Configure the Zabbix server connector instance to receiving alerts from the Zabbix server.

Before you begin

Supported versions: from 3.0.0 up to 7.0.0

The Zabbix server connector instance requires a credential that lets the instance access Zabbix server accounts. You can use an existing credential or create a new one.

Role required: evt_mgmt_admin

About this task

This connector has the logPayloadForDebug log parameter enabled, which logs event and metric payloads from the source system. Once debugging is complete, set this parameter to false to prevent overloading the system.


  1. Navigate to All > Event Management > Integrations > Connector Instances.
  2. Click New.
  3. On the form, fill in the fields.
  4. Right-click the form header and select Save.
    The connector instance values are added to the form and the parameters that are relevant to the connector appear.Zabbix connector values
  5. Verify and modify the values, as needed.
    In the Connector Instance Values section, the default connector instance values appear.
    Table 1. Fields in the Connector Instance Values section
    Field Description
    days_from Number of days for which events must be collected at the first collection cycle. Default value: 2
    Note: The maximum number of past events that can be collected is 3,000. The first time that this connector runs, the number of past events is counted in the past from the current date.
    port Port number. Default: 80
    protocol Protocol type. Default: https
  6. Right-click the form header and select Save.
  7. Click Test Connector to verify the connection between the MID Server and the connector.
  8. If the test fails, follow the instructions that are issued by the error to correct the problem and then run another test.
    Note: Use a network tool, such as ping, to verify credential correctness and network connectivity from the MID Server to the Zabbix server.
  9. After a successful test, select Active and then click Update.