Save an update set as a local XML file
- UpdatedAug 1, 2024
- 2 minutes to read
- Xanadu
- Building applications
Administrators can export an update set as an XML file to save a specific version of an application or set of changes.
Before you begin
Role required: admin
About this task
- The two instances do not have network connectivity so you cannot retrieve update sets from the remote instance nor create a data source to pull, or import, data directly from the source instance.
- You do not want to provide administrator credentials to the source instance (for example, you do not want to share an administrator password with people outside your company) so you cannot retrieve update sets nor create a data source.
- You want to back up important customizations locally.
- Export to XML on the Update Set [sys_update_set] table.
- Export to XML on the Retrieved Update Set [sys_remote_update_set] table.
- Import Update Set from XML on the Retrieved Update Set [sys_remote_update_set] table.
The Export to XML UI Action on Update Set [sys_update_set] table calls a processor called UnloadRetrievedUpdateSet, which transforms a local update set into a retrieved update set, exports the retrieved update set with its related list, and then deletes the temporary update set, if necessary.
Both Export to XML UI actions depend on the script include ExportWithRelatedLists, which exports a record and manually defined related lists to a single XML file.
Load customizations from a single XML file
Administrators can load an update set XML file to apply a specific version of an application or set of changes.
Before you begin
Roles required: admin