Modify how search results for an employee appear and configure the default HR case creation form.

Before you begin

Role required: sn_hr_core.admin

About this task

HR case creation has multiple steps:
  • Search for an employee or related case.
  • Create an initial HR case.
  • Complete the details of the case.

Using the Case Creation Configuration form you can control the information returned from a search and the required fields when creating an initial HR case.

Note: Zing text search is used to search on indexed fields in the User [sys_user], HR Profile [sn_hr_core_profile], and HR Case [sn_hr_core_case] tables. Refer to Zing text indexing and search engine.


  1. Navigate to All > HR Administration > Case Creation Configuration.
  2. On the form, modify the fields as appropriate.
    Table 1. Case Creation Configuration form
    Field Description
    Page size Determines the maximum number of search results for each page break when using the Search for Employee form.
    Note: The default is 10. If there are more than 10 search results, the form divides the results into chunks of 10. It does not limit the search results to 10.
    Minimum input length Specifies the minimum number of characters that must be entered in the Search for Employee form to return results.
  3. Modify the default search behavior when searching by employee.
  4. In the Case Search related list, modify the default search parameters when searching by case number.
    Table 3. Modify search parameters
    Field Description
    Case table Read-only field that contains the HR Case [sn_hr_core_case] table used for case search purposes.
    Limit cases on search Option for adding filter conditions to your search. For example, you could add a filter to search only for active cases.
    User fields Option for adding user fields to appear during a case search. The base system configuration provide fields for subject person, opened for, opened by, and watch list values when applicable.
  5. In the Employee Information related list, modify the fields that appear in the Employee Information section of the Case Creation form.
    Table 4. Modify fields
    Field Description
    Left fields Determines the fields that appear on the left side of the Employee Information section of the Case Creation form. The base system configuration displays fields for the user name and user employee number.
    Right fields Determines the fields that appear on the right side of the Employee Information section of the Case Creation form. The base system configuration displays fields for the user email and user ZIP or postal code.
  6. In the Case Creation related list, determine the default fields that appear in the Case Creation form.
  7. In the Case Creation Service Configurations section, configure the HR case creation form for individual HR services.
  8. Save your modifications.
    • To save the modifications and remain on the form, click Save.
    • To save the modifications and exit from the form, click Update.