></p></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div style=\"display:inline\">Ref:MSG0000006</div></body></html>",
    "bcc" : [
    "subject" : "Your incident INC0000005 has been closed",
    "to" : [
    "state" : "ready",
    "id" : "06e095427f0022007f005212bdfa91b3",
    "importance" : "",
    "text" : ""

Email - POST /now/email

Creates an email record using the passed information.

URL format

Versioned URL: /api/now/{api_version}/email

Supported request parameters

Table 7. Path parameters
Name Description
api_version Optional. Version of the endpoint to access. For example, v1 or v2. Only specify this value to use an endpoint version other than the latest.

Data type: String

Table 8. Query parameters
Name Description


The following request and response headers apply to this HTTP action only, or apply to this action in a distinct way. For a list of general headers used in the REST API, see Supported REST API headers.

Table 10. Request headers
Header Description
Accept Data format of the response body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Content-Type Data format of the request body. Supported types: application/json or application/xml.

Default: application/json

Table 11. Response headers
Header Description

Status codes

The following status codes apply to this HTTP action. For a list of possible status codes used in the REST API, see REST API HTTP response codes.

Response body parameters (JSON or XML)

Example: Sample cURL request

curl "" \
--request POST \
--header "Accept:application/json" \
--header "Content-Type:application/json" \
--user 'username':'password'\
--data "{
  \"to\": [
    \"User1 <>\",
    \"User2 <>\"
  \"cc\": [
    \"User3 <>\",
    \"User4 <>\"
  \"bcc\": [
    \"User5 <>\",
    \"User6 <>\"
  \"subject\": \"Hello There\",
  \"text\": \"Test Message\",
  \"html\": \"<b>Test Message</b>\",
  \"table_name\": \"incident\",
  \"table_record_id\": \"136b2140bd0312004d7d1371f1abbdb6\",
  \"headers\": {
    \"X-Custom\": \"header\"
 "result": {
   "id": "b963219a44b02200964f63773cd6adfc",
   "links": [
       "rel": "self",
       "href": "/now/v1/email/b963219a44b02200964f63773cd6adfc"
       "rel": "status",
       "href": "/now/v1/email/b963219a44b02200964f63773cd6adfc?sysparm_fields=id,type,state,error"