Activate the Knowledge Management Advanced plugin (com.snc.knowledge_advanced) to enable advanced features for Knowledge Management.

Before you begin

Role required: admin

About this task

The Knowledge Management Advanced plugin includes feature code and demo data.

The Knowledge Management Advanced Installer plugin (com.snc.knowledge_advanced.installer) is used to activate the Knowledge Management Advanced plugin.

Starting with the Xanadu release, the Knowledge Management Advanced plugin is automatically activated for new customers.
Note: The Knowledge Management Advanced plugin isn’t automatically activated with the Knowledge Management v3 application.
The Knowledge Management Advanced Installer plugin performs two validation steps prior to activation.

Starting with the Washington DC release, the Knowledge Management v3 homepage (com.snc.knowledge3) is being prepared for deprecation in a future release. It is replaced by the Knowledge Management Service Portal (com.snc.knowledge_serviceportal), which is active by default for customers beginning with the Madrid release. For more information about the new experience, see Knowledge Management Service Portal homepage features.

The Knowledge Management Advanced plugin activates the following features:

Demo data is included as part of the Knowledge Management Advanced plugin. If the validation step performed by the Knowledge Management Advanced Installer plugin completes successfully, the Knowledge Management Advanced plugin is activated automatically. However, the demo data isn’t included in this activation. To load the demo data, go to the Knowledge Management Advanced plugin page, select the Load Demo Data Only related link, and then select OK.


  1. Navigate to All > System Applications > All Available Applications > All.
  2. Find the plugin using the filter criteria and search bar.

    You can search for the plugin by its name or ID. If you cannot find a plugin, you might have to request it from ServiceNow personnel.

  3. Select Install to start the installation process.
    Note: When domain separation and delegated admin are enabled in an instance, the administrative user must be in the global domain. Otherwise, the following error appears: Application installation is unavailable because another operation is running: Plugin Activation for <plugin name>.
    You will see a message after installation is completed. For information about the components installed with a plugin, see Find components installed with an application.